require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit' class JavaScriptHelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper include ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper def setup @controller = do def url_for(options, *parameters_for_method_reference) url = "" url << options[:action].to_s if options and options[:action] url end end @controller = end def test_define_javascript_functions # check if prototype.js is included first assert_not_nil define_javascript_functions.split("\n")[1].match(/Prototype JavaScript framework/) end def test_escape_javascript assert_equal %(This \\"thing\\" is really\\n netos\\'), escape_javascript(%(This "thing" is really\n netos')) end def test_link_to_function assert_equal %(Greeting), link_to_function("Greeting", "alert('Hello world!')") end def test_link_to_remote assert_equal %(Remote outpost), link_to_remote("Remote outpost", { :url => { :action => "whatnot" }}, { :class => "fine" }) assert_equal %(Remote outpost), link_to_remote("Remote outpost", :complete => "alert(request.reponseText)", :url => { :action => "whatnot" }) end def test_periodically_call_remote assert_equal %(), periodically_call_remote(:update => "schremser_bier", :url => { :action => "mehr_bier" }) end def test_form_remote_tag assert_equal %(
), form_remote_tag(:update => "glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }) assert_equal %(), form_remote_tag(:update => { :success => "glass_of_beer" }, :url => { :action => :fast }) assert_equal %(), form_remote_tag(:update => { :failure => "glass_of_water" }, :url => { :action => :fast }) assert_equal %(), form_remote_tag(:update => { :success => 'glass_of_beer', :failure => "glass_of_water" }, :url => { :action => :fast }) end def test_on_callbacks callbacks = [:uninitialized, :loading, :loaded, :interactive, :complete, :success, :failure] callbacks.each do |callback| assert_equal %(), form_remote_tag(:update => "glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }, callback=>"monkeys();") assert_equal %(), form_remote_tag(:update => { :success => "glass_of_beer" }, :url => { :action => :fast }, callback=>"monkeys();") assert_equal %(), form_remote_tag(:update => { :failure => "glass_of_beer" }, :url => { :action => :fast }, callback=>"monkeys();") assert_equal %(), form_remote_tag(:update => { :success => "glass_of_beer", :failure => "glass_of_water" }, :url => { :action => :fast }, callback=>"monkeys();") end #HTTP status codes 200 up to 599 have callbacks #these should work 100.upto(599) do |callback| assert_equal %(), form_remote_tag(:update => "glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }, callback=>"monkeys();") end #test 200 and 404 assert_equal %(), form_remote_tag(:update => "glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }, 200=>"monkeys();", 404=>"bananas();") #these shouldn't 1.upto(99) do |callback| assert_equal %(), form_remote_tag(:update => "glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }, callback=>"monkeys();") end 600.upto(999) do |callback| assert_equal %(), form_remote_tag(:update => "glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }, callback=>"monkeys();") end #test ultimate combo assert_equal %(), form_remote_tag(:update => "glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }, :loading => "c1()", :success => "s()", :failure => "f();", :complete => "c();", 200=>"monkeys();", 404=>"bananas();") end def test_submit_to_remote assert_equal %(), submit_to_remote("More beer!", 1_000_000, :update => "empty_bottle") end def test_observe_field assert_equal %(), observe_field("glass", :frequency => 5.minutes, :url => { :action => "reorder_if_empty" }) end def test_observe_form assert_equal %(), observe_form("cart", :frequency => 2, :url => { :action => "cart_changed" }) end def test_effect assert_equal "new Effect.Highlight('posts',{});", visual_effect(:highlight, "posts") assert_equal "new Effect.Highlight('posts',{});", visual_effect("highlight", :posts) assert_equal "new Effect.Highlight('posts',{});", visual_effect(:highlight, :posts) assert_equal "new Effect.Fade('fademe',{duration:4.0});", visual_effect(:fade, "fademe", :duration => 4.0) assert_equal "new Effect.Shake(element,{});", visual_effect(:shake) end def test_sortable_element assert_equal %(), sortable_element("mylist", :url => { :action => "order" }) assert_equal %(), sortable_element("mylist", :tag => "div", :constraint => "horizontal", :url => { :action => "order" }) assert_equal %||, sortable_element("mylist", :containment => ['list1','list2'], :constraint => "horizontal", :url => { :action => "order" }) assert_equal %(), sortable_element("mylist", :containment => 'list1', :constraint => "horizontal", :url => { :action => "order" }) end def test_draggable_element assert_equal %(), draggable_element('product_13') assert_equal %(), draggable_element('product_13', :revert => true) end def test_drop_receiving_element assert_equal %(), drop_receiving_element('droptarget1') assert_equal %(), drop_receiving_element('droptarget1', :accept => 'products') assert_equal %(), drop_receiving_element('droptarget1', :accept => 'products', :update => 'infobox') assert_equal %(), drop_receiving_element('droptarget1', :accept => ['tshirts','mugs'], :update => 'infobox') end def test_update_element_function assert_equal %($('myelement').innerHTML = 'blub';\n), update_element_function('myelement', :content => 'blub') assert_equal %($('myelement').innerHTML = 'blub';\n), update_element_function('myelement', :action => :update, :content => 'blub') assert_equal %($('myelement').innerHTML = '';\n), update_element_function('myelement', :action => :empty) assert_equal %(Element.remove('myelement');\n), update_element_function('myelement', :action => :remove) assert_equal %(new Insertion.Bottom('myelement','blub');\n), update_element_function('myelement', :position => 'bottom', :content => 'blub') assert_equal %(new Insertion.Bottom('myelement','blub');\n), update_element_function('myelement', :action => :update, :position => :bottom, :content => 'blub') _erbout = "" assert_equal %($('myelement').innerHTML = 'test';\n), update_element_function('myelement') { _erbout << "test" } _erbout = "" assert_equal %($('myelement').innerHTML = 'blockstuff';\n), update_element_function('myelement', :content => 'paramstuff') { _erbout << "blockstuff" } end end