require 'helper' require 'active_job/arguments' require 'models/person' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' require 'jobs/kwargs_job' class ArgumentSerializationTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do @person = Person.find('5') end [ nil, 1, 1.0, 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000, 'a', true, false,, [ 1, 'a' ], { 'a' => 1 } ].each do |arg| test "serializes #{arg.class} - #{arg} verbatim" do assert_arguments_unchanged arg end end [ :a,, self, Person.find('5').to_gid ].each do |arg| test "does not serialize #{arg.class}" do assert_raises ActiveJob::SerializationError do ActiveJob::Arguments.serialize [ arg ] end assert_raises ActiveJob::DeserializationError do ActiveJob::Arguments.deserialize [ arg ] end end end test 'should convert records to Global IDs' do assert_arguments_roundtrip [@person] end test 'should dive deep into arrays and hashes' do assert_arguments_roundtrip [3, [@person]] assert_arguments_roundtrip [{ 'a' => @person }] end test 'should maintain string and symbol keys' do assert_arguments_roundtrip([a: 1, "b" => 2]) end test 'should maintain hash with indifferent access' do symbol_key = { a: 1 } string_key = { 'a' => 1 } indifferent_access = { a: 1 }.with_indifferent_access assert_not_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, perform_round_trip([symbol_key]).first assert_not_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, perform_round_trip([string_key]).first assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, perform_round_trip([indifferent_access]).first end test 'should disallow non-string/symbol hash keys' do assert_raises ActiveJob::SerializationError do ActiveJob::Arguments.serialize [ { 1 => 2 } ] end assert_raises ActiveJob::SerializationError do ActiveJob::Arguments.serialize [ { :a => [{ 2 => 3 }] } ] end end test 'should not allow reserved hash keys' do ['_aj_globalid', :_aj_globalid, '_aj_symbol_keys', :_aj_symbol_keys, '_aj_hash_with_indifferent_access', :_aj_hash_with_indifferent_access].each do |key| assert_raises ActiveJob::SerializationError do ActiveJob::Arguments.serialize [key => 1] end end end test 'should not allow non-primitive objects' do assert_raises ActiveJob::SerializationError do ActiveJob::Arguments.serialize [] end assert_raises ActiveJob::SerializationError do ActiveJob::Arguments.serialize [1, []] end end test 'allows for keyword arguments' do KwargsJob.perform_later(argument: 2) assert_equal "Job with argument: 2", JobBuffer.last_value end test 'raises a friendly SerializationError for records without ids' do err = assert_raises ActiveJob::SerializationError do ActiveJob::Arguments.serialize [] end assert_match 'Unable to serialize Person without an id.', err.message end private def assert_arguments_unchanged(*args) assert_arguments_roundtrip args end def assert_arguments_roundtrip(args) assert_equal args, perform_round_trip(args) end def perform_round_trip(args) ActiveJob::Arguments.deserialize(ActiveJob::Arguments.serialize(args)) end end