require 'concurrent' module ActiveJob # == Active Job Async Job # # When enqueueing jobs with Async Job each job will be executed asynchronously # on a +concurrent-ruby+ thread pool. All job data is retained in memory. # Because job data is not saved to a persistent datastore there is no # additional infrastructure needed and jobs process quickly. The lack of # persistence, however, means that all unprocessed jobs will be lost on # application restart. Therefore in-memory queue adapters are unsuitable for # most production environments but are excellent for development and testing. # # Read more about Concurrent Ruby {here}[]. # # To use Async Job set the queue_adapter config to +:async+. # # Rails.application.config.active_job.queue_adapter = :async # # Async Job supports job queues specified with +queue_as+. Queues are created # automatically as needed and each has its own thread pool. class AsyncJob DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_OPTIONS = { min_threads: [2, Concurrent.processor_count].max, max_threads: Concurrent.processor_count * 10, auto_terminate: true, idletime: 60, # 1 minute max_queue: 0, # unlimited fallback_policy: :caller_runs # shouldn't matter -- 0 max queue }.freeze QUEUES = do |hash, queue_name| #:nodoc: hash.compute_if_absent(queue_name) { ActiveJob::AsyncJob.create_thread_pool } end class << self # Forces jobs to process immediately when testing the Active Job gem. # This should only be called from within unit tests. def perform_immediately! #:nodoc: @perform_immediately = true end # Allows jobs to run asynchronously when testing the Active Job gem. # This should only be called from within unit tests. def perform_asynchronously! #:nodoc: @perform_immediately = false end def create_thread_pool #:nodoc: if @perform_immediately else end end def enqueue(job_data, queue: 'default') #:nodoc: QUEUES[queue].post(job_data) { |job| ActiveJob::Base.execute(job) } end def enqueue_at(job_data, timestamp, queue: 'default') #:nodoc: delay = timestamp - Time.current.to_f if delay > 0 Concurrent::ScheduledTask.execute(delay, args: [job_data], executor: QUEUES[queue]) do |job| ActiveJob::Base.execute(job) end else enqueue(job_data, queue: queue) end end end end end