require 'active_job/arguments' module ActiveJob module Enqueuing extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # Push a job onto the queue. The arguments must be legal JSON types # (string, int, float, nil, true, false, hash or array) or # ActiveModel::GlobalIdentication instances. Arbitrary Ruby objects # are not supported. # # Returns an instance of the job class queued with args available in # Job#arguments. def enqueue(*args) new(args).tap do |job| job.run_callbacks :enqueue do queue_adapter.enqueue self, job.job_id, *Arguments.serialize(args) end end end # Enqueue a job to be performed at +interval+ from now. # # enqueue_in(1.week, "mike") # # Returns an instance of the job class queued with args available in # Job#arguments and the timestamp in Job#enqueue_at. def enqueue_in(interval, *args) enqueue_at interval.seconds.from_now, *args end # Enqueue a job to be performed at an explicit point in time. # # enqueue_at(Date.tomorrow.midnight, "mike") # # Returns an instance of the job class queued with args available in # Job#arguments and the timestamp in Job#enqueue_at. def enqueue_at(timestamp, *args) new(args).tap do |job| job.enqueued_at = timestamp job.run_callbacks :enqueue do queue_adapter.enqueue_at self, timestamp.to_f, job.job_id, *Arguments.serialize(args) end end end end included do attr_accessor :arguments attr_accessor :enqueued_at end def initialize(arguments = nil) @arguments = arguments end def retry_now self.class.enqueue *arguments end def retry_in(interval) self.class.enqueue_in interval, *arguments end def retry_at(timestamp) self.class.enqueue_at timestamp, *arguments end end end