require 'sidekiq/cli' require 'sidekiq/api' module SidekiqJobsManager def setup ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :sidekiq unless can_run? puts "Cannot run integration tests for sidekiq. To be able to run integration tests for sidekiq you need to install and start redis.\n" exit end end def clear_jobs"integration_tests").clear end def start_workers fork do sidekiq = Sidekiq::CLI.instance logfile = Rails.root.join("log/sidekiq.log").to_s pidfile = Rails.root.join("tmp/").to_s sidekiq.parse([ "--require", Rails.root.to_s, "--queue", "integration_tests", "--logfile", logfile, "--pidfile", pidfile, "--environment", "test", "--concurrency", "1", "--timeout", "1", "--daemon", ]) require 'celluloid' require 'sidekiq/scheduled' Sidekiq.poll_interval = 0.5 Sidekiq::Scheduled.const_set :INITIAL_WAIT, 1 end sleep 1 end def stop_workers pidfile = Rails.root.join("tmp/").to_s Process.kill 'TERM', FileUtils.rm_f pidfile rescue end def can_run? begin Sidekiq.redis { |conn| conn.connect } rescue return false end true end end