module QueueClassicJobsManager def setup ENV["QC_DATABASE_URL"] ||= "postgres:///active_jobs_qc_int_test" ENV["QC_RAILS_DATABASE"] = "false" ENV["QC_LISTEN_TIME"] = "0.5" ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :queue_classic end def clear_jobs"integration_tests").delete_all end def start_workers uri = URI.parse(ENV["QC_DATABASE_URL"]) user = uri.user||ENV["USER"] pass = uri.password db = uri.path[1..-1] %x{#{"PGPASSWORD=\"#{pass}\"" if pass} psql -c 'drop database if exists "#{db}"' -U #{user} -t template1} %x{#{"PGPASSWORD=\"#{pass}\"" if pass} psql -c 'create database "#{db}"' -U #{user} -t template1} QC::Setup.create QC.default_conn_adapter.disconnect QC.default_conn_adapter = nil @pid = fork do worker = "integration_tests") worker.start end rescue PG::ConnectionBad puts "Cannot run integration tests for queue_classic. To be able to run integration tests for queue_classic you need to install and start postgresql.\n" exit end def stop_workers Process.kill "HUP", @pid end end