module ActionView module Helpers module Tags # :nodoc: module CollectionHelpers # :nodoc: class Builder # :nodoc: attr_reader :object, :text, :value def initialize(template_object, object_name, method_name, object, sanitized_attribute_name, text, value, input_html_options) @template_object = template_object @object_name = object_name @method_name = method_name @object = object @sanitized_attribute_name = sanitized_attribute_name @text = text @value = value @input_html_options = input_html_options end def label(label_html_options={}, &block) html_options = @input_html_options.slice(:index, :namespace).merge(label_html_options) @template_object.label(@object_name, @sanitized_attribute_name, @text, html_options, &block) end end def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, collection, value_method, text_method, options, html_options) @collection = collection @value_method = value_method @text_method = text_method @html_options = html_options super(object_name, method_name, template_object, options) end private def instantiate_builder(builder_class, item, value, text, html_options), @object_name, @method_name, item, sanitize_attribute_name(value), text, value, html_options) end # Generate default options for collection helpers, such as :checked and # :disabled. def default_html_options_for_collection(item, value) #:nodoc: html_options = @html_options.dup [:checked, :selected, :disabled, :readonly].each do |option| current_value = @options[option] next if current_value.nil? accept = if current_value.respond_to?(:call) else Array(current_value).map(&:to_s).include?(value.to_s) end if accept html_options[option] = true elsif option == :checked html_options[option] = false end end html_options[:object] = @object html_options end def sanitize_attribute_name(value) #:nodoc: "#{sanitized_method_name}_#{sanitized_value(value)}" end def render_collection #:nodoc: do |item| value = value_for_collection(item, @value_method) text = value_for_collection(item, @text_method) default_html_options = default_html_options_for_collection(item, value) additional_html_options = option_html_attributes(item) yield item, value, text, default_html_options.merge(additional_html_options) end.join.html_safe end def render_collection_for(builder_class, &block) #:nodoc: options = @options.stringify_keys rendered_collection = render_collection do |item, value, text, default_html_options| builder = instantiate_builder(builder_class, item, value, text, default_html_options) if block_given? @template_object.capture(builder, &block) else render_component(builder) end end # Append a hidden field to make sure something will be sent back to the # server if all radio buttons are unchecked. if options.fetch('include_hidden', true) rendered_collection + hidden_field else rendered_collection end end def hidden_field #:nodoc: hidden_name = @html_options[:name] || "#{tag_name(false, @options[:index])}[]" @template_object.hidden_field_tag(hidden_name, "", id: nil) end end end end end