# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "../support/job_buffer" require "active_support/core_ext/integer/inflections" class DefaultsError < StandardError; end class FirstRetryableErrorOfTwo < StandardError; end class SecondRetryableErrorOfTwo < StandardError; end class LongWaitError < StandardError; end class ShortWaitTenAttemptsError < StandardError; end class ExponentialWaitTenAttemptsError < StandardError; end class CustomWaitTenAttemptsError < StandardError; end class CustomCatchError < StandardError; end class DiscardableError < StandardError; end class FirstDiscardableErrorOfTwo < StandardError; end class SecondDiscardableErrorOfTwo < StandardError; end class CustomDiscardableError < StandardError; end class RetryJob < ActiveJob::Base retry_on DefaultsError retry_on FirstRetryableErrorOfTwo, SecondRetryableErrorOfTwo, attempts: 4 retry_on LongWaitError, wait: 1.hour, attempts: 10 retry_on ShortWaitTenAttemptsError, wait: 1.second, attempts: 10 retry_on ExponentialWaitTenAttemptsError, wait: :exponentially_longer, attempts: 10 retry_on CustomWaitTenAttemptsError, wait: ->(executions) { executions * 2 }, attempts: 10 retry_on(CustomCatchError) { |job, error| JobBuffer.add("Dealt with a job that failed to retry in a custom way after #{job.arguments.second} attempts. Message: #{error.message}") } retry_on(ActiveJob::DeserializationError) { |job, error| JobBuffer.add("Raised #{error.class} for the #{job.executions} time") } discard_on DiscardableError discard_on FirstDiscardableErrorOfTwo, SecondDiscardableErrorOfTwo discard_on(CustomDiscardableError) { |job, error| JobBuffer.add("Dealt with a job that was discarded in a custom way. Message: #{error.message}") } def perform(raising, attempts) raising = raising.shift if raising.is_a?(Array) if raising && executions < attempts JobBuffer.add("Raised #{raising} for the #{executions.ordinalize} time") raise raising.constantize else JobBuffer.add("Successfully completed job") end end end