module ActionWebService # To send structured types across the wire, derive from ActionWebService::Struct, # and use +member+ to declare structure members. # # ActionWebService::Struct should be used in method signatures when you want to accept or return # structured types that have no Active Record model class representations, or you don't # want to expose your entire Active Record model to remote callers. # # === Example # # class Person < ActionWebService::Struct # member :id, :int # member :firstnames, [:string] # member :lastname, :string # member :email, :string # end # person = => 5, :firstname => 'john', :lastname => 'doe') # # Active Record model classes are already implicitly supported in method # signatures. class Struct # Action WebService Struct subclasses should be reloaded by the dispatcher in Rails # when Dependencies.mechanism = :load. include Reloadable::Deprecated # If a Hash is given as argument to an ActionWebService::Struct constructor, # it can contain initial values for the structure member. def initialize(values={}) if values.is_a?(Hash){|k,v| __send__('%s=' % k.to_s, v)} end end # The member with the given name def [](name) send(name.to_s) end # Iterates through each member def each_pair(&block) self.class.members.each do |name, type| yield name, self.__send__(name) end end class << self # Creates a structure member with the specified +name+ and +type+. Generates # accessor methods for reading and writing the member value. def member(name, type) name = name.to_sym type = ActionWebService::SignatureTypes.canonical_signature_entry({ name => type }, 0) write_inheritable_hash("struct_members", name => type) class_eval <<-END def #{name}; @#{name}; end def #{name}=(value); @#{name} = value; end END end def members # :nodoc: read_inheritable_attribute("struct_members") || {} end def member_type(name) # :nodoc: members[name.to_sym] end end end end