require 'thread_safe' require 'action_view/dependency_tracker' require 'monitor' module ActionView class Digestor cattr_reader(:cache) @@cache = @@digest_monitor = class << self # Supported options: # # * name - Template name # * format - Template format # * variant - Variant of +format+ (optional) # * finder - An instance of ActionView::LookupContext # * dependencies - An array of dependent views # * partial - Specifies whether the template is a partial def digest(*args) options = _options_for_digest(*args) details_key = options[:finder].details_key.hash dependencies = Array.wrap(options[:dependencies]) cache_key = ([options[:name], details_key, options[:format], options[:variant]].compact + dependencies).join('.') # this is a correctly done double-checked locking idiom # (ThreadSafe::Cache's lookups have volatile semantics) @@cache[cache_key] || @@digest_monitor.synchronize do @@cache.fetch(cache_key) do # re-check under lock compute_and_store_digest(cache_key, options) end end end def _options_for_digest(*args) unless args.first.is_a?(Hash) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("Arguments to ActionView::Digestor should be provided as a hash. The support for regular arguments will be removed in Rails 5.0 or later") { name: args.first, format: args.second, finder: args.third, }.merge(args.fourth || {}) else options = args.first options.assert_valid_keys(:name, :format, :variant, :finder, :dependencies, :partial) options end end private def compute_and_store_digest(cache_key, options) # called under @@digest_monitor lock klass = if options[:partial] || options[:name].include?("/_") # Prevent re-entry or else recursive templates will blow the stack. # There is no need to worry about other threads seeing the +false+ value, # as they will then have to wait for this thread to let go of the @@digest_monitor lock. pre_stored = @@cache.put_if_absent(cache_key, false).nil? # put_if_absent returns nil on insertion PartialDigestor else Digestor end digest = # Store the actual digest if config.cache_template_loading is true @@cache[cache_key] = stored_digest = digest if ActionView::Resolver.caching? digest ensure # something went wrong or ActionView::Resolver.caching? is false, make sure not to corrupt the @@cache @@cache.delete_pair(cache_key, false) if pre_stored && !stored_digest end end attr_reader :name, :format, :variant, :finder, :options def initialize(*args) @options = self.class._options_for_digest(*args) @name = @options.delete(:name) @format = @options.delete(:format) @variant = @options.delete(:variant) @finder = @options.delete(:finder) end def digest Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{source}-#{dependency_digest}").tap do |digest| logger.try :info, "Cache digest for #{name}.#{format}: #{digest}" end rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate logger.try :error, "Couldn't find template for digesting: #{name}.#{format}" '' end def dependencies DependencyTracker.find_dependencies(name, template) rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate [] # File doesn't exist, so no dependencies end def nested_dependencies dependencies.collect do |dependency| dependencies = dependency, format: format, finder: finder).nested_dependencies dependencies.any? ? { dependency => dependencies } : dependency end end private def logger ActionView::Base.logger end def logical_name name.gsub(%r|/_|, "/") end def partial? false end def template @template ||= begin finder.with_formats_and_variants([format], [variant]) do finder.disable_cache { finder.find(logical_name, [], partial?) } end end end def source template.source end def dependency_digest template_digests = dependencies.collect do |template_name| Digestor.digest(name: template_name, format: format, finder: finder, partial: true) end (template_digests + injected_dependencies).join("-") end def injected_dependencies Array.wrap(options[:dependencies]) end end class PartialDigestor < Digestor # :nodoc: def partial? true end end end