# frozen_string_literal: true module ResqueJobsManager def setup ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :resque Resque.redis = Redis::Namespace.new "active_jobs_int_test", redis: Redis.new(url: "redis://", thread_safe: true) Resque.logger = Rails.logger unless can_run? puts "Cannot run integration tests for resque. To be able to run integration tests for resque you need to install and start redis.\n" status = ENV["CI"] ? false : true exit status end end def clear_jobs Resque.queues.each { |queue_name| Resque.redis.del "queue:#{queue_name}" } Resque.redis.keys("delayed:*").each { |key| Resque.redis.del "#{key}" } Resque.redis.del "delayed_queue_schedule" end def start_workers @resque_thread = Thread.new do w = Resque::Worker.new("integration_tests") w.term_child = true w.work(0.5) end @scheduler_thread = Thread.new do Resque::Scheduler.configure do |c| c.poll_sleep_amount = 0.5 c.dynamic = true c.quiet = true c.logfile = nil end Resque::Scheduler.master_lock.release! Resque::Scheduler.run end end def stop_workers @resque_thread.kill @scheduler_thread.kill end def can_run? Resque.redis.ping == "PONG" rescue false end end