# frozen_string_literal: true require "pathname" require "active_support/core_ext/class" require "active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors" require "action_view/template" require "thread" require "concurrent/map" module ActionView # = Action View Resolver class Resolver # Keeps all information about view path and builds virtual path. class Path attr_reader :name, :prefix, :partial, :virtual alias_method :partial?, :partial def self.build(name, prefix, partial) virtual = +"" virtual << "#{prefix}/" unless prefix.empty? virtual << (partial ? "_#{name}" : name) new name, prefix, partial, virtual end def initialize(name, prefix, partial, virtual) @name = name @prefix = prefix @partial = partial @virtual = virtual end def to_str @virtual end alias :to_s :to_str end # Threadsafe template cache class Cache #:nodoc: class SmallCache < Concurrent::Map def initialize(options = {}) super(options.merge(initial_capacity: 2)) end end # preallocate all the default blocks for performance/memory consumption reasons PARTIAL_BLOCK = lambda { |cache, partial| cache[partial] = SmallCache.new } PREFIX_BLOCK = lambda { |cache, prefix| cache[prefix] = SmallCache.new(&PARTIAL_BLOCK) } NAME_BLOCK = lambda { |cache, name| cache[name] = SmallCache.new(&PREFIX_BLOCK) } KEY_BLOCK = lambda { |cache, key| cache[key] = SmallCache.new(&NAME_BLOCK) } # usually a majority of template look ups return nothing, use this canonical preallocated array to save memory NO_TEMPLATES = [].freeze def initialize @data = SmallCache.new(&KEY_BLOCK) @query_cache = SmallCache.new end def inspect "#<#{self.class.name}:0x#{(object_id << 1).to_s(16)} keys=#{@data.size} queries=#{@query_cache.size}>" end # Cache the templates returned by the block def cache(key, name, prefix, partial, locals) @data[key][name][prefix][partial][locals] ||= canonical_no_templates(yield) end def cache_query(query) # :nodoc: @query_cache[query] ||= canonical_no_templates(yield) end def clear @data.clear @query_cache.clear end # Get the cache size. Do not call this # method. This method is not guaranteed to be here ever. def size # :nodoc: size = 0 @data.each_value do |v1| v1.each_value do |v2| v2.each_value do |v3| v3.each_value do |v4| size += v4.size end end end end size + @query_cache.size end private def canonical_no_templates(templates) templates.empty? ? NO_TEMPLATES : templates end end cattr_accessor :caching, default: true class << self alias :caching? :caching end def initialize @cache = Cache.new end def clear_cache @cache.clear end # Normalizes the arguments and passes it on to find_templates. def find_all(name, prefix = nil, partial = false, details = {}, key = nil, locals = []) locals = locals.map(&:to_s).sort!.freeze cached(key, [name, prefix, partial], details, locals) do find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, false, locals) end end def find_all_anywhere(name, prefix, partial = false, details = {}, key = nil, locals = []) locals = locals.map(&:to_s).sort!.freeze cached(key, [name, prefix, partial], details, locals) do find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, true, locals) end end def find_all_with_query(query) # :nodoc: @cache.cache_query(query) { find_template_paths(File.join(@path, query)) } end private delegate :caching?, to: :class # This is what child classes implement. No defaults are needed # because Resolver guarantees that the arguments are present and # normalized. def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, outside_app_allowed = false, locals = []) raise NotImplementedError, "Subclasses must implement a find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, outside_app_allowed = false, locals = []) method" end # Handles templates caching. If a key is given and caching is on # always check the cache before hitting the resolver. Otherwise, # it always hits the resolver but if the key is present, check if the # resolver is fresher before returning it. def cached(key, path_info, details, locals) name, prefix, partial = path_info if key @cache.cache(key, name, prefix, partial, locals) do yield end else yield end end end # An abstract class that implements a Resolver with path semantics. class PathResolver < Resolver #:nodoc: EXTENSIONS = { locale: ".", formats: ".", variants: "+", handlers: "." } DEFAULT_PATTERN = ":prefix/:action{.:locale,}{.:formats,}{+:variants,}{.:handlers,}" def initialize(pattern = nil) if pattern ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "Specifying a custom path for #{self.class} is deprecated. Implement a custom Resolver subclass instead." @pattern = pattern else @pattern = DEFAULT_PATTERN end super() end private def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, outside_app_allowed = false, locals) path = Path.build(name, prefix, partial) query(path, details, details[:formats], outside_app_allowed, locals) end def query(path, details, formats, outside_app_allowed, locals) template_paths = find_template_paths_from_details(path, details) template_paths = reject_files_external_to_app(template_paths) unless outside_app_allowed template_paths.map do |template| build_template(template, path.virtual, locals) end end def build_template(template, virtual_path, locals) handler, format, variant = extract_handler_and_format_and_variant(template) FileTemplate.new(File.expand_path(template), handler, virtual_path: virtual_path, format: format, variant: variant, locals: locals ) end def reject_files_external_to_app(files) files.reject { |filename| !inside_path?(@path, filename) } end def find_template_paths_from_details(path, details) query = build_query(path, details) find_template_paths(query) end def find_template_paths(query) Dir[query].uniq.reject do |filename| File.directory?(filename) || # deals with case-insensitive file systems. !File.fnmatch(query, filename, File::FNM_EXTGLOB) end end def inside_path?(path, filename) filename = File.expand_path(filename) path = File.join(path, "") filename.start_with?(path) end # Helper for building query glob string based on resolver's pattern. def build_query(path, details) query = @pattern.dup prefix = path.prefix.empty? ? "" : "#{escape_entry(path.prefix)}\\1" query.gsub!(/:prefix(\/)?/, prefix) partial = escape_entry(path.partial? ? "_#{path.name}" : path.name) query.gsub!(/:action/, partial) details.each do |ext, candidates| if ext == :variants && candidates == :any query.gsub!(/:#{ext}/, "*") else query.gsub!(/:#{ext}/, "{#{candidates.compact.uniq.join(',')}}") end end File.expand_path(query, @path) end def escape_entry(entry) entry.gsub(/[*?{}\[\]]/, '\\\\\\&') end # Extract handler, formats and variant from path. If a format cannot be found neither # from the path, or the handler, we should return the array of formats given # to the resolver. def extract_handler_and_format_and_variant(path) pieces = File.basename(path).split(".") pieces.shift extension = pieces.pop handler = Template.handler_for_extension(extension) format, variant = pieces.last.split(EXTENSIONS[:variants], 2) if pieces.last format = if format Template::Types[format]&.ref else if handler.respond_to?(:default_format) # default_format can return nil handler.default_format else nil end end # Template::Types[format] and handler.default_format can return nil [handler, format, variant] end end # A resolver that loads files from the filesystem. class FileSystemResolver < PathResolver attr_reader :path def initialize(path, pattern = nil) raise ArgumentError, "path already is a Resolver class" if path.is_a?(Resolver) super(pattern) @path = File.expand_path(path) end def to_s @path.to_s end alias :to_path :to_s def eql?(resolver) self.class.equal?(resolver.class) && to_path == resolver.to_path end alias :== :eql? end # An Optimized resolver for Rails' most common case. class OptimizedFileSystemResolver < FileSystemResolver #:nodoc: def initialize(path) super(path) end private def find_template_paths_from_details(path, details) # Instead of checking for every possible path, as our other globs would # do, scan the directory for files with the right prefix. query = "#{escape_entry(File.join(@path, path))}*" regex = build_regex(path, details) Dir[query].uniq.reject do |filename| # This regex match does double duty of finding only files which match # details (instead of just matching the prefix) and also filtering for # case-insensitive file systems. !regex.match?(filename) || File.directory?(filename) end.sort_by do |filename| # Because we scanned the directory, instead of checking for files # one-by-one, they will be returned in an arbitrary order. # We can use the matches found by the regex and sort by their index in # details. match = filename.match(regex) EXTENSIONS.keys.reverse.map do |ext| if ext == :variants && details[ext] == :any match[ext].nil? ? 0 : 1 elsif match[ext].nil? # No match should be last details[ext].length else found = match[ext].to_sym details[ext].index(found) end end end end def build_regex(path, details) query = escape_entry(File.join(@path, path)) exts = EXTENSIONS.map do |ext, prefix| match = if ext == :variants && details[ext] == :any ".*?" else details[ext].compact.uniq.map { |e| Regexp.escape(e) }.join("|") end prefix = Regexp.escape(prefix) "(#{prefix}(?<#{ext}>#{match}))?" end.join %r{\A#{query}#{exts}\z} end end # The same as FileSystemResolver but does not allow templates to store # a virtual path since it is invalid for such resolvers. class FallbackFileSystemResolver < FileSystemResolver #:nodoc: def self.instances [new(""), new("/")] end def build_template(template, virtual_path, locals) super(template, nil, locals) end end end