require "abstract_unit" require "controller/fake_models" class FormHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase include RenderERBUtils tests ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper def form_for(*) @output_buffer = super end teardown do I18n.backend.reload! end setup do # Create "label" locale for testing I18n label helpers I18n.backend.store_translations "label", { activemodel: { attributes: { post: { cost: "Total cost" }, :"post/language" => { spanish: "Espanol" } } }, helpers: { label: { post: { body: "Write entire text here", color: { red: "Rojo" }, comments: { body: "Write body here" } }, tag: { value: "Tag" }, post_delegate: { title: "Delegate model_name title" } } } } # Create "submit" locale for testing I18n submit helpers I18n.backend.store_translations "submit", { helpers: { submit: { create: "Create %{model}", update: "Confirm %{model} changes", submit: "Save changes", another_post: { update: "Update your %{model}" } } } } I18n.backend.store_translations "placeholder", { activemodel: { attributes: { post: { cost: "Total cost" }, :"post/cost" => { uk: "Pounds" } } }, helpers: { placeholder: { post: { title: "What is this about?", written_on: { spanish: "Escrito en" }, comments: { body: "Write body here" } }, post_delegate: { title: "Delegate model_name title" }, tag: { value: "Tag" } } } } @post = @comment = def @post.errors() { def [](field); field == "author_name" ? ["can't be empty"] : [] end def empty?() false end def count() 1 end def full_messages() ["Author name can't be empty"] end }.new end def @post.to_key; [123]; end def; 0; end def @post.id_before_type_cast; "omg"; end def @post.id_came_from_user?; true; end def @post.to_param; "123"; end @post.persisted = true @post.title = "Hello World" @post.author_name = "" @post.body = "Back to the hill and over it again!" @post.secret = 1 @post.written_on =, 6, 15) @post.comments = [] @post.comments << @comment @post.tags = [] @post.tags << @post_delegator = @post_delegator.title = "Hello World" @car ="#000FFF") end Routes = Routes.draw do resources :posts do resources :comments end namespace :admin do resources :posts do resources :comments end end get "/foo", to: "controller#action" root to: "main#index" end def _routes Routes end include Routes.url_helpers def url_for(object) @url_for_options = object if object.is_a?(Hash) && object[:use_route].blank? && object[:controller].blank? object.merge!(controller: "main", action: "index") end super end class FooTag < ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base def initialize; end end def test_tags_base_child_without_render_method assert_raise(NotImplementedError) { } end def test_label assert_dom_equal('', label("post", "title")) assert_dom_equal( '', label("post", "title", "The title goes here") ) assert_dom_equal( '', label("post", "title", nil, class: "title_label") ) assert_dom_equal('', label("post", "secret?")) end def test_label_with_symbols assert_dom_equal('', label(:post, :title)) assert_dom_equal('', label(:post, :secret?)) end def test_label_with_locales_strings with_locale :label do assert_dom_equal('', label("post", "body")) end end def test_label_with_human_attribute_name with_locale :label do assert_dom_equal('', label(:post, :cost)) end end def test_label_with_human_attribute_name_and_options with_locale :label do assert_dom_equal('', label(:post, :language, value: "spanish")) end end def test_label_with_locales_symbols with_locale :label do assert_dom_equal('', label(:post, :body)) end end def test_label_with_locales_and_options with_locale :label do assert_dom_equal( '', label(:post, :body, class: "post_body") ) end end def test_label_with_locales_and_value with_locale :label do assert_dom_equal('', label(:post, :color, value: "red")) end end def test_label_with_locales_and_nested_attributes with_locale :label do form_for(@post, html: { id: "create-post" }) do |f| f.fields_for(:comments) do |cf| concat cf.label(:body) end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end end def test_label_with_locales_fallback_and_nested_attributes with_locale :label do form_for(@post, html: { id: "create-post" }) do |f| f.fields_for(:tags) do |cf| concat cf.label(:value) end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end end def test_label_with_non_active_record_object form_for("ok"), as: "person", url: "an_url", html: { id: "create-person" }) do |f| f.label(:name) end expected = whole_form("an_url", "create-person", "new_person", method: "post") do '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_label_with_for_attribute_as_symbol assert_dom_equal('', label(:post, :title, nil, for: "my_for")) end def test_label_with_for_attribute_as_string assert_dom_equal('', label(:post, :title, nil, "for" => "my_for")) end def test_label_does_not_generate_for_attribute_when_given_nil assert_dom_equal("", label(:post, :title, for: nil)) end def test_label_with_id_attribute_as_symbol assert_dom_equal( '', label(:post, :title, nil, id: "my_id") ) end def test_label_with_id_attribute_as_string assert_dom_equal( '', label(:post, :title, nil, "id" => "my_id") ) end def test_label_with_for_and_id_attributes_as_symbol assert_dom_equal( '', label(:post, :title, nil, for: "my_for", id: "my_id") ) end def test_label_with_for_and_id_attributes_as_string assert_dom_equal( '', label(:post, :title, nil, "for" => "my_for", "id" => "my_id") ) end def test_label_for_radio_buttons_with_value assert_dom_equal( '', label("post", "title", "The title goes here", value: "great_title") ) assert_dom_equal( '', label("post", "title", "The title goes here", value: "great title") ) end def test_label_with_block assert_dom_equal( '', label(:post, :title) { "The title, please:" } ) end def test_label_with_block_and_html assert_dom_equal( '', label(:post, :terms) { raw('Accept Terms.') } ) end def test_label_with_block_and_options assert_dom_equal( '', label(:post, :title, "for" => "my_for") { "The title, please:" } ) end def test_label_with_block_and_builder with_locale :label do assert_dom_equal( '', label(:post, :body) { |b| raw("#{b.translation}") } ) end end def test_label_with_block_in_erb assert_dom_equal( %{}, view.render("test/label_with_block") ) end def test_label_with_to_model assert_dom_equal( %{}, label(:post_delegator, :title) ) end def test_label_with_to_model_and_overridden_model_name with_locale :label do assert_dom_equal( %{}, label(:post_delegator, :title) ) end end def test_text_field_placeholder_without_locales with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal('', text_field(:post, :body, placeholder: true)) end end def test_text_field_placeholder_with_locales with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal('', text_field(:post, :title, placeholder: true)) end end def test_text_field_placeholder_with_locales_and_to_model with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal( '', text_field(:post_delegator, :title, placeholder: true) ) end end def test_text_field_placeholder_with_human_attribute_name with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal('', text_field(:post, :cost, placeholder: true)) end end def test_text_field_placeholder_with_human_attribute_name_and_to_model assert_dom_equal( '', text_field(:post_delegator, :title, placeholder: true) ) end def test_text_field_placeholder_with_string_value with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal('', text_field(:post, :cost, placeholder: "HOW MUCH?")) end end def test_text_field_placeholder_with_human_attribute_name_and_value with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal('', text_field(:post, :cost, placeholder: :uk)) end end def test_text_field_placeholder_with_locales_and_value with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal('', text_field(:post, :written_on, placeholder: :spanish)) end end def test_text_field_placeholder_with_locales_and_nested_attributes with_locale :placeholder do form_for(@post, html: { id: "create-post" }) do |f| f.fields_for(:comments) do |cf| concat cf.text_field(:body, placeholder: true) end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end end def test_text_field_placeholder_with_locales_fallback_and_nested_attributes with_locale :placeholder do form_for(@post, html: { id: "create-post" }) do |f| f.fields_for(:tags) do |cf| concat cf.text_field(:value, placeholder: true) end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end end def test_text_field assert_dom_equal( '', text_field("post", "title") ) assert_dom_equal( '', password_field("post", "title") ) assert_dom_equal( '', password_field("post", "title", value: @post.title) ) assert_dom_equal( '', password_field("person", "name") ) end def test_text_field_with_escapes @post.title = "Hello World" assert_dom_equal( '', text_field("post", "title") ) end def test_text_field_with_html_entities @post.title = "The HTML Entity for & is &" assert_dom_equal( '', text_field("post", "title") ) end def test_text_field_with_options expected = '' assert_dom_equal expected, text_field("post", "title", "size" => 35) assert_dom_equal expected, text_field("post", "title", size: 35) end def test_text_field_assuming_size expected = '' assert_dom_equal expected, text_field("post", "title", "maxlength" => 35) assert_dom_equal expected, text_field("post", "title", maxlength: 35) end def test_text_field_removing_size expected = '' assert_dom_equal expected, text_field("post", "title", "maxlength" => 35, "size" => nil) assert_dom_equal expected, text_field("post", "title", maxlength: 35, size: nil) end def test_text_field_with_nil_value expected = '' assert_dom_equal expected, text_field("post", "title", value: nil) end def test_text_field_with_nil_name expected = '' assert_dom_equal expected, text_field("post", "title", name: nil) end def test_text_field_doesnt_change_param_values object_name = "post[]" expected = '' assert_dom_equal expected, text_field(object_name, "title") end def test_file_field_has_no_size expected = '' assert_dom_equal expected, file_field("user", "avatar") end def test_file_field_with_multiple_behavior expected = '' assert_dom_equal expected, file_field("import", "file", :multiple => true) end def test_file_field_with_multiple_behavior_and_explicit_name expected = '' assert_dom_equal expected, file_field("import", "file", :multiple => true, :name => "custom") end def test_hidden_field assert_dom_equal( '', hidden_field("post", "title") ) assert_dom_equal( '', hidden_field("post", "secret?") ) end def test_hidden_field_with_escapes @post.title = "Hello World" assert_dom_equal( '', hidden_field("post", "title") ) end def test_hidden_field_with_nil_value expected = '' assert_dom_equal expected, hidden_field("post", "title", value: nil) end def test_hidden_field_with_options assert_dom_equal( '', hidden_field("post", "title", value: "Something Else") ) end def test_text_field_with_custom_type assert_dom_equal( '', text_field("user", "email", type: "email") ) end def test_check_box_is_html_safe assert check_box("post", "secret").html_safe? end def test_check_box_checked_if_object_value_is_same_that_check_value assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret") ) end def test_check_box_not_checked_if_object_value_is_same_that_unchecked_value @post.secret = 0 assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret") ) end def test_check_box_checked_if_option_checked_is_present assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", "checked"=>"checked") ) end def test_check_box_checked_if_object_value_is_true @post.secret = true assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret") ) assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret?") ) end def test_check_box_checked_if_object_value_includes_checked_value @post.secret = ["0"] assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret") ) @post.secret = ["1"] assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret") ) @post.secret =["1"]) assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret") ) end def test_check_box_with_include_hidden_false @post.secret = false assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", include_hidden: false) ) end def test_check_box_with_explicit_checked_and_unchecked_values_when_object_value_is_string @post.secret = "on" assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, "on", "off") ) @post.secret = "off" assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, "on", "off") ) end def test_check_box_with_explicit_checked_and_unchecked_values_when_object_value_is_boolean @post.secret = false assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, false, true) ) @post.secret = true assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, false, true) ) end def test_check_box_with_explicit_checked_and_unchecked_values_when_object_value_is_integer @post.secret = 0 assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, 0, 1) ) @post.secret = 1 assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, 0, 1) ) @post.secret = 2 assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, 0, 1) ) end def test_check_box_with_explicit_checked_and_unchecked_values_when_object_value_is_float @post.secret = 0.0 assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, 0, 1) ) @post.secret = 1.1 assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, 0, 1) ) @post.secret = 2.2 assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, 0, 1) ) end def test_check_box_with_explicit_checked_and_unchecked_values_when_object_value_is_big_decimal @post.secret = assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, 0, 1) ) @post.secret = assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, 0, 1) ) @post.secret =, 1) assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, 0, 1) ) end def test_check_box_with_nil_unchecked_value @post.secret = "on" assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", {}, "on", nil) ) end def test_check_box_with_nil_unchecked_value_is_html_safe assert check_box("post", "secret", {}, "on", nil).html_safe? end def test_check_box_with_multiple_behavior @post.comment_ids = [2,3] assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "comment_ids", { multiple: true }, 1) ) assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "comment_ids", { multiple: true }, 3) ) end def test_check_box_with_multiple_behavior_and_index @post.comment_ids = [2,3] assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "comment_ids", { multiple: true, index: "foo" }, 1) ) assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "comment_ids", { multiple: true, index: "bar" }, 3) ) end def test_checkbox_disabled_disables_hidden_field assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", { disabled: true }) ) end def test_checkbox_form_html5_attribute assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", form: "new_form") ) end def test_radio_button assert_dom_equal('', radio_button("post", "title", "Hello World") ) assert_dom_equal('', radio_button("post", "title", "Goodbye World") ) assert_dom_equal('', radio_button("item[subobject]", "title", "inside world") ) end def test_radio_button_is_checked_with_integers assert_dom_equal('', radio_button("post", "secret", "1") ) end def test_radio_button_with_negative_integer_value assert_dom_equal('', radio_button("post", "secret", "-1")) end def test_radio_button_respects_passed_in_id assert_dom_equal('', radio_button("post", "secret", "1", id: "foo") ) end def test_radio_button_with_booleans assert_dom_equal('', radio_button("post", "secret", true) ) assert_dom_equal('', radio_button("post", "secret", false) ) end def test_text_area_placeholder_without_locales with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area(:post, :body, placeholder: true) ) end end def test_text_area_placeholder_with_locales with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area(:post, :title, placeholder: true) ) end end def test_text_area_placeholder_with_human_attribute_name with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area(:post, :cost, placeholder: true) ) end end def test_text_area_placeholder_with_string_value with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area(:post, :cost, placeholder: "HOW MUCH?") ) end end def test_text_area_placeholder_with_human_attribute_name_and_value with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area(:post, :cost, placeholder: :uk) ) end end def test_text_area_placeholder_with_locales_and_value with_locale :placeholder do assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area(:post, :written_on, placeholder: :spanish) ) end end def test_text_area_placeholder_with_locales_and_nested_attributes with_locale :placeholder do form_for(@post, html: { id: "create-post" }) do |f| f.fields_for(:comments) do |cf| concat cf.text_area(:body, placeholder: true) end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "patch") do %{} end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end end def test_text_area_placeholder_with_locales_fallback_and_nested_attributes with_locale :placeholder do form_for(@post, html: { id: "create-post" }) do |f| f.fields_for(:tags) do |cf| concat cf.text_area(:value, placeholder: true) end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "patch") do %{} end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end end def test_text_area assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "body") ) end def test_text_area_with_escapes @post.body = "Back to the hill and over it again!" assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "body") ) end def test_text_area_with_alternate_value assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "body", value: "Testing alternate values.") ) end def test_text_area_with_nil_alternate_value assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "body", value: nil) ) end def test_inputs_use_before_type_cast_to_retain_information_from_validations_like_numericality assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "id") ) end def test_inputs_dont_use_before_type_cast_when_value_did_not_come_from_user class << @post undef id_came_from_user? def id_came_from_user?; false; end end assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "id") ) end def test_inputs_use_before_typecast_when_object_doesnt_respond_to_came_from_user class << @post; undef id_came_from_user?; end assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "id") ) end def test_text_area_with_html_entities @post.body = "The HTML Entity for & is &" assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "body") ) end def test_text_area_with_size_option assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "body", size: "183x820") ) end def test_color_field_with_valid_hex_color_string expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, color_field("car", "color")) end def test_color_field_with_invalid_hex_color_string expected = %{} @car.color = "#1234TR" assert_dom_equal(expected, color_field("car", "color")) end def test_color_field_with_value_attr expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, color_field("car", "color", value: "#00FF00")) end def test_search_field expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, search_field("contact", "notes_query")) end def test_search_field_with_onsearch_value expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, search_field("contact", "notes_query", onsearch: true)) end def test_telephone_field expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, telephone_field("user", "cell")) end def test_date_field expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, date_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_date_field_with_datetime_value expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) assert_dom_equal(expected, date_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_date_field_with_extra_attrs expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15) min_value =, 6, 15) max_value =, 8, 15) step = 2 assert_dom_equal(expected, date_field("post", "written_on", min: min_value, max: max_value, step: step)) end def test_date_field_with_value_attr expected = %{} value =,6,29) assert_dom_equal(expected, date_field("post", "written_on", value: value)) end def test_date_field_with_timewithzone_value previous_time_zone, =, "UTC" expected = %{} @post.written_on ="2004-06-15 15:30:45") assert_dom_equal(expected, date_field("post", "written_on")) ensure = previous_time_zone end def test_date_field_with_nil_value expected = %{} @post.written_on = nil assert_dom_equal(expected, date_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_date_field_with_string_values_for_min_and_max expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15) min_value = "2000-06-15" max_value = "2010-08-15" assert_dom_equal(expected, date_field("post", "written_on", min: min_value, max: max_value)) end def test_date_field_with_invalid_string_values_for_min_and_max expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) min_value = "foo" max_value = "bar" assert_dom_equal(expected, date_field("post", "written_on", min: min_value, max: max_value)) end def test_time_field expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, time_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_time_field_with_datetime_value expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) assert_dom_equal(expected, time_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_time_field_with_extra_attrs expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) min_value =, 6, 15, 20, 45, 30) max_value =, 8, 15, 10, 25, 00) step = 60 assert_dom_equal(expected, time_field("post", "written_on", min: min_value, max: max_value, step: step)) end def test_time_field_with_timewithzone_value previous_time_zone, =, "UTC" expected = %{} @post.written_on ="2004-06-15 01:02:03") assert_dom_equal(expected, time_field("post", "written_on")) ensure = previous_time_zone end def test_time_field_with_nil_value expected = %{} @post.written_on = nil assert_dom_equal(expected, time_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_time_field_with_string_values_for_min_and_max expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) min_value = "20:45:30.000" max_value = "10:25:00.000" assert_dom_equal(expected, time_field("post", "written_on", min: min_value, max: max_value)) end def test_time_field_with_invalid_string_values_for_min_and_max expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) min_value = "foo" max_value = "bar" assert_dom_equal(expected, time_field("post", "written_on", min: min_value, max: max_value)) end def test_datetime_field expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, datetime_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_datetime_field_with_datetime_value expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) assert_dom_equal(expected, datetime_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_datetime_field_with_extra_attrs expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) min_value =, 6, 15, 20, 45, 30) max_value =, 8, 15, 10, 25, 00) step = 60 assert_dom_equal(expected, datetime_field("post", "written_on", min: min_value, max: max_value, step: step)) end def test_datetime_field_with_value_attr expected = %{} value =,6,29,13,37) assert_dom_equal(expected, datetime_field("post", "written_on", value: value)) end def test_datetime_field_with_timewithzone_value previous_time_zone, =, "UTC" expected = %{} @post.written_on ="2004-06-15 15:30:45") assert_dom_equal(expected, datetime_field("post", "written_on")) ensure = previous_time_zone end def test_datetime_field_with_nil_value expected = %{} @post.written_on = nil assert_dom_equal(expected, datetime_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_datetime_field_with_string_values_for_min_and_max expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) min_value = "2000-06-15T20:45:30" max_value = "2010-08-15T10:25:00" assert_dom_equal(expected, datetime_field("post", "written_on", min: min_value, max: max_value)) end def test_datetime_field_with_invalid_string_values_for_min_and_max expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) min_value = "foo" max_value = "bar" assert_dom_equal(expected, datetime_field("post", "written_on", min: min_value, max: max_value)) end def test_datetime_local_field expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, datetime_local_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_month_field expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, month_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_month_field_with_nil_value expected = %{} @post.written_on = nil assert_dom_equal(expected, month_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_month_field_with_datetime_value expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) assert_dom_equal(expected, month_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_month_field_with_extra_attrs expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) min_value =, 2, 13) max_value =, 12, 23) step = 2 assert_dom_equal(expected, month_field("post", "written_on", min: min_value, max: max_value, step: step)) end def test_month_field_with_timewithzone_value previous_time_zone, =, "UTC" expected = %{} @post.written_on ="2004-06-15 15:30:45") assert_dom_equal(expected, month_field("post", "written_on")) ensure = previous_time_zone end def test_week_field expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, week_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_week_field_with_nil_value expected = %{} @post.written_on = nil assert_dom_equal(expected, week_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_week_field_with_datetime_value expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) assert_dom_equal(expected, week_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_week_field_with_extra_attrs expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 6, 15, 1, 2, 3) min_value =, 2, 13) max_value =, 12, 23) step = 2 assert_dom_equal(expected, week_field("post", "written_on", min: min_value, max: max_value, step: step)) end def test_week_field_with_timewithzone_value previous_time_zone, =, "UTC" expected = %{} @post.written_on ="2004-06-15 15:30:45") assert_dom_equal(expected, week_field("post", "written_on")) ensure = previous_time_zone end def test_week_field_week_number_base expected = %{} @post.written_on =, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3) assert_dom_equal(expected, week_field("post", "written_on")) end def test_url_field expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, url_field("user", "homepage")) end def test_email_field expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, email_field("user", "address")) end def test_number_field expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, number_field("order", "quantity", in: 1...10)) expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, number_field("order", "quantity", size: 30, in: 1...10)) end def test_range_input expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, range_field("hifi", "volume", in: 0..11, step: 0.1)) expected = %{} assert_dom_equal(expected, range_field("hifi", "volume", size: 30, in: 0..11, step: 0.1)) end def test_explicit_name assert_dom_equal( '', text_field("post", "title", "name" => "dont guess") ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "body", "name" => "really!") ) assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", "name" => "i mean it") ) assert_dom_equal( text_field("post", "title", "name" => "dont guess"), text_field("post", "title", name: "dont guess") ) assert_dom_equal( text_area("post", "body", "name" => "really!"), text_area("post", "body", name: "really!") ) assert_dom_equal( check_box("post", "secret", "name" => "i mean it"), check_box("post", "secret", name: "i mean it") ) end def test_explicit_id assert_dom_equal( '', text_field("post", "title", "id" => "dont guess") ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "body", "id" => "really!") ) assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", "id" => "i mean it") ) assert_dom_equal( text_field("post", "title", "id" => "dont guess"), text_field("post", "title", id: "dont guess") ) assert_dom_equal( text_area("post", "body", "id" => "really!"), text_area("post", "body", id: "really!") ) assert_dom_equal( check_box("post", "secret", "id" => "i mean it"), check_box("post", "secret", id: "i mean it") ) end def test_nil_id assert_dom_equal( '', text_field("post", "title", "id" => nil) ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "body", "id" => nil) ) assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", "id" => nil) ) assert_dom_equal( '', radio_button("post", "secret", "0", "id" => nil) ) assert_dom_equal( '', select("post", "secret", [], {}, "id" => nil) ) assert_dom_equal( text_field("post", "title", "id" => nil), text_field("post", "title", id: nil) ) assert_dom_equal( text_area("post", "body", "id" => nil), text_area("post", "body", id: nil) ) assert_dom_equal( check_box("post", "secret", "id" => nil), check_box("post", "secret", id: nil) ) assert_dom_equal( radio_button("post", "secret", "0", "id" => nil), radio_button("post", "secret", "0", id: nil) ) end def test_index assert_dom_equal( '', text_field("post", "title", "index" => 5) ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "body", "index" => 5) ) assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", "index" => 5) ) assert_dom_equal( text_field("post", "title", "index" => 5), text_field("post", "title", "index" => 5) ) assert_dom_equal( text_area("post", "body", "index" => 5), text_area("post", "body", "index" => 5) ) assert_dom_equal( check_box("post", "secret", "index" => 5), check_box("post", "secret", "index" => 5) ) end def test_index_with_nil_id assert_dom_equal( '', text_field("post", "title", "index" => 5, "id" => nil) ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post", "body", "index" => 5, "id" => nil) ) assert_dom_equal( '', check_box("post", "secret", "index" => 5, "id" => nil) ) assert_dom_equal( text_field("post", "title", "index" => 5, "id" => nil), text_field("post", "title", index: 5, id: nil) ) assert_dom_equal( text_area("post", "body", "index" => 5, "id" => nil), text_area("post", "body", index: 5, id: nil) ) assert_dom_equal( check_box("post", "secret", "index" => 5, "id" => nil), check_box("post", "secret", index: 5, id: nil) ) end def test_auto_index pid = 123 assert_dom_equal( %{}, label("post[]", "title") ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_field("post[]","title") ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post[]", "body") ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, check_box("post[]", "secret") ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, radio_button("post[]", "title", "Hello World") ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, radio_button("post[]", "title", "Goodbye World") ) end def test_auto_index_with_nil_id pid = 123 assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_field("post[]", "title", id: nil) ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, text_area("post[]", "body", id: nil) ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, check_box("post[]", "secret", id: nil) ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, radio_button("post[]", "title", "Hello World", id: nil) ) assert_dom_equal( %{}, radio_button("post[]", "title", "Goodbye World", id: nil) ) end def test_form_for_requires_block error = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do form_for(@post, html: { id: "create-post" }) end assert_equal "Missing block", error.message end def test_form_for_requires_arguments error = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do form_for(nil, html: { id: "create-post" }) do end end assert_equal "First argument in form cannot contain nil or be empty", error.message error = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do form_for([nil, nil], html: { id: "create-post" }) do end end assert_equal "First argument in form cannot contain nil or be empty", error.message end def test_form_for form_for(@post, html: { id: "create-post" }) do |f| concat f.label(:title) { "The Title" } concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) concat f.submit("Create post") concat f.button("Create post") concat f.button { concat content_tag(:span, "Create post") } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_collection_radio_buttons post = def; false; end form_for(post) do |f| concat f.collection_radio_buttons(:active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s) end expected = whole_form("/posts", "new_post", "new_post") do "" + "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_collection_radio_buttons_with_custom_builder_block post = def; false; end form_for(post) do |f| rendered_radio_buttons = f.collection_radio_buttons(:active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s) do |b| b.label { b.radio_button + b.text } end concat rendered_radio_buttons end expected = whole_form("/posts", "new_post", "new_post") do "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_collection_radio_buttons_with_custom_builder_block_does_not_leak_the_template post = def; false; end def; 1; end form_for(post) do |f| rendered_radio_buttons = f.collection_radio_buttons(:active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s) do |b| b.label { b.radio_button + b.text } end concat rendered_radio_buttons concat f.hidden_field :id end expected = whole_form("/posts", "new_post_1", "new_post") do "" + "" + ""+ "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_with_namespace_and_with_collection_radio_buttons post = def; false; end form_for(post, namespace: "foo") do |f| concat f.collection_radio_buttons(:active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s) end expected = whole_form("/posts", "foo_new_post", "new_post") do "" + "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_with_index_and_with_collection_radio_buttons post = def; false; end form_for(post, index: "1") do |f| concat f.collection_radio_buttons(:active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s) end expected = whole_form("/posts", "new_post", "new_post") do "" + "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_collection_check_boxes post = def post.tag_ids; [1, 3]; end collection = (1..3).map { |i| [i, "Tag #{i}"] } form_for(post) do |f| concat f.collection_check_boxes(:tag_ids, collection, :first, :last) end expected = whole_form("/posts", "new_post", "new_post") do "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_collection_check_boxes_with_custom_builder_block post = def post.tag_ids; [1, 3]; end collection = (1..3).map { |i| [i, "Tag #{i}"] } form_for(post) do |f| rendered_check_boxes = f.collection_check_boxes(:tag_ids, collection, :first, :last) do |b| b.label { b.check_box + b.text } end concat rendered_check_boxes end expected = whole_form("/posts", "new_post", "new_post") do "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_collection_check_boxes_with_custom_builder_block_does_not_leak_the_template post = def post.tag_ids; [1, 3]; end def; 1; end collection = (1..3).map { |i| [i, "Tag #{i}"] } form_for(post) do |f| rendered_check_boxes = f.collection_check_boxes(:tag_ids, collection, :first, :last) do |b| b.label { b.check_box + b.text } end concat rendered_check_boxes concat f.hidden_field :id end expected = whole_form("/posts", "new_post_1", "new_post") do ""+ "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_with_namespace_and_with_collection_check_boxes post = def post.tag_ids; [1]; end collection = [[1, "Tag 1"]] form_for(post, namespace: "foo") do |f| concat f.collection_check_boxes(:tag_ids, collection, :first, :last) end expected = whole_form("/posts", "foo_new_post", "new_post") do "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_with_index_and_with_collection_check_boxes post = def post.tag_ids; [1]; end collection = [[1, "Tag 1"]] form_for(post, index: "1") do |f| concat f.collection_check_boxes(:tag_ids, collection, :first, :last) end expected = whole_form("/posts", "new_post", "new_post") do "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_file_field_generate_multipart Post.send :attr_accessor, :file form_for(@post, html: { id: "create-post" }) do |f| concat f.file_field(:file) end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "patch", multipart: true) do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_fields_for_with_file_field_generate_multipart Comment.send :attr_accessor, :file form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.fields_for(:comment, @post) { |c| concat c.file_field(:file) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch", multipart: true) do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_format form_for(@post, format: :json, html: { id: "edit_post_123", class: "edit_post" }) do |f| concat f.label(:title) end expected = whole_form("/posts/123.json", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_model_using_relative_model_naming blog_post ="And his name will be forty and four.", 44) form_for(blog_post) do |f| concat f.text_field :title concat f.submit("Edit post") end expected = whole_form("/posts/44", "edit_post_44", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_symbol_object_name form_for(@post, as: "other_name", html: { id: "create-post" }) do |f| concat f.label(:title, class: "post_title") concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) concat f.submit("Create post") end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "create-post", "edit_other_name", method: "patch") do "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_tags_do_not_call_private_properties_on_form_object obj = do private def private_property raise "This method should not be called." end form_for(obj, as: "other_name", url: "/", html: { id: "edit-other-name" }) do |f| assert_raise(NoMethodError) { f.hidden_field(:private_property) } end end def test_form_for_with_method_as_part_of_html_options form_for(@post, url: "/", html: { id: "create-post", method: :delete }) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = whole_form("/", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "delete") do "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_method form_for(@post, url: "/", method: :delete, html: { id: "create-post" }) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = whole_form("/", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "delete") do "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_search_field # Test case for bug which would emit an "object" attribute # when used with form_for using a search_field form helper form_for(, url: "/search", html: { id: "search-post", method: :get }) do |f| concat f.search_field(:title) end expected = whole_form("/search", "search-post", "new_post", method: "get") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_remote form_for(@post, url: "/", remote: true, html: { id: "create-post", method: :patch }) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = whole_form("/", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "patch", remote: true) do "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_enforce_utf8_true form_for(:post, enforce_utf8: true) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) end expected = whole_form("/", nil, nil, enforce_utf8: true) do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_enforce_utf8_false form_for(:post, enforce_utf8: false) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) end expected = whole_form("/", nil, nil, enforce_utf8: false) do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_remote_in_html form_for(@post, url: "/", html: { remote: true, id: "create-post", method: :patch }) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = whole_form("/", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "patch", remote: true) do "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_remote_without_html @post.persisted = false @post.stub(:to_key, nil) do form_for(@post, remote: true) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = whole_form("/posts", "new_post", "new_post", remote: true) do "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end end def test_form_for_without_object form_for(:post, html: { id: "create-post" }) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = whole_form("/", "create-post") do "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_index form_for(@post, as: "post[]") do |f| concat f.label(:title) concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post[]", "edit_post[]", method: "patch") do "" + "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_nil_index_option_override form_for(@post, as: "post[]", index: nil) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post[]", "edit_post[]", method: "patch") do "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_label_error_wrapping form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.label(:author_name, class: "label") concat f.text_field(:author_name) concat f.submit("Create post") end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "
" + "
" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_label_error_wrapping_without_conventional_instance_variable post = remove_instance_variable :@post form_for(post) do |f| concat f.label(:author_name, class: "label") concat f.text_field(:author_name) concat f.submit("Create post") end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "
" + "
" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_label_error_wrapping_block_and_non_block_versions form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.label(:author_name, "Name", class: "label") concat f.label(:author_name, class: "label") { "Name" } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "
" + "
" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_namespace form_for(@post, namespace: "namespace") do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "namespace_edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_namespace_with_date_select form_for(@post, namespace: "namespace") do |f| concat f.date_select(:written_on) end assert_select "select#namespace_post_written_on_1i" end def test_form_for_with_namespace_with_label form_for(@post, namespace: "namespace") do |f| concat f.label(:title) concat f.text_field(:title) end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "namespace_edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_namespace_and_as_option form_for(@post, namespace: "namespace", as: "custom_name") do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "namespace_edit_custom_name", "edit_custom_name", method: "patch") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_two_form_for_with_namespace form_for(@post, namespace: "namespace_1") do |f| concat f.label(:title) concat f.text_field(:title) end expected_1 = whole_form("/posts/123", "namespace_1_edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected_1, output_buffer form_for(@post, namespace: "namespace_2") do |f| concat f.label(:title) concat f.text_field(:title) end expected_2 = whole_form("/posts/123", "namespace_2_edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected_2, output_buffer end def test_fields_for_with_namespace @comment.body = "Hello World" form_for(@post, namespace: "namespace") do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.fields_for(@comment) { |c| concat c.text_field(:body) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "namespace_edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_submit_with_object_as_new_record_and_locale_strings with_locale :submit do @post.persisted = false @post.stub(:to_key, nil) do form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.submit end expected = whole_form("/posts", "new_post", "new_post") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end end end def test_submit_with_object_as_existing_record_and_locale_strings with_locale :submit do form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.submit end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end end def test_submit_without_object_and_locale_strings with_locale :submit do form_for(:post) do |f| concat f.submit class: "extra" end expected = whole_form do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end end def test_submit_with_object_and_nested_lookup with_locale :submit do form_for(@post, as: :another_post) do |f| concat f.submit end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_another_post", "edit_another_post", method: "patch") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end end def test_nested_fields_for @comment.body = "Hello World" form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.fields_for(@comment) { |c| concat c.text_field(:body) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_deep_nested_fields_for form_for(:posts) do |f| f.fields_for("post[]", @post) do |f2| f2.text_field(:id) @post.comments.each do |comment| concat f2.fields_for("comment[]", comment) { |c| concat c.text_field(:name) } end end end expected = whole_form do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_nested_collections form_for(@post, as: "post[]") do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for("comment[]", @comment) { |c| concat c.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post[]", "edit_post[]", method: "patch") do "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_index_and_parent_fields form_for(@post, index: 1) do |c| concat c.text_field(:title) concat c.fields_for("comment", @comment, index: 1) { |r| concat r.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_index_and_nested_fields_for output_buffer = form_for(@post, index: 1) do |f| concat f.fields_for(:comment, @post) { |c| concat c.text_field(:title) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_index_on_both form_for(@post, index: 1) do |f| concat f.fields_for(:comment, @post, index: 5) { |c| concat c.text_field(:title) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_auto_index form_for(@post, as: "post[]") do |f| concat f.fields_for(:comment, @post) { |c| concat c.text_field(:title) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post[]", "edit_post[]", method: "patch") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_index_radio_button form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.fields_for(:comment, @post, index: 5) { |c| concat c.radio_button(:title, "hello") } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_auto_index_on_both form_for(@post, as: "post[]") do |f| concat f.fields_for("comment[]", @post) { |c| concat c.text_field(:title) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post[]", "edit_post[]", method: "patch") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_index_and_auto_index output_buffer = form_for(@post, as: "post[]") do |f| concat f.fields_for(:comment, @post, index: 5) { |c| concat c.text_field(:title) } end output_buffer << form_for(@post, as: :post, index: 1) do |f| concat f.fields_for("comment[]", @post) { |c| concat c.text_field(:title) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post[]", "edit_post[]", method: "patch") do "" end + whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_a_new_record_on_a_nested_attributes_one_to_one_association = form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:author) { |af| concat af.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_explicitly_passed_object_on_a_nested_attributes_one_to_one_association form_for(@post) do |f| f.fields_for(:author, do |af| assert_not_nil af.object assert_equal 123, end end end def test_nested_fields_for_with_an_existing_record_on_a_nested_attributes_one_to_one_association = form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:author) { |af| concat af.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_an_existing_record_on_a_nested_attributes_one_to_one_association_using_erb_and_inline_block = form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:author) { |af| af.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_an_existing_record_on_a_nested_attributes_one_to_one_association_with_disabled_hidden_id = form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:author, include_id: false) { |af| af.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_an_existing_record_on_a_nested_attributes_one_to_one_association_with_disabled_hidden_id_inherited = form_for(@post, include_id: false) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:author) { |af| af.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_an_existing_record_on_a_nested_attributes_one_to_one_association_with_disabled_hidden_id_override = form_for(@post, include_id: false) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:author, include_id: true) { |af| af.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_existing_records_on_a_nested_attributes_one_to_one_association_with_explicit_hidden_field_placement = form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:author) { |af| concat af.hidden_field(:id) concat af.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_existing_records_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association @post.comments = { |id| + 1) } form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) @post.comments.each do |comment| concat f.fields_for(:comments, comment) { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) } end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_existing_records_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association_with_disabled_hidden_id @post.comments = { |id| + 1) } = form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:author) { |af| concat af.text_field(:name) } @post.comments.each do |comment| concat f.fields_for(:comments, comment, include_id: false) { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) } end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_existing_records_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association_with_disabled_hidden_id_inherited @post.comments = { |id| + 1) } = form_for(@post, include_id: false) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:author) { |af| concat af.text_field(:name) } @post.comments.each do |comment| concat f.fields_for(:comments, comment) { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) } end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_existing_records_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association_with_disabled_hidden_id_override @post.comments = { |id| + 1) } = form_for(@post, include_id: false) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:author, include_id: true) { |af| concat af.text_field(:name) } @post.comments.each do |comment| concat f.fields_for(:comments, comment) { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) } end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_existing_records_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association_using_erb_and_inline_block @post.comments = { |id| + 1) } form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) @post.comments.each do |comment| concat f.fields_for(:comments, comment) { |cf| cf.text_field(:name) } end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_existing_records_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association_with_explicit_hidden_field_placement @post.comments = { |id| + 1) } form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) @post.comments.each do |comment| concat f.fields_for(:comments, comment) { |cf| concat cf.hidden_field(:id) concat cf.text_field(:name) } end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_new_records_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association @post.comments = [,] form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) @post.comments.each do |comment| concat f.fields_for(:comments, comment) { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) } end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_existing_and_new_records_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association @post.comments = [,] form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) @post.comments.each do |comment| concat f.fields_for(:comments, comment) { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) } end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_an_empty_supplied_attributes_collection form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) f.fields_for(:comments, []) do |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) end end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_existing_records_on_a_supplied_nested_attributes_collection @post.comments = { |id| + 1) } form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:comments, @post.comments) { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_arel_like @post.comments = form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:comments, @post.comments) { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_label_translation_with_more_than_10_records @post.comments = { |id| + 1) } params = { ["post.comments.body", default: [:"comment.body", ""], scope: "helpers.label"] } assert_called_with(I18n, :t, params, returns: "Write body here") do form_for(@post) do |f| f.fields_for(:comments) do |cf| concat cf.label(:body) end end end end def test_nested_fields_for_with_existing_records_on_a_supplied_nested_attributes_collection_different_from_record_one comments = { |id| + 1) } @post.comments = [] form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:comments, comments) { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association_yields_only_builder @post.comments = [,] yielded_comments = [] form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.fields_for(:comments) { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) yielded_comments << cf.object } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer assert_equal yielded_comments, @post.comments end def test_nested_fields_for_with_child_index_option_override_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association @post.comments = [] form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.fields_for(:comments,, child_index: "abc") { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_child_index_as_lambda_option_override_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association @post.comments = [] form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.fields_for(:comments,, child_index: -> { "abc" } ) { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end class FakeAssociationProxy def to_ary [1, 2, 3] end end def test_nested_fields_for_with_child_index_option_override_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association_with_proxy @post.comments = form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.fields_for(:comments,, child_index: "abc") { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_index_method_with_existing_records_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association @post.comments = { |id| + 1) } form_for(@post) do |f| expected = 0 @post.comments.each do |comment| f.fields_for(:comments, comment) { |cf| assert_equal cf.index, expected expected += 1 } end end end def test_nested_fields_for_index_method_with_existing_and_new_records_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association @post.comments = [,] form_for(@post) do |f| expected = 0 @post.comments.each do |comment| f.fields_for(:comments, comment) { |cf| assert_equal cf.index, expected expected += 1 } end end end def test_nested_fields_for_index_method_with_existing_records_on_a_supplied_nested_attributes_collection @post.comments = { |id| + 1) } form_for(@post) do |f| expected = 0 f.fields_for(:comments, @post.comments) { |cf| assert_equal cf.index, expected expected += 1 } end end def test_nested_fields_for_index_method_with_child_index_option_override_on_a_nested_attributes_collection_association @post.comments = [] form_for(@post) do |f| f.fields_for(:comments,, child_index: "abc") { |cf| assert_equal cf.index, "abc" } end end def test_nested_fields_uses_unique_indices_for_different_collection_associations @post.comments = [] @post.tags = [,] @post.comments[0].relevances = [] @post.tags[0].relevances = [] @post.tags[1].relevances = [] form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.fields_for(:comments, @post.comments[0]) { |cf| concat cf.text_field(:name) concat cf.fields_for(:relevances, { |crf| concat crf.text_field(:value) } } concat f.fields_for(:tags, @post.tags[0]) { |tf| concat tf.text_field(:value) concat tf.fields_for(:relevances, { |trf| concat trf.text_field(:value) } } concat f.fields_for("tags", @post.tags[1]) { |tf| concat tf.text_field(:value) concat tf.fields_for(:relevances, { |trf| concat trf.text_field(:value) } } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_nested_fields_for_with_hash_like_model @author = form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.fields_for(:author, @author) { |af| concat af.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do '' end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_fields_for output_buffer = fields_for(:post, @post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = "" + "" + "" + "" assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_fields_for_with_index output_buffer = fields_for("post[]", @post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = "" + "" + "" + "" assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_fields_for_with_nil_index_option_override output_buffer = fields_for("post[]", @post, index: nil) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = "" + "" + "" + "" assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_fields_for_with_index_option_override output_buffer = fields_for("post[]", @post, index: "abc") do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = "" + "" + "" + "" assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_fields_for_without_object output_buffer = fields_for(:post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = "" + "" + "" + "" assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_fields_for_with_only_object output_buffer = fields_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = "" + "" + "" + "" assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_fields_for_object_with_bracketed_name output_buffer = fields_for("author[post]", @post) do |f| concat f.label(:title) concat f.text_field(:title) end assert_dom_equal "" + "", output_buffer end def test_fields_for_object_with_bracketed_name_and_index output_buffer = fields_for("author[post]", @post, index: 1) do |f| concat f.label(:title) concat f.text_field(:title) end assert_dom_equal "" + "", output_buffer end def test_form_builder_does_not_have_form_for_method assert !ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder.instance_methods.include?(:form_for) end def test_form_for_and_fields_for form_for(@post, as: :post, html: { id: "create-post" }) do |post_form| concat post_form.text_field(:title) concat post_form.text_area(:body) concat fields_for(:parent_post, @post) { |parent_fields| concat parent_fields.check_box(:secret) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" + "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_and_fields_for_with_object form_for(@post, as: :post, html: { id: "create-post" }) do |post_form| concat post_form.text_field(:title) concat post_form.text_area(:body) concat post_form.fields_for(@comment) { |comment_fields| concat comment_fields.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "create-post", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" + "" + "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_and_fields_for_with_non_nested_association_and_without_object form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.fields_for(:category) { |c| concat c.text_field(:name) } end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end class LabelledFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder (field_helpers - %w(hidden_field)).each do |selector| class_eval <<-RUBY_EVAL, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{selector}(field, *args, &proc) (" " + super + "
").html_safe end RUBY_EVAL end end def test_form_for_with_labelled_builder form_for(@post, builder: LabelledFormBuilder) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "
" + "
" + "
" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_default_form_builder old_default_form_builder, ActionView::Base.default_form_builder = ActionView::Base.default_form_builder, LabelledFormBuilder form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "
" + "
" + "
" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer ensure ActionView::Base.default_form_builder = old_default_form_builder end def test_lazy_loading_default_form_builder old_default_form_builder, ActionView::Base.default_form_builder = ActionView::Base.default_form_builder, "FormHelperTest::LabelledFormBuilder" form_for(@post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") do "
" end assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer ensure ActionView::Base.default_form_builder = old_default_form_builder end def test_form_builder_override self.default_form_builder = LabelledFormBuilder output_buffer = fields_for(:post, @post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) end expected = "
" assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_lazy_loading_form_builder_override self.default_form_builder = "FormHelperTest::LabelledFormBuilder" output_buffer = fields_for(:post, @post) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) end expected = "
" assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_fields_for_with_labelled_builder output_buffer = fields_for(:post, @post, builder: LabelledFormBuilder) do |f| concat f.text_field(:title) concat f.text_area(:body) concat f.check_box(:secret) end expected = "
" + "
" + "
" assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_labelled_builder_with_nested_fields_for_without_options_hash klass = nil form_for(@post, builder: LabelledFormBuilder) do |f| f.fields_for(:comments, do |nested_fields| klass = nested_fields.class "" end end assert_equal LabelledFormBuilder, klass end def test_form_for_with_labelled_builder_with_nested_fields_for_with_options_hash klass = nil form_for(@post, builder: LabelledFormBuilder) do |f| f.fields_for(:comments,, index: "foo") do |nested_fields| klass = nested_fields.class "" end end assert_equal LabelledFormBuilder, klass end def test_form_for_with_labelled_builder_path path = nil form_for(@post, builder: LabelledFormBuilder) do |f| path = f.to_partial_path "" end assert_equal "labelled_form", path end class LabelledFormBuilderSubclass < LabelledFormBuilder; end def test_form_for_with_labelled_builder_with_nested_fields_for_with_custom_builder klass = nil form_for(@post, builder: LabelledFormBuilder) do |f| f.fields_for(:comments,, builder: LabelledFormBuilderSubclass) do |nested_fields| klass = nested_fields.class "" end end assert_equal LabelledFormBuilderSubclass, klass end def test_form_for_with_html_options_adds_options_to_form_tag form_for(@post, html: { id: "some_form", class: "some_class", multipart: true }) do |f| end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "some_form", "some_class", method: "patch", multipart: "multipart/form-data") assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_string_url_option form_for(@post, url: "") do |f| end assert_dom_equal whole_form("", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch"), output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_hash_url_option form_for(@post, url: { controller: "controller", action: "action" }) do |f| end assert_equal "controller", @url_for_options[:controller] assert_equal "action", @url_for_options[:action] end def test_form_for_with_record_url_option form_for(@post, url: @post) do |f| end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_existing_object form_for(@post) do |f| end expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_new_object post = post.persisted = false def post.to_key; nil; end form_for(post) do |f| end expected = whole_form("/posts", "new_post", "new_post") assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_existing_object_in_list form_for([@post, @comment]) {} expected = whole_form(post_comment_path(@post, @comment), "edit_comment_1", "edit_comment", method: "patch") assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_new_object_in_list form_for([@post, @comment]) {} expected = whole_form(post_comments_path(@post), "new_comment", "new_comment") assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_existing_object_and_namespace_in_list form_for([:admin, @post, @comment]) {} expected = whole_form(admin_post_comment_path(@post, @comment), "edit_comment_1", "edit_comment", method: "patch") assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_new_object_and_namespace_in_list form_for([:admin, @post, @comment]) {} expected = whole_form(admin_post_comments_path(@post), "new_comment", "new_comment") assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_existing_object_and_custom_url form_for(@post, url: "/super_posts") do |f| end expected = whole_form("/super_posts", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_default_method_as_patch form_for(@post) {} expected = whole_form("/posts/123", "edit_post_123", "edit_post", method: "patch") assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end def test_form_for_with_data_attributes form_for(@post, data: { behavior: "stuff" }, remote: true) {} assert_match %r|data-behavior="stuff"|, output_buffer assert_match %r|data-remote="true"|, output_buffer end def test_fields_for_returns_block_result output = fields_for( { |f| "fields" } assert_equal "fields", output end def test_form_for_only_instantiates_builder_once initialization_count = 0 builder_class = do define_method :initialize do |*args| super(*args) initialization_count += 1 end end form_for(@post, builder: builder_class) { } assert_equal 1, initialization_count, "form builder instantiated more than once" end protected def hidden_fields(options = {}) method = options[:method] if options.fetch(:enforce_utf8, true) txt = %{} else txt = "" end if method && !%w(get post).include?(method.to_s) txt << %{} end txt end def form_text(action = "/", id = nil, html_class = nil, remote = nil, multipart = nil, method = nil) txt = %{
} end def whole_form(action = "/", id = nil, html_class = nil, options = {}) contents = block_given? ? yield : "" method, remote, multipart = options.values_at(:method, :remote, :multipart) form_text(action, id, html_class, remote, multipart, method) + hidden_fields(options.slice :method, :enforce_utf8) + contents + "
" end def protect_against_forgery? false end def with_locale(testing_locale = :label) old_locale, I18n.locale = I18n.locale, testing_locale yield ensure I18n.locale = old_locale end end