module ActiveJob # Raised when an exception is raised during job arguments deserialization. # # Wraps the original exception raised as +original_exception+. class DeserializationError < StandardError attr_reader :original_exception def initialize(e) #:nodoc: super("Error while trying to deserialize arguments: #{e.message}") @original_exception = e set_backtrace e.backtrace end end # Raised when an unsupported argument type is being set as job argument. We # currently support NilClass, Fixnum, Float, String, TrueClass, FalseClass, # Bignum and object that can be represented as GlobalIDs (ex: Active Record). # Also raised if you set the key for a Hash something else than a string or # a symbol. class SerializationError < ArgumentError end module Arguments extend self TYPE_WHITELIST = [ NilClass, Fixnum, Float, String, TrueClass, FalseClass, Bignum ] def serialize(arguments) { |argument| serialize_argument(argument) } end def deserialize(arguments) { |argument| deserialize_argument(argument) } rescue => e raise end private def serialize_argument(argument) case argument when *TYPE_WHITELIST argument when GlobalID::Identification argument.to_global_id.to_s when Array { |arg| serialize_argument(arg) } when Hash argument.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), hash| hash[serialize_hash_key(key)] = serialize_argument(value) end else raise"Unsupported argument type: #{}") end end def deserialize_argument(argument) case argument when String GlobalID::Locator.locate(argument) || argument when *TYPE_WHITELIST argument when Array { |arg| deserialize_argument(arg) } when Hash argument.each_with_object({}.with_indifferent_access) do |(key, value), hash| hash[key] = deserialize_argument(value) end else raise ArgumentError, "Can only deserialize primitive arguments: #{argument.inspect}" end end def serialize_hash_key(key) case key when String, Symbol key.to_s else raise"Only string and symbol hash keys may be serialized as job arguments, but #{key.inspect} is a #{key.class}") end end end end