# frozen_string_literal: true require "abstract_unit" module AbstractControllerTests module Layouts # Base controller for these tests class Base < AbstractController::Base include AbstractController::Rendering include ActionView::Rendering include ActionView::Layouts abstract! self.view_paths = [ActionView::FixtureResolver.new( "some/template.erb" => "hello <%= foo %> bar", "layouts/hello.erb" => "With String <%= yield %>", "layouts/hello_locals.erb" => "With String <%= yield %>", "layouts/hello_override.erb" => "With Override <%= yield %>", "layouts/overwrite.erb" => "Overwrite <%= yield %>", "layouts/with_false_layout.erb" => "False Layout <%= yield %>", "abstract_controller_tests/layouts/with_string_implied_child.erb" => "With Implied <%= yield %>", "abstract_controller_tests/layouts/with_grand_child_of_implied.erb" => "With Grand Child <%= yield %>" )] end class Blank < Base self.view_paths = [] def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello blank!") end end class WithStringLocals < Base layout "hello_locals" def index render template: "some/template", locals: { foo: "less than 3" } end end class WithString < Base layout "hello" def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello string!") end def action_has_layout_false render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello string!") end def overwrite_default render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello string!"), layout: :default end def overwrite_false render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello string!"), layout: false end def overwrite_string render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello string!"), layout: "overwrite" end def overwrite_skip render plain: "Hello text!" end end class WithStringChild < WithString end class WithStringOverriddenChild < WithString layout "hello_override" end class WithStringImpliedChild < WithString layout nil end class WithChildOfImplied < WithStringImpliedChild end class WithGrandChildOfImplied < WithStringImpliedChild layout nil end class WithProc < Base layout proc { "overwrite" } def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello proc!") end end class WithProcReturningNil < WithString layout proc { nil } def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello nil!") end end class WithProcReturningFalse < WithString layout proc { false } def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello false!") end end class WithZeroArityProc < Base layout proc { "overwrite" } def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello zero arity proc!") end end class WithProcInContextOfInstance < Base def an_instance_method; end layout proc { break unless respond_to? :an_instance_method "overwrite" } def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello again zero arity proc!") end end class WithSymbol < Base layout :hello def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello symbol!") end private def hello "overwrite" end end class WithSymbolReturningNil < Base layout :nilz def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello nilz!") end def nilz() end end class WithSymbolReturningObj < Base layout :objekt def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello nilz!") end def objekt Object.new end end class WithSymbolAndNoMethod < Base layout :no_method def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello boom!") end end class WithMissingLayout < Base layout "missing" def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello missing!") end end class WithFalseLayout < Base layout false def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello false!") end end class WithNilLayout < Base layout nil def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello nil!") end end class WithOnlyConditional < WithStringImpliedChild layout "overwrite", only: :show def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello index!") end def show render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello show!") end end class WithOnlyConditionalFlipped < WithOnlyConditional layout "hello_override", only: :index end class WithOnlyConditionalFlippedAndInheriting < WithOnlyConditional layout nil, only: :index end class WithExceptConditional < WithStringImpliedChild layout "overwrite", except: :show def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello index!") end def show render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello show!") end end class AbstractWithString < Base layout "hello" abstract! end class AbstractWithStringChild < AbstractWithString def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello abstract child!") end end class AbstractWithStringChildDefaultsToInherited < AbstractWithString layout nil def index render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello abstract child!") end end class WithConditionalOverride < WithString layout "overwrite", only: :overwritten def non_overwritten render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello non overwritten!") end def overwritten render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello overwritten!") end end class WithConditionalOverrideFlipped < WithConditionalOverride layout "hello_override", only: :non_overwritten end class WithConditionalOverrideFlippedAndInheriting < WithConditionalOverride layout nil, only: :non_overwritten end class TestBase < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "when no layout is specified, and no default is available, render without a layout" do controller = Blank.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "Hello blank!", controller.response_body end test "with locals" do controller = WithStringLocals.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With String hello less than 3 bar", controller.response_body end test "cache should not grow when locals change for a string template" do cache = WithString.view_paths.paths.first.instance_variable_get(:@cache) controller = WithString.new controller.process(:index) # heat the cache size = cache.size 10.times do |x| controller = WithString.new controller.define_singleton_method :index do render template: ActionView::Template::Text.new("Hello string!"), locals: { :"x#{x}" => :omg } end controller.process(:index) end assert_equal size, cache.size end test "when layout is specified as a string, render with that layout" do controller = WithString.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With String Hello string!", controller.response_body end test "when layout is overwritten by :default in render, render default layout" do controller = WithString.new controller.process(:overwrite_default) assert_equal "With String Hello string!", controller.response_body end test "when layout is overwritten by string in render, render new layout" do controller = WithString.new controller.process(:overwrite_string) assert_equal "Overwrite Hello string!", controller.response_body end test "when layout is overwritten by false in render, render no layout" do controller = WithString.new controller.process(:overwrite_false) assert_equal "Hello string!", controller.response_body end test "when text is rendered, render no layout" do controller = WithString.new controller.process(:overwrite_skip) assert_equal "Hello text!", controller.response_body end test "when layout is specified as a string, but the layout is missing, raise an exception" do assert_raises(ActionView::MissingTemplate) { WithMissingLayout.new.process(:index) } end test "when layout is specified as false, do not use a layout" do controller = WithFalseLayout.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "Hello false!", controller.response_body end test "when layout is specified as nil, do not use a layout" do controller = WithNilLayout.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "Hello nil!", controller.response_body end test "when layout is specified as a proc, do not leak any methods into controller's action_methods" do assert_equal Set.new(["index"]), WithProc.action_methods end test "when layout is specified as a proc, call it and use the layout returned" do controller = WithProc.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "Overwrite Hello proc!", controller.response_body end test "when layout is specified as a proc and the proc returns nil, use inherited layout" do controller = WithProcReturningNil.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With String Hello nil!", controller.response_body end test "when layout is specified as a proc and the proc returns false, use no layout instead of inherited layout" do controller = WithProcReturningFalse.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "Hello false!", controller.response_body end test "when layout is specified as a proc without parameters it works just the same" do controller = WithZeroArityProc.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "Overwrite Hello zero arity proc!", controller.response_body end test "when layout is specified as a proc without parameters the block is evaluated in the context of an instance" do controller = WithProcInContextOfInstance.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "Overwrite Hello again zero arity proc!", controller.response_body end test "when layout is specified as a symbol, call the requested method and use the layout returned" do controller = WithSymbol.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "Overwrite Hello symbol!", controller.response_body end test "when layout is specified as a symbol and the method returns nil, don't use a layout" do controller = WithSymbolReturningNil.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "Hello nilz!", controller.response_body end test "when the layout is specified as a symbol and the method doesn't exist, raise an exception" do assert_raises(NameError) { WithSymbolAndNoMethod.new.process(:index) } end test "when the layout is specified as a symbol and the method returns something besides a string/false/nil, raise an exception" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) { WithSymbolReturningObj.new.process(:index) } end test "when a child controller does not have a layout, use the parent controller layout" do controller = WithStringChild.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With String Hello string!", controller.response_body end test "when a child controller has specified a layout, use that layout and not the parent controller layout" do controller = WithStringOverriddenChild.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With Override Hello string!", controller.response_body end test "when a child controller has an implied layout, use that layout and not the parent controller layout" do controller = WithStringImpliedChild.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With Implied Hello string!", controller.response_body end test "when a grandchild has no layout specified, the child has an implied layout, and the " \ "parent has specified a layout, use the child controller layout" do controller = WithChildOfImplied.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With Implied Hello string!", controller.response_body end test "when a grandchild has nil layout specified, the child has an implied layout, and the " \ "parent has specified a layout, use the grand child controller layout" do controller = WithGrandChildOfImplied.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With Grand Child Hello string!", controller.response_body end test "a child inherits layout from abstract controller" do controller = AbstractWithStringChild.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With String Hello abstract child!", controller.response_body end test "a child inherits layout from abstract controller2" do controller = AbstractWithStringChildDefaultsToInherited.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With String Hello abstract child!", controller.response_body end test "raises an exception when specifying layout true" do assert_raises ArgumentError do Object.class_eval do class ::BadFailLayout < AbstractControllerTests::Layouts::Base layout true end end end end test "when specify an :only option which match current action name" do controller = WithOnlyConditional.new controller.process(:show) assert_equal "Overwrite Hello show!", controller.response_body end test "when specify an :only option which does not match current action name" do controller = WithOnlyConditional.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With Implied Hello index!", controller.response_body end test "when specify an :only option which match current action name and is opposite from parent controller" do controller = WithOnlyConditionalFlipped.new controller.process(:show) assert_equal "With Implied Hello show!", controller.response_body end test "when specify an :only option which does not match current action name and is opposite from parent controller" do controller = WithOnlyConditionalFlipped.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With Override Hello index!", controller.response_body end test "when specify to inherit and an :only option which match current action name and is opposite from parent controller" do controller = WithOnlyConditionalFlippedAndInheriting.new controller.process(:show) assert_equal "With Implied Hello show!", controller.response_body end test "when specify to inherit and an :only option which does not match current action name and is opposite from parent controller" do controller = WithOnlyConditionalFlippedAndInheriting.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "Overwrite Hello index!", controller.response_body end test "when specify an :except option which match current action name" do controller = WithExceptConditional.new controller.process(:show) assert_equal "With Implied Hello show!", controller.response_body end test "when specify an :except option which does not match current action name" do controller = WithExceptConditional.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "Overwrite Hello index!", controller.response_body end test "when specify overwrite as an :only option which match current action name" do controller = WithConditionalOverride.new controller.process(:overwritten) assert_equal "Overwrite Hello overwritten!", controller.response_body end test "when specify overwrite as an :only option which does not match current action name" do controller = WithConditionalOverride.new controller.process(:non_overwritten) assert_equal "Hello non overwritten!", controller.response_body end test "when specify overwrite as an :only option which match current action name and is opposite from parent controller" do controller = WithConditionalOverrideFlipped.new controller.process(:overwritten) assert_equal "Hello overwritten!", controller.response_body end test "when specify overwrite as an :only option which does not match current action name and is opposite from parent controller" do controller = WithConditionalOverrideFlipped.new controller.process(:non_overwritten) assert_equal "With Override Hello non overwritten!", controller.response_body end test "when specify to inherit and overwrite as an :only option which match current action name and is opposite from parent controller" do controller = WithConditionalOverrideFlippedAndInheriting.new controller.process(:overwritten) assert_equal "Hello overwritten!", controller.response_body end test "when specify to inherit and overwrite as an :only option which does not match current action name and is opposite from parent controller" do controller = WithConditionalOverrideFlippedAndInheriting.new controller.process(:non_overwritten) assert_equal "Overwrite Hello non overwritten!", controller.response_body end test "layout for anonymous controller" do klass = Class.new(WithString) do def index render plain: "index", layout: true end end controller = klass.new controller.process(:index) assert_equal "With String index", controller.response_body end test "when layout is disabled with #action_has_layout? returning false, render no layout" do controller = WithString.new controller.instance_eval do def action_has_layout? false end end controller.process(:action_has_layout_false) assert_equal "Hello string!", controller.response_body end end end end