module ActionService # :nodoc: module Protocol # :nodoc: CheckedMessage = :checked UncheckedMessage = :unchecked class ProtocolError < ActionService::ActionServiceError # :nodoc: end class AbstractProtocol # :nodoc: attr :container_class def initialize(container_class) @container_class = container_class end def unmarshal_request(protocol_request) raise NotImplementedError end def marshal_response(protocol_request, return_value) raise NotImplementedError end def marshal_exception(exception) raise NotImplementedError end def self.create_protocol_request(container_class, action_pack_request) nil end def self.create_protocol_client(api, protocol_name, endpoint_uri, options) nil end end class AbstractProtocolMessage # :nodoc: attr_accessor :signature attr_accessor :return_signature attr_accessor :type attr :options def initialize(options={}) @signature = @return_signature = nil @options = options @type = @options[:type] || CheckedMessage end def signature=(value) return if value.nil? @signature = [] value.each do |klass| if klass.is_a?(Hash) @signature << klass.values.shift else @signature << klass end end @signature end def checked? @type == CheckedMessage end def check_parameter_types(values, signature) return unless checked? && signature unless signature.length == values.length raise(ProtocolError, "Signature and parameter lengths mismatch") end (1..signature.length).each do |i| check_compatibility(signature[i-1], values[i-1].class) end end def check_compatibility(expected_class, received_class) return if \ (expected_class == TrueClass or expected_class == FalseClass) and \ (received_class == TrueClass or received_class == FalseClass) unless received_class.ancestors.include?(expected_class) or \ expected_class.ancestors.include?(received_class) raise(ProtocolError, "value of type #{} is not " + "compatible with expected type #{}") end end end class ProtocolRequest < AbstractProtocolMessage # :nodoc: attr :protocol attr :raw_body attr_accessor :service_name attr_accessor :public_method_name attr_accessor :content_type def initialize(protocol, raw_body, service_name, public_method_name, content_type, options={}) super(options) @protocol = protocol @raw_body = raw_body @service_name = service_name @public_method_name = public_method_name @content_type = content_type end def unmarshal @protocol.unmarshal_request(self) end def marshal(return_value) @protocol.marshal_response(self, return_value) end end class ProtocolResponse < AbstractProtocolMessage # :nodoc: attr :protocol attr :raw_body attr_accessor :content_type def initialize(protocol, raw_body, content_type, options={}) super(options) @protocol = protocol @raw_body = raw_body @content_type = content_type end end end end