# frozen_string_literal: true require "abstract_unit" require "active_support/core_ext/integer/time" class DateHelperDistanceOfTimeInWordsI18nTests < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper attr_reader :request def setup @from = Time.utc(2004, 6, 6, 21, 45, 0) end # distance_of_time_in_words def test_distance_of_time_in_words_calls_i18n { # with include_seconds [2.seconds, { include_seconds: true }] => [:'less_than_x_seconds', 5], [9.seconds, { include_seconds: true }] => [:'less_than_x_seconds', 10], [19.seconds, { include_seconds: true }] => [:'less_than_x_seconds', 20], [30.seconds, { include_seconds: true }] => [:'half_a_minute', nil], [59.seconds, { include_seconds: true }] => [:'less_than_x_minutes', 1], [60.seconds, { include_seconds: true }] => [:'x_minutes', 1], # without include_seconds [29.seconds, { include_seconds: false }] => [:'less_than_x_minutes', 1], [60.seconds, { include_seconds: false }] => [:'x_minutes', 1], [44.minutes, { include_seconds: false }] => [:'x_minutes', 44], [61.minutes, { include_seconds: false }] => [:'about_x_hours', 1], [24.hours, { include_seconds: false }] => [:'x_days', 1], [30.days, { include_seconds: false }] => [:'about_x_months', 1], [60.days, { include_seconds: false }] => [:'x_months', 2], [1.year, { include_seconds: false }] => [:'about_x_years', 1], [3.years + 6.months, { include_seconds: false }] => [:'over_x_years', 3], [3.years + 10.months, { include_seconds: false }] => [:'almost_x_years', 4] }.each do |passed, expected| assert_distance_of_time_in_words_translates_key passed, expected end end def test_distance_of_time_in_words_calls_i18n_with_custom_scope { [30.days, { scope: :'datetime.distance_in_words_ago' }] => [:'about_x_months', 1], [60.days, { scope: :'datetime.distance_in_words_ago' }] => [:'x_months', 2], }.each do |passed, expected| assert_distance_of_time_in_words_translates_key(passed, expected, scope: :'datetime.distance_in_words_ago') end end def test_time_ago_in_words_passes_locale assert_called_with(I18n, :t, [:less_than_x_minutes, scope: :'datetime.distance_in_words', count: 1, locale: "ru"]) do time_ago_in_words(15.seconds.ago, locale: "ru") end end def test_distance_of_time_pluralizations { [:'less_than_x_seconds', 1] => "less than 1 second", [:'less_than_x_seconds', 2] => "less than 2 seconds", [:'less_than_x_minutes', 1] => "less than a minute", [:'less_than_x_minutes', 2] => "less than 2 minutes", [:'x_minutes', 1] => "1 minute", [:'x_minutes', 2] => "2 minutes", [:'about_x_hours', 1] => "about 1 hour", [:'about_x_hours', 2] => "about 2 hours", [:'x_days', 1] => "1 day", [:'x_days', 2] => "2 days", [:'about_x_years', 1] => "about 1 year", [:'about_x_years', 2] => "about 2 years", [:'over_x_years', 1] => "over 1 year", [:'over_x_years', 2] => "over 2 years" }.each do |args, expected| key, count = *args assert_equal expected, I18n.t(key, count: count, scope: "datetime.distance_in_words") end end def assert_distance_of_time_in_words_translates_key(passed, expected, expected_options = {}) diff, passed_options = *passed key, count = *expected to = @from + diff options = { locale: "en", scope: :'datetime.distance_in_words' }.merge!(expected_options) options[:count] = count if count assert_called_with(I18n, :t, [key, options]) do distance_of_time_in_words(@from, to, passed_options.merge(locale: "en")) end end end class DateHelperSelectTagsI18nTests < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper attr_reader :request # select_month def test_select_month_given_use_month_names_option_does_not_translate_monthnames assert_not_called(I18n, :translate) do select_month(8, locale: "en", use_month_names: Date::MONTHNAMES) end end def test_select_month_translates_monthnames assert_called_with(I18n, :translate, [:'date.month_names', locale: "en"], returns: Date::MONTHNAMES) do select_month(8, locale: "en") end end def test_select_month_given_use_short_month_option_translates_abbr_monthnames assert_called_with(I18n, :translate, [:'date.abbr_month_names', locale: "en"], returns: Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES) do select_month(8, locale: "en", use_short_month: true) end end def test_date_or_time_select_translates_prompts prompt_defaults = { year: "Year", month: "Month", day: "Day", hour: "Hour", minute: "Minute", second: "Seconds" } defaults = { [:'date.order', locale: "en", default: []] => %w(year month day) } prompt_defaults.each do |key, prompt| defaults[[("datetime.prompts." + key.to_s).to_sym, locale: "en"]] = prompt end prompts_check = -> (prompt, x) do @prompt_called ||= 0 return_value = defaults[[prompt, x]] @prompt_called += 1 if return_value.present? return_value end I18n.stub(:translate, prompts_check) do datetime_select("post", "updated_at", locale: "en", include_seconds: true, prompt: true, use_month_names: Date::MONTHNAMES) end assert_equal defaults.count, @prompt_called end # date_or_time_select def test_date_or_time_select_given_an_order_options_does_not_translate_order assert_not_called(I18n, :translate) do datetime_select("post", "updated_at", order: [:year, :month, :day], locale: "en", use_month_names: Date::MONTHNAMES) end end def test_date_or_time_select_given_no_order_options_translates_order assert_called_with(I18n, :translate, [ [:'date.order', locale: "en", default: []], [:"date.month_names", { locale: "en" }] ], returns: %w(year month day)) do datetime_select("post", "updated_at", locale: "en") end end def test_date_or_time_select_given_invalid_order assert_called_with(I18n, :translate, [:'date.order', locale: "en", default: []], returns: %w(invalid month day)) do assert_raise StandardError do datetime_select("post", "updated_at", locale: "en") end end end def test_date_or_time_select_given_symbol_keys assert_called_with(I18n, :translate, [ [:'date.order', locale: "en", default: []], [:"date.month_names", { locale: "en" }] ], returns: [:year, :month, :day]) do datetime_select("post", "updated_at", locale: "en") end end end