require 'time' require 'date' module ActionWebService # :nodoc: module Casting # :nodoc: class CastingError < ActionWebServiceError # :nodoc: end # Performs casting of arbitrary values into the correct types for the signature class BaseCaster def initialize(api_method) @api_method = api_method end # Coerces the parameters in +params+ (an Enumerable) into the types # this method expects def cast_expects(params) self.class.cast_expects(@api_method, params) end # Coerces the given +return_value+ into the the type returned by this # method def cast_returns(return_value) self.class.cast_returns(@api_method, return_value) end class << self include ActionWebService::SignatureTypes def cast_expects(api_method, params) # :nodoc: return [] if api_method.expects.nil?{ |type, param| cast(param, type) } end def cast_returns(api_method, return_value) # :nodoc: return nil if api_method.returns.nil? cast(return_value, api_method.returns[0]) end def cast(value, signature_type) # :nodoc: return value if signature_type.nil? # signature.length != params.length return nil if value.nil? unless signature_type.array? || signature_type.structured? return value if canonical_type(value.class) == signature_type.type end if signature_type.array? unless value.respond_to?(:entries) && !value.is_a?(String) raise CastingError, "Don't know how to cast #{value.class} into #{signature_type.type.inspect}" end do |entry| cast(entry, signature_type.element_type) end elsif signature_type.structured? cast_to_structured_type(value, signature_type) elsif !signature_type.custom? cast_base_type(value, signature_type) end end def cast_base_type(value, signature_type) # :nodoc: case signature_type.type when :int Integer(value) when :string value.to_s when :bool return false if value.nil? return value if value == true || value == false case value.to_s.downcase when '1', 'true', 'y', 'yes' true when '0', 'false', 'n', 'no' false else raise CastingError, "Don't know how to cast #{value.class} into Boolean" end when :float Float(value) when :time Time.parse(value.to_s) when :date Date.parse(value.to_s) when :datetime DateTime.parse(value.to_s) end end def cast_to_structured_type(value, signature_type) # :nodoc: obj = nil obj = value if canonical_type(value.class) == canonical_type(signature_type.type) obj ||= if value.respond_to?(:each_pair) klass = signature_type.type_class value.each_pair do |name, val| type = klass.respond_to?(:member_type) ? klass.member_type(name) : nil val = cast(val, type) if type obj.__send__("#{name}=", val) if obj.respond_to?(name) end elsif value.respond_to?(:attributes) signature_type.each_member do |name, type| val = value.__send__(name) obj.__send__("#{name}=", cast(val, type)) if obj.respond_to?(name) end else raise CastingError, "Don't know how to cast #{value.class} to #{signature_type.type_class}" end obj end end end end end