require 'abstract_unit' require "active_model" class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base self.view_paths = File.join(FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH, "actionpack") end class Customer <, :id) extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion undef_method :to_json def to_xml(options={}) if options[:builder] options[:builder].name name else "#{name}" end end def to_js(options={}) "name: #{name.inspect}" end alias :to_text :to_js def errors [] end def persisted? id.present? end end module Quiz #Models class Question <, :id) extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion def persisted? id.present? end end # Controller class QuestionsController < ApplicationController def new render :partial =>"Namespaced Partial") end end end class BadCustomer < Customer; end class GoodCustomer < Customer; end module Fun class GamesController < ApplicationController def hello_world; end def nested_partial_with_form_builder render :partial =>, nil, view_context, {}) end end end class TestController < ApplicationController protect_from_forgery before_action :set_variable_for_layout class LabellingFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder end layout :determine_layout def name nil end private :name helper_method :name def hello_world end def hello_world_file render :file => File.expand_path("../../../fixtures/actionpack/hello", __FILE__), :formats => [:html] end # :ported: def render_hello_world render :template => "test/hello_world" end def render_hello_world_with_last_modified_set response.last_modified =, 10, 10).to_time render :template => "test/hello_world" end # :ported: compatibility def render_hello_world_with_forward_slash render :template => "/test/hello_world" end # :ported: def render_template_in_top_directory render :template => 'shared' end # :deprecated: def render_template_in_top_directory_with_slash render :template => '/shared' end # :ported: def render_hello_world_from_variable @person = "david" render :text => "hello #{@person}" end # :ported: def render_action_hello_world render :action => "hello_world" end def render_action_upcased_hello_world render :action => "Hello_world" end def render_action_hello_world_as_string render "hello_world" end def render_action_hello_world_with_symbol render :action => :hello_world end # :ported: def render_text_hello_world render :text => "hello world" end # :ported: def render_text_hello_world_with_layout @variable_for_layout = ", I am here!" render :text => "hello world", :layout => true end def hello_world_with_layout_false render :layout => false end # :ported: def render_file_with_instance_variables @secret = 'in the sauce' path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../fixtures/test/render_file_with_ivar') render :file => path end # :ported: def render_file_as_string_with_instance_variables @secret = 'in the sauce' path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../fixtures/test/render_file_with_ivar')) render path end # :ported: def render_file_not_using_full_path @secret = 'in the sauce' render :file => 'test/render_file_with_ivar' end def render_file_not_using_full_path_with_dot_in_path @secret = 'in the sauce' render :file => 'test/' end def render_file_using_pathname @secret = 'in the sauce' render :file =>'..', '..', 'fixtures', 'test', '', 'render_file_with_ivar') end def render_file_from_template @secret = 'in the sauce' @path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../fixtures/test/render_file_with_ivar')) end def render_file_with_locals path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../fixtures/test/render_file_with_locals') render :file => path, :locals => {:secret => 'in the sauce'} end def render_file_as_string_with_locals path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../fixtures/test/render_file_with_locals')) render path, :locals => {:secret => 'in the sauce'} end def accessing_request_in_template render :inline => "Hello: <%= %>" end def accessing_logger_in_template render :inline => "<%= logger.class %>" end def accessing_action_name_in_template render :inline => "<%= action_name %>" end def accessing_controller_name_in_template render :inline => "<%= controller_name %>" end # :ported: def render_custom_code render :text => "hello world", :status => 404 end # :ported: def render_text_with_nil render :text => nil end # :ported: def render_text_with_false render :text => false end def render_text_with_resource render :text =>"David") end # :ported: def render_nothing_with_appendix render :text => "appended" end # This test is testing 3 things: # render :file in AV :ported: # render :template in AC :ported: # setting content type def render_xml_hello @name = "David" render :template => "test/hello" end def render_xml_hello_as_string_template @name = "David" render "test/hello" end def render_line_offset render :inline => '<% raise %>', :locals => {:foo => 'bar'} end def heading head :ok end def greeting # let's just rely on the template end # :ported: def blank_response render :text => ' ' end # :ported: def layout_test render :action => "hello_world" end # :ported: def builder_layout_test @name = nil render :action => "hello", :layout => "layouts/builder" end # :move: test this in Action View def builder_partial_test render :action => "hello_world_container" end # :ported: def partials_list @test_unchanged = 'hello' @customers = ["david"),"mary") ] render :action => "list" end def partial_only render :partial => true end def hello_in_a_string @customers = ["david"),"mary") ] render :text => "How's there? " + render_to_string(:template => "test/list") end def accessing_params_in_template render :inline => "Hello: <%= params[:name] %>" end def accessing_local_assigns_in_inline_template name = params[:local_name] render :inline => "<%= 'Goodbye, ' + local_name %>", :locals => { :local_name => name } end def render_implicit_html_template_from_xhr_request end def render_implicit_js_template_without_layout end def formatted_html_erb end def formatted_xml_erb end def render_to_string_test @foo = render_to_string :inline => "this is a test" end def default_render @alternate_default_render ||= nil if @alternate_default_render else super end end def render_action_hello_world_as_symbol render :action => :hello_world end def layout_test_with_different_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => "standard" end def layout_test_with_different_layout_and_string_action render "hello_world", :layout => "standard" end def layout_test_with_different_layout_and_symbol_action render :hello_world, :layout => "standard" end def rendering_without_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => false end def layout_overriding_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => "standard" end def rendering_nothing_on_layout render :nothing => true end def render_to_string_with_assigns @before = "i'm before the render" render_to_string :text => "foo" @after = "i'm after the render" render :template => "test/hello_world" end def render_to_string_with_exception render_to_string :file => "exception that will not be caught - this will certainly not work" end def render_to_string_with_caught_exception @before = "i'm before the render" begin render_to_string :file => "exception that will be caught- hope my future instance vars still work!" rescue end @after = "i'm after the render" render :template => "test/hello_world" end def accessing_params_in_template_with_layout render :layout => true, :inline => "Hello: <%= params[:name] %>" end # :ported: def render_with_explicit_template render :template => "test/hello_world" end def render_with_explicit_unescaped_template render :template => "test/h*llo_world" end def render_with_explicit_escaped_template render :template => "test/hello,world" end def render_with_explicit_string_template render "test/hello_world" end # :ported: def render_with_explicit_template_with_locals render :template => "test/render_file_with_locals", :locals => { :secret => 'area51' } end # :ported: def double_render render :text => "hello" render :text => "world" end def double_redirect redirect_to :action => "double_render" redirect_to :action => "double_render" end def render_and_redirect render :text => "hello" redirect_to :action => "double_render" end def render_to_string_and_render @stuff = render_to_string :text => "here is some cached stuff" render :text => "Hi web users! #{@stuff}" end def render_to_string_with_inline_and_render render_to_string :inline => "<%= 'dlrow olleh'.reverse %>" render :template => "test/hello_world" end def rendering_with_conflicting_local_vars @name = "David" render :action => "potential_conflicts" end def hello_world_from_rxml_using_action render :action => "hello_world_from_rxml", :handlers => [:builder] end # :deprecated: def hello_world_from_rxml_using_template render :template => "test/hello_world_from_rxml", :handlers => [:builder] end def action_talk_to_layout # Action template sets variable that's picked up by layout end # :addressed: def render_text_with_assigns @hello = "world" render :text => "foo" end def yield_content_for render :action => "content_for", :layout => "yield" end def render_content_type_from_body response.content_type = Mime::RSS render :text => "hello world!" end def render_using_layout_around_block render :action => "using_layout_around_block" end def render_using_layout_around_block_in_main_layout_and_within_content_for_layout render :action => "using_layout_around_block", :layout => "layouts/block_with_layout" end def partial_formats_html render :partial => 'partial', :formats => [:html] end def partial render :partial => 'partial' end def partial_html_erb render :partial => 'partial_html_erb' end def render_to_string_with_partial @partial_only = render_to_string :partial => "partial_only" @partial_with_locals = render_to_string :partial => "customer", :locals => { :customer =>"david") } render :template => "test/hello_world" end def render_to_string_with_template_and_html_partial @text = render_to_string :template => "test/with_partial", :formats => [:text] @html = render_to_string :template => "test/with_partial", :formats => [:html] render :template => "test/with_html_partial" end def render_to_string_and_render_with_different_formats @html = render_to_string :template => "test/with_partial", :formats => [:html] render :template => "test/with_partial", :formats => [:text] end def render_template_within_a_template_with_other_format render :template => "test/with_xml_template", :formats => [:html], :layout => "with_html_partial" end def partial_with_counter render :partial => "counter", :locals => { :counter_counter => 5 } end def partial_with_locals render :partial => "customer", :locals => { :customer =>"david") } end def partial_with_form_builder render :partial =>, nil, view_context, {}) end def partial_with_form_builder_subclass render :partial =>, nil, view_context, {}) end def partial_collection render :partial => "customer", :collection => ["david"),"mary") ] end def partial_collection_with_as render :partial => "customer_with_var", :collection => ["david"),"mary") ], :as => :customer end def partial_collection_with_counter render :partial => "customer_counter", :collection => ["david"),"mary") ] end def partial_collection_with_as_and_counter render :partial => "customer_counter_with_as", :collection => ["david"),"mary") ], :as => :client end def partial_collection_with_locals render :partial => "customer_greeting", :collection => ["david"),"mary") ], :locals => { :greeting => "Bonjour" } end def partial_collection_with_spacer render :partial => "customer", :spacer_template => "partial_only", :collection => ["david"),"mary") ] end def partial_collection_with_spacer_which_uses_render render :partial => "customer", :spacer_template => "partial_with_partial", :collection => ["david"),"mary") ] end def partial_collection_shorthand_with_locals render :partial => ["david"),"mary") ], :locals => { :greeting => "Bonjour" } end def partial_collection_shorthand_with_different_types_of_records render :partial => ["mark"),"craig"),"john"),"zach"),"brandon"),"dan") ], :locals => { :greeting => "Bonjour" } end def empty_partial_collection render :partial => "customer", :collection => [] end def partial_collection_shorthand_with_different_types_of_records_with_counter partial_collection_shorthand_with_different_types_of_records end def missing_partial render :partial => 'thisFileIsntHere' end def partial_with_hash_object render :partial => "hash_object", :object => {:first_name => "Sam"} end def partial_with_nested_object render :partial => "quiz/questions/question", :object =>"first") end def partial_with_nested_object_shorthand render"first") end def partial_hash_collection render :partial => "hash_object", :collection => [ {:first_name => "Pratik"}, {:first_name => "Amy"} ] end def partial_hash_collection_with_locals render :partial => "hash_greeting", :collection => [ {:first_name => "Pratik"}, {:first_name => "Amy"} ], :locals => { :greeting => "Hola" } end def partial_with_implicit_local_assignment @customer ="Marcel") render :partial => "customer" end def render_call_to_partial_with_layout render :action => "calling_partial_with_layout" end def render_call_to_partial_with_layout_in_main_layout_and_within_content_for_layout render :action => "calling_partial_with_layout", :layout => "layouts/partial_with_layout" end before_action only: :render_with_filters do request.format = :xml end # Ensure that the before filter is executed *before* self.formats is set. def render_with_filters render :action => :formatted_xml_erb end private def set_variable_for_layout @variable_for_layout = nil end def determine_layout case action_name when "hello_world", "layout_test", "rendering_without_layout", "rendering_nothing_on_layout", "render_text_hello_world", "render_text_hello_world_with_layout", "hello_world_with_layout_false", "partial_only", "accessing_params_in_template", "accessing_params_in_template_with_layout", "render_with_explicit_template", "render_with_explicit_string_template", "update_page", "update_page_with_instance_variables" "layouts/standard" when "action_talk_to_layout", "layout_overriding_layout" "layouts/talk_from_action" when "render_implicit_html_template_from_xhr_request" (request.xhr? ? 'layouts/xhr' : 'layouts/standard') end end end class RenderTest < ActionController::TestCase tests TestController def setup # enable a logger so that (e.g.) the benchmarking stuff runs, so we can get # a more accurate simulation of what happens in "real life". super @controller.logger = ActionView::Base.logger = = "" end def teardown ActionView::Base.logger = nil end # :ported: def test_simple_show get :hello_world assert_response 200 assert_response :success assert_template "test/hello_world" assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body end # :ported: def test_renders_default_template_for_missing_action get :'hyphen-ated' assert_template 'test/hyphen-ated' end # :ported: def test_render get :render_hello_world assert_template "test/hello_world" end def test_line_offset exc = assert_raises ActionView::Template::Error do get :render_line_offset end line = exc.backtrace.first assert(line =~ %r{:(\d+):}) assert_equal "1", $1, "The line offset is wrong, perhaps the wrong exception has been raised, exception was: #{exc.inspect}" end # :ported: compatibility def test_render_with_forward_slash get :render_hello_world_with_forward_slash assert_template "test/hello_world" end # :ported: def test_render_in_top_directory get :render_template_in_top_directory assert_template "shared" assert_equal "Elastica", @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_in_top_directory_with_slash get :render_template_in_top_directory_with_slash assert_template "shared" assert_equal "Elastica", @response.body end def test_render_process get :render_action_hello_world_as_string assert_equal ["Hello world!"], @controller.process(:render_action_hello_world_as_string) end # :ported: def test_render_from_variable get :render_hello_world_from_variable assert_equal "hello david", @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_action get :render_action_hello_world assert_template "test/hello_world" end def test_render_action_upcased assert_raise ActionView::MissingTemplate do get :render_action_upcased_hello_world end end # :ported: def test_render_action_hello_world_as_string get :render_action_hello_world_as_string assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body assert_template "test/hello_world" end # :ported: def test_render_action_with_symbol get :render_action_hello_world_with_symbol assert_template "test/hello_world" end # :ported: def test_render_text get :render_text_hello_world assert_equal "hello world", @response.body end # :ported: def test_do_with_render_text_and_layout get :render_text_hello_world_with_layout assert_equal "hello world, I am here!", @response.body end # :ported: def test_do_with_render_action_and_layout_false get :hello_world_with_layout_false assert_equal 'Hello world!', @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_file_with_instance_variables get :render_file_with_instance_variables assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @response.body end def test_render_file get :hello_world_file assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_file_as_string_with_instance_variables get :render_file_as_string_with_instance_variables assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_file_not_using_full_path get :render_file_not_using_full_path assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_file_not_using_full_path_with_dot_in_path get :render_file_not_using_full_path_with_dot_in_path assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_file_using_pathname get :render_file_using_pathname assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_file_with_locals get :render_file_with_locals assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_file_as_string_with_locals get :render_file_as_string_with_locals assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @response.body end # :assessed: def test_render_file_from_template get :render_file_from_template assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_custom_code get :render_custom_code assert_response 404 assert_response :missing assert_equal 'hello world', @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_text_with_nil get :render_text_with_nil assert_response 200 assert_equal '', @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_text_with_false get :render_text_with_false assert_equal 'false', @response.body end # :ported: def test_render_nothing_with_appendix get :render_nothing_with_appendix assert_response 200 assert_equal 'appended', @response.body end def test_render_text_with_resource get :render_text_with_resource assert_equal 'name: "David"', @response.body end # :ported: def test_attempt_to_access_object_method assert_raise(AbstractController::ActionNotFound, "No action responded to [clone]") { get :clone } end # :ported: def test_private_methods assert_raise(AbstractController::ActionNotFound, "No action responded to [determine_layout]") { get :determine_layout } end # :ported: def test_access_to_request_in_view get :accessing_request_in_template assert_equal "Hello:", @response.body end def test_access_to_logger_in_view get :accessing_logger_in_template assert_equal "ActiveSupport::Logger", @response.body end # :ported: def test_access_to_action_name_in_view get :accessing_action_name_in_template assert_equal "accessing_action_name_in_template", @response.body end # :ported: def test_access_to_controller_name_in_view get :accessing_controller_name_in_template assert_equal "test", @response.body # name is explicitly set in the controller. end # :ported: def test_render_xml get :render_xml_hello assert_equal "\n

Hello David


This is grand!

\n\n", @response.body assert_equal "application/xml", @response.content_type end # :ported: def test_render_xml_as_string_template get :render_xml_hello_as_string_template assert_equal "\n

Hello David


This is grand!

\n\n", @response.body assert_equal "application/xml", @response.content_type end # :ported: def test_render_xml_with_default get :greeting assert_equal "

This is grand!

\n", @response.body end # :move: test in AV def test_render_xml_with_partial get :builder_partial_test assert_equal "\n \n\n", @response.body end # :ported: def test_layout_rendering get :layout_test assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body end def test_render_xml_with_layouts get :builder_layout_test assert_equal "\n\n



This is grand!

\n", @response.body end def test_partials_list get :partials_list assert_equal "goodbyeHello: davidHello: marygoodbye\n", @response.body end def test_render_to_string get :hello_in_a_string assert_equal "How's there? goodbyeHello: davidHello: marygoodbye\n", @response.body end def test_render_to_string_resets_assigns get :render_to_string_test assert_equal "The value of foo is: ::this is a test::\n", @response.body end def test_render_to_string_inline get :render_to_string_with_inline_and_render assert_template "test/hello_world" end # :ported: def test_nested_rendering @controller = get :hello_world assert_equal "Living in a nested world", @response.body end def test_accessing_params_in_template get :accessing_params_in_template, :name => "David" assert_equal "Hello: David", @response.body end def test_accessing_local_assigns_in_inline_template get :accessing_local_assigns_in_inline_template, :local_name => "Local David" assert_equal "Goodbye, Local David", @response.body assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type end def test_should_implicitly_render_html_template_from_xhr_request xhr :get, :render_implicit_html_template_from_xhr_request assert_equal "XHR!\nHello HTML!", @response.body end def test_should_implicitly_render_js_template_without_layout xhr :get, :render_implicit_js_template_without_layout, :format => :js assert_no_match %r{}, @response.body end def test_should_render_formatted_template get :formatted_html_erb assert_equal 'formatted html erb', @response.body end def test_should_render_formatted_html_erb_template get :formatted_xml_erb assert_equal 'passed formatted html erb', @response.body end def test_should_render_formatted_html_erb_template_with_bad_accepts_header @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "; a=dsf" get :formatted_xml_erb assert_equal 'passed formatted html erb', @response.body end def test_should_render_formatted_html_erb_template_with_faulty_accepts_header @request.accept = "image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*" get :formatted_xml_erb assert_equal 'passed formatted html erb', @response.body end def test_layout_test_with_different_layout get :layout_test_with_different_layout assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body end def test_layout_test_with_different_layout_and_string_action get :layout_test_with_different_layout_and_string_action assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body end def test_layout_test_with_different_layout_and_symbol_action get :layout_test_with_different_layout_and_symbol_action assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body end def test_rendering_without_layout get :rendering_without_layout assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body end def test_layout_overriding_layout get :layout_overriding_layout assert_no_match %r{}, @response.body end def test_rendering_nothing_on_layout get :rendering_nothing_on_layout assert_equal '', @response.body end def test_render_to_string_doesnt_break_assigns get :render_to_string_with_assigns assert_equal "i'm before the render", assigns(:before) assert_equal "i'm after the render", assigns(:after) end def test_bad_render_to_string_still_throws_exception assert_raise(ActionView::MissingTemplate) { get :render_to_string_with_exception } end def test_render_to_string_that_throws_caught_exception_doesnt_break_assigns assert_nothing_raised { get :render_to_string_with_caught_exception } assert_equal "i'm before the render", assigns(:before) assert_equal "i'm after the render", assigns(:after) end def test_accessing_params_in_template_with_layout get :accessing_params_in_template_with_layout, :name => "David" assert_equal "<html>Hello: David</html>", @response.body end def test_render_with_explicit_template get :render_with_explicit_template assert_response :success end def test_render_with_explicit_unescaped_template assert_raise(ActionView::MissingTemplate) { get :render_with_explicit_unescaped_template } get :render_with_explicit_escaped_template assert_equal "Hello w*rld!", @response.body end def test_render_with_explicit_string_template get :render_with_explicit_string_template assert_equal "<html>Hello world!</html>", @response.body end def test_render_with_filters get :render_with_filters assert_equal "<test>passed formatted xml erb</test>", @response.body end # :ported: def test_double_render assert_raise(AbstractController::DoubleRenderError) { get :double_render } end def test_double_redirect assert_raise(AbstractController::DoubleRenderError) { get :double_redirect } end def test_render_and_redirect assert_raise(AbstractController::DoubleRenderError) { get :render_and_redirect } end # specify the one exception to double render rule - render_to_string followed by render def test_render_to_string_and_render get :render_to_string_and_render assert_equal("Hi web users! here is some cached stuff", @response.body) end def test_rendering_with_conflicting_local_vars get :rendering_with_conflicting_local_vars assert_equal("First: David\nSecond: Stephan\nThird: David\nFourth: David\nFifth: ", @response.body) end def test_action_talk_to_layout get :action_talk_to_layout assert_equal "<title>Talking to the layout\nAction was here!", @response.body end # :addressed: def test_render_text_with_assigns get :render_text_with_assigns assert_equal "world", assigns["hello"] end # :ported: def test_template_with_locals get :render_with_explicit_template_with_locals assert_equal "The secret is area51\n", @response.body end def test_yield_content_for get :yield_content_for assert_equal "Putting stuff in the title!\nGreat stuff!\n", @response.body end def test_overwritting_rendering_relative_file_with_extension get :hello_world_from_rxml_using_template assert_equal "\n


\n\n", @response.body get :hello_world_from_rxml_using_action assert_equal "\n


\n\n", @response.body end def test_using_layout_around_block get :render_using_layout_around_block assert_equal "Before (David)\nInside from block\nAfter", @response.body end def test_using_layout_around_block_in_main_layout_and_within_content_for_layout get :render_using_layout_around_block_in_main_layout_and_within_content_for_layout assert_equal "Before (Anthony)\nInside from first block in layout\nAfter\nBefore (David)\nInside from block\nAfter\nBefore (Ramm)\nInside from second block in layout\nAfter\n", @response.body end def test_partial_only get :partial_only assert_equal "only partial", @response.body assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type end def test_should_render_html_formatted_partial get :partial assert_equal "partial html", @response.body assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type end def test_render_html_formatted_partial_even_with_other_mime_time_in_accept @request.accept = "text/javascript, text/html" get :partial_html_erb assert_equal "partial.html.erb", @response.body.strip assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type end def test_should_render_html_partial_with_formats get :partial_formats_html assert_equal "partial html", @response.body assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type end def test_render_to_string_partial get :render_to_string_with_partial assert_equal "only partial", assigns(:partial_only) assert_equal "Hello: david", assigns(:partial_with_locals) assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type end def test_render_to_string_with_template_and_html_partial get :render_to_string_with_template_and_html_partial assert_equal "**only partial**\n", assigns(:text) assert_equal "only partial\n", assigns(:html) assert_equal "only html partial\n", @response.body assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type end def test_render_to_string_and_render_with_different_formats get :render_to_string_and_render_with_different_formats assert_equal "only partial\n", assigns(:html) assert_equal "**only partial**\n", @response.body assert_equal "text/plain", @response.content_type end def test_render_template_within_a_template_with_other_format get :render_template_within_a_template_with_other_format expected = "only html partial

This is grand!

" assert_equal expected, @response.body.strip assert_equal "text/html", @response.content_type end def test_partial_with_counter get :partial_with_counter assert_equal "5", @response.body end def test_partial_with_locals get :partial_with_locals assert_equal "Hello: david", @response.body end def test_partial_with_form_builder get :partial_with_form_builder assert_match(/