# frozen_string_literal: true require "abstract_unit" Scroll = Struct.new(:id, :to_param, :title, :body, :updated_at, :created_at) do extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion def persisted? false end end class ScrollsController < ActionController::Base FEEDS = {} FEEDS["defaults"] = <<-EOT atom_feed(:schema_date => '2008') do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@scrolls.first.created_at) @scrolls.each do |scroll| feed.entry(scroll) do |entry| entry.title(scroll.title) entry.content(scroll.body, :type => 'html') entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end EOT FEEDS["entry_options"] = <<-EOT atom_feed do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@scrolls.first.created_at) @scrolls.each do |scroll| feed.entry(scroll, :url => "/otherstuff/" + scroll.to_param.to_s, :updated => Time.utc(2007, 1, scroll.id)) do |entry| entry.title(scroll.title) entry.content(scroll.body, :type => 'html') entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end EOT FEEDS["entry_type_options"] = <<-EOT atom_feed(:schema_date => '2008') do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@scrolls.first.created_at) @scrolls.each do |scroll| feed.entry(scroll, :type => 'text/xml') do |entry| entry.title(scroll.title) entry.content(scroll.body, :type => 'html') entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end EOT FEEDS["entry_url_false_option"] = <<-EOT atom_feed do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@scrolls.first.created_at) @scrolls.each do |scroll| feed.entry(scroll, :url => false) do |entry| entry.title(scroll.title) entry.content(scroll.body, :type => 'html') entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end EOT FEEDS["xml_block"] = <<-EOT atom_feed do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@scrolls.first.created_at) feed.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end @scrolls.each do |scroll| feed.entry(scroll, :url => "/otherstuff/" + scroll.to_param.to_s, :updated => Time.utc(2007, 1, scroll.id)) do |entry| entry.title(scroll.title) entry.content(scroll.body, :type => 'html') end end end EOT FEEDS["feed_with_atomPub_namespace"] = <<-EOT atom_feed({'xmlns:app' => 'http://www.w3.org/2007/app', 'xmlns:openSearch' => 'http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/'}) do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@scrolls.first.created_at) @scrolls.each do |scroll| feed.entry(scroll) do |entry| entry.title(scroll.title) entry.content(scroll.body, :type => 'html') entry.tag!('app:edited', Time.now) entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end EOT FEEDS["feed_with_overridden_ids"] = <<-EOT atom_feed({:id => 'tag:test.rubyonrails.org,2008:test/'}) do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@scrolls.first.created_at) @scrolls.each do |scroll| feed.entry(scroll, :id => "tag:test.rubyonrails.org,2008:"+scroll.id.to_s) do |entry| entry.title(scroll.title) entry.content(scroll.body, :type => 'html') entry.tag!('app:edited', Time.now) entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end EOT FEEDS["feed_with_xml_processing_instructions"] = <<-EOT atom_feed(:schema_date => '2008', :instruct => {'xml-stylesheet' => { :href=> 't.css', :type => 'text/css' }}) do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@scrolls.first.created_at) @scrolls.each do |scroll| feed.entry(scroll) do |entry| entry.title(scroll.title) entry.content(scroll.body, :type => 'html') entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end EOT FEEDS["feed_with_xml_processing_instructions_duplicate_targets"] = <<-EOT atom_feed(:schema_date => '2008', :instruct => {'target1' => [{ :a => '1', :b => '2' }, { :c => '3', :d => '4' }]}) do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@scrolls.first.created_at) @scrolls.each do |scroll| feed.entry(scroll) do |entry| entry.title(scroll.title) entry.content(scroll.body, :type => 'html') entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end EOT FEEDS["feed_with_xhtml_content"] = <<-'EOT' atom_feed do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@scrolls.first.created_at) @scrolls.each do |scroll| feed.entry(scroll) do |entry| entry.title(scroll.title) entry.summary(:type => 'xhtml') do |xhtml| xhtml.p "before #{scroll.id}" xhtml.p {xhtml << scroll.body} xhtml.p "after #{scroll.id}" end entry.tag!('app:edited', Time.now) entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end EOT FEEDS["provide_builder"] = <<-'EOT' # we pass in the new_xml to the helper so it doesn't # call anything on the original builder new_xml = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target=>'') atom_feed(:xml => new_xml) do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@scrolls.first.created_at) @scrolls.each do |scroll| feed.entry(scroll) do |entry| entry.title(scroll.title) entry.content(scroll.body, :type => 'html') entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end EOT def index @scrolls = [ Scroll.new(1, "1", "Hello One", "Something COOL!", Time.utc(2007, 12, 12, 15), Time.utc(2007, 12, 12, 15)), Scroll.new(2, "2", "Hello Two", "Something Boring", Time.utc(2007, 12, 12, 15)), ] render inline: FEEDS[params[:id]], type: :builder end end class AtomFeedTest < ActionController::TestCase tests ScrollsController def setup super @request.host = "www.nextangle.com" end def test_feed_should_use_default_language_if_none_is_given with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "defaults" } assert_match(%r{xml:lang="en-US"}, @response.body) end end def test_feed_should_include_two_entries with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "defaults" } assert_select "entry", 2 end end def test_entry_should_only_use_published_if_created_at_is_present with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "defaults" } assert_select "published", 1 end end def test_providing_builder_to_atom_feed with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "provide_builder" } # because we pass in the non-default builder, the content generated by the # helper should go 'nowhere'. Leaving the response body blank. assert @response.body.blank? end end def test_entry_with_prefilled_options_should_use_those_instead_of_querying_the_record with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "entry_options" } assert_select "updated", Time.utc(2007, 1, 1).xmlschema assert_select "updated", Time.utc(2007, 1, 2).xmlschema end end def test_self_url_should_default_to_current_request_url with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "defaults" } assert_select "link[rel=self][href=\"http://www.nextangle.com/scrolls?id=defaults\"]" end end def test_feed_id_should_be_a_valid_tag with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "defaults" } assert_select "id", text: "tag:www.nextangle.com,2008:/scrolls?id=defaults" end end def test_entry_id_should_be_a_valid_tag with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "defaults" } assert_select "entry id", text: "tag:www.nextangle.com,2008:Scroll/1" assert_select "entry id", text: "tag:www.nextangle.com,2008:Scroll/2" end end def test_feed_should_allow_nested_xml_blocks with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "xml_block" } assert_select "author name", text: "DHH" end end def test_feed_should_include_atomPub_namespace with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "feed_with_atomPub_namespace" } assert_match %r{xml:lang="en-US"}, @response.body assert_match %r{xmlns="http://www\.w3\.org/2005/Atom"}, @response.body assert_match %r{xmlns:app="http://www\.w3\.org/2007/app"}, @response.body end end def test_feed_should_allow_overriding_ids with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "feed_with_overridden_ids" } assert_select "id", text: "tag:test.rubyonrails.org,2008:test/" assert_select "entry id", text: "tag:test.rubyonrails.org,2008:1" assert_select "entry id", text: "tag:test.rubyonrails.org,2008:2" end end def test_feed_xml_processing_instructions with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "feed_with_xml_processing_instructions" } assert_match %r{<\?xml-stylesheet [^\?]*type="text/css"}, @response.body assert_match %r{<\?xml-stylesheet [^\?]*href="t\.css"}, @response.body end end def test_feed_xml_processing_instructions_duplicate_targets with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "feed_with_xml_processing_instructions_duplicate_targets" } assert_match %r{<\?target1 (a="1" b="2"|b="2" a="1")\?>}, @response.body assert_match %r{<\?target1 (c="3" d="4"|d="4" c="3")\?>}, @response.body end end def test_feed_xhtml with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "feed_with_xhtml_content" } assert_match %r{xmlns="http://www\.w3\.org/1999/xhtml"}, @response.body assert_select "summary", text: /Something Boring/ assert_select "summary", text: /after 2/ end end def test_feed_entry_type_option_default_to_text_html with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "defaults" } assert_select "entry link[rel=alternate][type=\"text/html\"]" end end def test_feed_entry_type_option_specified with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "entry_type_options" } assert_select "entry link[rel=alternate][type=\"text/xml\"]" end end def test_feed_entry_url_false_option_adds_no_link with_restful_routing(:scrolls) do get :index, params: { id: "entry_url_false_option" } assert_select "entry link", false end end private def with_restful_routing(resources) with_routing do |set| set.draw do resources(resources) end yield end end end