module ActionService # :nodoc: module API # :nodoc: module ActionController # :nodoc: def self.append_features(base) # :nodoc: base.class_eval do class << self alias_method :inherited_without_api, :inherited alias_method :service_api_without_require, :service_api end end base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # Creates a _protected_ factory method with the given # +name+. This method will create a +protocol+ client connected # to the given endpoint URL. # # ==== Example # # class MyController < ActionController::Base # client_api :blogger, :xmlrpc, "", :handler_name => 'blogger' # end # # In this example, a protected method named blogger will # now exist on the controller, and calling it will return the # XML-RPC client object for working with that remote service. # # The same rules as ActionService::API::Base#service_api are # used to retrieve the API definition with the given +name+. # # +options+ is the set of protocol client specific options, # see the protocol client class for details. # # If your API definition does not exist on the load path # with the correct rules for it to be found, you can # pass through the API definition class in +options+, using # a key of :api def client_api(name, protocol, endpoint_uri, options={}) unless method_defined?(name) api_klass = options.delete(:api) || require_api(name) class_eval do define_method(name) do probe_protocol_client(api_klass, protocol, endpoint_uri, options) end protected name end end end def service_api(definition=nil) # :nodoc: return service_api_without_require if definition.nil? case definition when String, Symbol klass = require_api(definition) else klass = definition end service_api_without_require(klass) end def require_api(name) # :nodoc: case name when String, Symbol file_name = name.to_s.underscore + "_api" class_name = file_name.camelize class_names = [class_name, class_name.sub(/Api$/, 'API')] begin require_dependency(file_name) rescue LoadError => load_error requiree = / -- (.*?)(\.rb)?$/.match(load_error).to_a[1] raise LoadError, requiree == file_name ? "Missing API definition file in apis/#{file_name}.rb" : "Can't load file: #{requiree}" end klass = nil class_names.each do |name| klass = name.constantize rescue nil break unless klass.nil? end unless klass raise(NameError, "neither #{class_names[0]} or #{class_names[1]} found") end klass else raise(ArgumentError, "expected String or Symbol argument") end end private def inherited(child) inherited_without_api(child) child.service_api(child.controller_path) rescue Exception => e end end end end end