module ActionView module Assertions module DomAssertions # \Test two HTML strings for equivalency (e.g., equal even when attributes are in another order) # # # assert that the referenced method generates the appropriate HTML string # assert_dom_equal 'Apples', link_to("Apples", "") def assert_dom_equal(expected, actual, message = nil) expected_dom, actual_dom = doms_from_strings(expected, actual) message ||= "Expected: #{expected_dom}\nActual: #{actual_dom}" assert compare_doms(expected_dom, actual_dom), message end # The negated form of +assert_dom_equal+. # # # assert that the referenced method does not generate the specified HTML string # assert_dom_not_equal 'Apples', link_to("Oranges", "") def assert_dom_not_equal(expected, actual, message = nil) expected_dom, actual_dom = doms_from_strings(expected, actual) message ||= "Expected: #{expected_dom}\nActual: #{actual_dom}" assert_not compare_doms(expected_dom, actual_dom), message end protected # +doms_from_strings+ creates a Loofah::HTML::DocumentFragment for every string in strings def doms_from_strings(*strings) { |str| Loofah.fragment(str) } end # +compare_doms+ takes two doms loops over all their children and compares each child via +equal_children?+ def compare_doms(expected, actual) expected.children.each_with_index do |child, i| return false unless equal_children?(child, actual.children[i]) end true end # +equal_children?+ compares children according to their type # Determines further comparison via said type # i.e. element node children with equal names has their attributes compared using +attributes_are_equal?+ def equal_children?(child, other_child) return false unless child.type == other_child.type case child.type when Nokogiri::XML::Node::ELEMENT_NODE == && attributes_are_equal?(child, other_child) else child.to_s == other_child.to_s end end # +attributes_are_equal?+ sorts elements attributes by name and compares # each attribute by calling +equal_attribute?+ # If those are +true+ the attributes are considered equal def attributes_are_equal?(element, other_element) first_nodes = element.attribute_nodes.sort_by { |a| } other_nodes = other_element.attribute_nodes.sort_by { |a| } return false unless first_nodes.size == other_nodes.size first_nodes.each_with_index do |attr, i| return false unless equal_attribute?(attr, other_nodes[i]) end true end # +equal_attribute?+ compares attributes by their name and value def equal_attribute?(attr, other_attr) == && attr.value == other_attr.value end end end end