module ActionWebService # :nodoc: module Container # :nodoc: module Direct # :nodoc: class ContainerError < ActionWebServiceError # :nodoc: end def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # Attaches ActionWebService API +definition+ to the calling class. # # Action Controllers can have a default associated API, removing the need # to call this method if you follow the Action Web Service naming conventions. # # A controller with a class name of GoogleSearchController will # implicitly load app/apis/google_search_api.rb, and expect the # API definition class to be named GoogleSearchAPI or # GoogleSearchApi. # # ==== Service class example # # class MyService < ActionWebService::Base # web_service_api MyAPI # end # # class MyAPI < ActionWebService::API::Base # ... # end # # ==== Controller class example # # class MyController < ActionController::Base # web_service_api MyAPI # end # # class MyAPI < ActionWebService::API::Base # ... # end def web_service_api(definition=nil) if definition.nil? read_inheritable_attribute("web_service_api") else if definition.is_a?(Symbol) raise(ContainerError, "symbols can only be used for #web_service_api inside of a controller") end unless definition.respond_to?(:ancestors) && definition.ancestors.include?(ActionWebService::API::Base) raise(ContainerError, "#{definition.to_s} is not a valid API definition") end write_inheritable_attribute("web_service_api", definition) call_web_service_api_callbacks(self, definition) end end def add_web_service_api_callback(&block) # :nodoc: write_inheritable_array("web_service_api_callbacks", [block]) end private def call_web_service_api_callbacks(container_class, definition) (read_inheritable_attribute("web_service_api_callbacks") || []).each do |block|, definition) end end end end end end