require 'abstract_unit' class Category <, :name) end class FormCollectionsHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase def assert_no_select(selector, value = nil) assert_select(selector, :text => value, :count => 0) end def with_collection_radio_buttons(*args, &block) @output_buffer = collection_radio_buttons(*args, &block) end def with_collection_check_boxes(*args, &block) @output_buffer = collection_check_boxes(*args, &block) end # COLLECTION RADIO BUTTONS test 'collection radio accepts a collection and generate inputs from value method' do with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=true]#user_active_true' assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=false]#user_active_false' end test 'collection radio accepts a collection and generate inputs from label method' do with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s assert_select 'label[for=user_active_true]', 'true' assert_select 'label[for=user_active_false]', 'false' end test 'collection radio handles camelized collection values for labels correctly' do with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :active, ['Yes', 'No'], :to_s, :to_s assert_select 'label[for=user_active_yes]', 'Yes' assert_select 'label[for=user_active_no]', 'No' end test 'colection radio should sanitize collection values for labels correctly' do with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :name, ['$0.99', '$1.99'], :to_s, :to_s assert_select 'label[for=user_name_099]', '$0.99' assert_select 'label[for=user_name_199]', '$1.99' end test 'collection radio accepts checked item' do with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :active, [[1, true], [0, false]], :last, :first, :checked => true assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=true][checked=checked]' assert_no_select 'input[type=radio][value=false][checked=checked]' end test 'collection radio accepts multiple disabled items' do collection = [[1, true], [0, false], [2, 'other']] with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :active, collection, :last, :first, :disabled => [true, false] assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=true][disabled=disabled]' assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=false][disabled=disabled]' assert_no_select 'input[type=radio][value=other][disabled=disabled]' end test 'collection radio accepts single disable item' do collection = [[1, true], [0, false]] with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :active, collection, :last, :first, :disabled => true assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=true][disabled=disabled]' assert_no_select 'input[type=radio][value=false][disabled=disabled]' end test 'collection radio accepts html options as input' do collection = [[1, true], [0, false]] with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :active, collection, :last, :first, {}, :class => 'special-radio' assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=true].special-radio#user_active_true' assert_select 'input[type=radio][value=false].special-radio#user_active_false' end test 'collection radio does not wrap input inside the label' do with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s assert_select 'input[type=radio] + label' assert_no_select 'label input' end test 'collection radio accepts a block to render the label as radio button wrapper' do with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s do |b| b.label { b.radio_button } end assert_select 'label[for=user_active_true] > input#user_active_true[type=radio]' assert_select 'label[for=user_active_false] > input#user_active_false[type=radio]' end test 'collection radio accepts a block to change the order of label and radio button' do with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s do |b| b.label + b.radio_button end assert_select 'label[for=user_active_true] + input#user_active_true[type=radio]' assert_select 'label[for=user_active_false] + input#user_active_false[type=radio]' end test 'collection radio with block helpers accept extra html options' do with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s do |b| b.label(:class => "radio_button") + b.radio_button(:class => "radio_button") end assert_select 'label.radio_button[for=user_active_true] + input#user_active_true.radio_button[type=radio]' assert_select 'label.radio_button[for=user_active_false] + input#user_active_false.radio_button[type=radio]' end test 'collection radio with block helpers allows access to current text and value' do with_collection_radio_buttons :user, :active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s do |b| b.label(:"data-value" => b.value) { b.radio_button + b.text } end assert_select 'label[for=user_active_true][data-value=true]', 'true' do assert_select 'input#user_active_true[type=radio]' end assert_select 'label[for=user_active_false][data-value=false]', 'false' do assert_select 'input#user_active_false[type=radio]' end end test 'collection radio buttons with fields for' do collection = [, 'Category 1'),, 'Category 2')] @output_buffer = fields_for(:post) do |p| p.collection_radio_buttons :category_id, collection, :id, :name end assert_select 'input#post_category_id_1[type=radio][value=1]' assert_select 'input#post_category_id_2[type=radio][value=2]' assert_select 'label[for=post_category_id_1]', 'Category 1' assert_select 'label[for=post_category_id_2]', 'Category 2' end # COLLECTION CHECK BOXES test 'collection check boxes accepts a collection and generate a serie of checkboxes for value method' do collection = [, 'Category 1'),, 'Category 2')] with_collection_check_boxes :user, :category_ids, collection, :id, :name assert_select 'input#user_category_ids_1[type=checkbox][value=1]' assert_select 'input#user_category_ids_2[type=checkbox][value=2]' end test 'collection check boxes generates only one hidden field for the entire collection, to ensure something will be sent back to the server when posting an empty collection' do collection = [, 'Category 1'),, 'Category 2')] with_collection_check_boxes :user, :category_ids, collection, :id, :name assert_select "input[type=hidden][name='user[category_ids][]'][value=]", :count => 1 end test 'collection check boxes accepts a collection and generate a serie of checkboxes with labels for label method' do collection = [, 'Category 1'),, 'Category 2')] with_collection_check_boxes :user, :category_ids, collection, :id, :name assert_select 'label[for=user_category_ids_1]', 'Category 1' assert_select 'label[for=user_category_ids_2]', 'Category 2' end test 'collection check boxes handles camelized collection values for labels correctly' do with_collection_check_boxes :user, :active, ['Yes', 'No'], :to_s, :to_s assert_select 'label[for=user_active_yes]', 'Yes' assert_select 'label[for=user_active_no]', 'No' end test 'colection check box should sanitize collection values for labels correctly' do with_collection_check_boxes :user, :name, ['$0.99', '$1.99'], :to_s, :to_s assert_select 'label[for=user_name_099]', '$0.99' assert_select 'label[for=user_name_199]', '$1.99' end test 'collection check boxes accepts selected values as :checked option' do collection = (1..3).map{|i| [i, "Category #{i}"] } with_collection_check_boxes :user, :category_ids, collection, :first, :last, :checked => [1, 3] assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=1][checked=checked]' assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=3][checked=checked]' assert_no_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=2][checked=checked]' end test 'collection check boxes accepts a single checked value' do collection = (1..3).map{|i| [i, "Category #{i}"] } with_collection_check_boxes :user, :category_ids, collection, :first, :last, :checked => 3 assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=3][checked=checked]' assert_no_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=1][checked=checked]' assert_no_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=2][checked=checked]' end test 'collection check boxes accepts selected values as :checked option and override the model values' do user = collection = (1..3).map{|i| [i, "Category #{i}"] } @output_buffer = fields_for(:user, user) do |p| p.collection_check_boxes :category_ids, collection, :first, :last, :checked => [1, 3] end assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=1][checked=checked]' assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=3][checked=checked]' assert_no_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=2][checked=checked]' end test 'collection check boxes accepts multiple disabled items' do collection = (1..3).map{|i| [i, "Category #{i}"] } with_collection_check_boxes :user, :category_ids, collection, :first, :last, :disabled => [1, 3] assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=1][disabled=disabled]' assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=3][disabled=disabled]' assert_no_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=2][disabled=disabled]' end test 'collection check boxes accepts single disable item' do collection = (1..3).map{|i| [i, "Category #{i}"] } with_collection_check_boxes :user, :category_ids, collection, :first, :last, :disabled => 1 assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=1][disabled=disabled]' assert_no_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=3][disabled=disabled]' assert_no_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=2][disabled=disabled]' end test 'collection check boxes accepts a proc to disabled items' do collection = (1..3).map{|i| [i, "Category #{i}"] } with_collection_check_boxes :user, :category_ids, collection, :first, :last, :disabled => proc { |i| i.first == 1 } assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=1][disabled=disabled]' assert_no_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=3][disabled=disabled]' assert_no_select 'input[type=checkbox][value=2][disabled=disabled]' end test 'collection check boxes accepts html options' do collection = [[1, 'Category 1'], [2, 'Category 2']] with_collection_check_boxes :user, :category_ids, collection, :first, :last, {}, :class => 'check' assert_select 'input.check[type=checkbox][value=1]' assert_select 'input.check[type=checkbox][value=2]' end test 'collection check boxes with fields for' do collection = [, 'Category 1'),, 'Category 2')] @output_buffer = fields_for(:post) do |p| p.collection_check_boxes :category_ids, collection, :id, :name end assert_select 'input#post_category_ids_1[type=checkbox][value=1]' assert_select 'input#post_category_ids_2[type=checkbox][value=2]' assert_select 'label[for=post_category_ids_1]', 'Category 1' assert_select 'label[for=post_category_ids_2]', 'Category 2' end test 'collection check boxes does not wrap input inside the label' do with_collection_check_boxes :user, :active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s assert_select 'input[type=checkbox] + label' assert_no_select 'label input' end test 'collection check boxes accepts a block to render the label as check box wrapper' do with_collection_check_boxes :user, :active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s do |b| b.label { b.check_box } end assert_select 'label[for=user_active_true] > input#user_active_true[type=checkbox]' assert_select 'label[for=user_active_false] > input#user_active_false[type=checkbox]' end test 'collection check boxes accepts a block to change the order of label and check box' do with_collection_check_boxes :user, :active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s do |b| b.label + b.check_box end assert_select 'label[for=user_active_true] + input#user_active_true[type=checkbox]' assert_select 'label[for=user_active_false] + input#user_active_false[type=checkbox]' end test 'collection check boxes with block helpers accept extra html options' do with_collection_check_boxes :user, :active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s do |b| b.label(:class => "check_box") + b.check_box(:class => "check_box") end assert_select 'label.check_box[for=user_active_true] + input#user_active_true.check_box[type=checkbox]' assert_select 'label.check_box[for=user_active_false] + input#user_active_false.check_box[type=checkbox]' end test 'collection check boxes with block helpers allows access to current text and value' do with_collection_check_boxes :user, :active, [true, false], :to_s, :to_s do |b| b.label(:"data-value" => b.value) { b.check_box + b.text } end assert_select 'label[for=user_active_true][data-value=true]', 'true' do assert_select 'input#user_active_true[type=checkbox]' end assert_select 'label[for=user_active_false][data-value=false]', 'false' do assert_select 'input#user_active_false[type=checkbox]' end end end