* Fixed a long-standing bug in `json_escape` that causes quotation marks to be stripped. This method also escapes the \u2028 and \u2029 unicode newline characters which are treated as \n in JavaScript. This matches the behaviour of the AS::JSON encoder. (The original change in the encoder was introduced in #10534.) *Godfrey Chan* * `ActionView::MissingTemplate` includes underscore when raised for a partial. Fixes #13002. *Yves Senn* * Use `set_backtrace` instead of instance variable `@backtrace` in ActionView exceptions *Shimpei Makimoto* * Fix `simple_format` escapes own output when passing `sanitize: true` *Paul Seidemann* * Ensure `ActionView::Digestor.cache` is correctly cleaned up when combining recursive templates with `ActionView::Resolver.caching = false`. *wyaeld* * Fix `collection_check_boxes` generated hidden input to use the name attribute provided in the options hash. *Angel N. Sciortino* * Fix some edge cases for AV `select` helper with `:selected` option. *Bogdan Gusiev* * Ability to pass block to `select` helper <%= select(report, "campaign_ids") do %> <% available_campaigns.each do |c| -%> <%= content_tag(:option, c.name, value: c.id, data: { tags: c.tags.to_json }) %> <% end -%> <% end -%> *Bogdan Gusiev* * Handle `:namespace` form option in collection labels. *Vasiliy Ermolovich* * Fix `form_for` when both `namespace` and `as` options are present. `as` option no longer overwrites `namespace` option when generating html id attribute of the form element. *Adam Niedzielski* * Fix `excerpt` when `:separator` is `nil`. *Paul Nikitochkin* * Only cache template digests if `config.cache_template_loading` is true. *Josh Lauer*, *Justin Ridgewell* * Fixed a bug where the lookup details were not being taken into account when caching the digest of a template - changes to the details now cause a different cache key to be used. *Daniel Schierbeck* * Added an `extname` hash option for `javascript_include_tag` method. Before: javascript_include_tag('templates.jst') # => <script src="/javascripts/templates.jst.js"></script> After: javascript_include_tag('templates.jst', extname: false ) # => <script src="/javascripts/templates.jst"></script> *Nathan Stitt* * Fix `current_page?` when the URL contains escaped characters and the original URL is using the hexadecimal lowercased. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Fix `text_area` to behave like `text_field` when `nil` is given as value. Before: f.text_field :field, value: nil #=> <input value=""> f.text_area :field, value: nil #=> <textarea>value of field</textarea> After: f.text_area :field, value: nil #=> <textarea></textarea> *Joel Cogen* * Element of the `grouped_options_for_select` can optionally contain html attributes as the last element of the array. grouped_options_for_select( [["North America", [['United States','US'],"Canada"], data: { foo: 'bar' }]] ) *Vasiliy Ermolovich* * Fix default rendered format problem when calling `render` without :content_type option. It should return :html. Fix #11393. *Gleb Mazovetskiy* *Oleg* *kennyj* * Fix `link_to` with block and url hashes. Before: link_to(action: 'bar', controller: 'foo') { content_tag(:span, 'Example site') } # => "<a action=\"bar\" controller=\"foo\"><span>Example site</span></a>" After: link_to(action: 'bar', controller: 'foo') { content_tag(:span, 'Example site') } # => "<a href=\"/foo/bar\"><span>Example site</span></a>" *Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi* * Fix "Stack Level Too Deep" error when redering recursive partials. Fixes #11340. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Added an `enforce_utf8` hash option for `form_tag` method. Control to output a hidden input tag with name `utf8` without monkey patching. Before: form_tag # => '<form>..<input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓" />..</form>' After: form_tag # => '<form>..<input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓" />..</form>' form_tag({}, { :enforce_utf8 => false }) # => '<form>....</form>' *ma2gedev* * Remove the deprecated `include_seconds` argument from `distance_of_time_in_words`, pass in an `:include_seconds` hash option to use this feature. *Carlos Antonio da Silva* * Remove deprecated block passing to `FormBuilder#new`. *Vipul A M* * Pick `DateField` `DateTimeField` and `ColorField` values from stringified options allowing use of symbol keys with helpers. *Jon Rowe* * Remove the deprecated `prompt` argument from `grouped_options_for_select`, pass in a `:prompt` hash option to use this feature. *kennyj* * Always escape the result of `link_to_unless` method. Before: link_to_unless(true, '<b>Showing</b>', 'github.com') # => "<b>Showing</b>" After: link_to_unless(true, '<b>Showing</b>', 'github.com') # => "<b>Showing</b>" *dtaniwaki* * Use a case insensitive URI Regexp for #asset_path. This fix a problem where the same asset path using different case are generating different URIs. Before: image_tag("HTTP://google.com") # => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"/assets/HTTP://google.com\" />" image_tag("http://google.com") # => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"http://google.com\" />" After: image_tag("HTTP://google.com") # => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"HTTP://google.com\" />" image_tag("http://google.com") # => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"http://google.com\" />" *David Celis* * Element of the `collection_check_boxes` and `collection_radio_buttons` can optionally contain html attributes as the last element of the array. *Vasiliy Ermolovich* * Update the HTML `BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES` in `ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper` to conform to the latest HTML 5.1 spec. Add attributes `allowfullscreen`, `default`, `inert`, `sortable`, `truespeed`, `typemustmatch`. Fix attribute `seamless` (previously misspelled `seemless`). *Alex Peattie* * Fix an issue where partials with a number in the filename weren't being digested for cache dependencies. *Bryan Ricker* * First release, ActionView extracted from ActionPack *Piotr Sarnacki*, *Łukasz Strzałkowski* Please check [4-0-stable (ActionPack's CHANGELOG)](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/4-0-stable/actionpack/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.