require "abstract_unit" class AjaxTestCase < ActionView::TestCase include ActionView::Helpers::AjaxHelper def url_for(options) case options when Hash "/url/hash" when String options else raise"Unsupported url type (#{options.class}) for this test helper") end end def assert_html(html, matches) matches.each do |match| assert_match, html end end def assert_html_not_present(html, matches) matches.each do |match| assert_no_match, html end end def self.assert_callbacks_work(&blk) define_method(:assert_callbacks_work, &blk) [:complete, :failure, :success, :interactive, :loaded, :loading, 404].each do |callback| test "#{callback} callback" do markup = assert_callbacks_work(callback) assert_html markup, %W(data-#{callback}-code="undoRequestCompleted\(request\)") end end end end class LinkToRemoteTest < AjaxTestCase def url_for(hash) "/blog/destroy/4" end def link(options = {}) link_to_remote("Delete this post", "/blog/destroy/4", options) end test "with no update" do assert_html link, %w(href="/blog/destroy/4" Delete\ this\ post data-remote="true") end test "basic" do assert_html link(:update => "#posts"), %w(data-update-success="#posts") end test "using a url hash" do link = link_to_remote("Delete this post", {:controller => :blog}, :update => "#posts") assert_html link, %w(href="/url/hash" data-update-success="#posts") end test "with no update" do assert_html link, %w(href="/blog/destroy/4" Delete\ this\ post data-js-type="remote") end test "with :html options" do expected = %{Delete this post} assert_equal expected, link(:update => "#posts", :html => {"data-custom" => "me"}) end test "with a hash for :update" do link = link(:update => {:success => "#posts", :failure => "#error"}) assert_html link, %w(data-js-type="remote" data-update-success="#posts" data-update-failure="#error") end test "with positional parameters" do link = link(:position => :top, :update => "#posts") assert_match /data\-update\-position="top"/, link end test "with an optional method" do link = link(:method => "delete") assert_match /data-method="delete"/, link end class LegacyLinkToRemoteTest < AjaxTestCase include ActionView::Helpers::AjaxHelper::Rails2Compatibility def link(options) link_to_remote("Delete this post", "/blog/destroy/4", options) end test "basic link_to_remote with :url =>" do expected = %{Delete this post} assert_equal expected, link_to_remote("Delete this post", :url => "/blog/destroy/4", :update => "#posts") end assert_callbacks_work do |callback| link(callback => "undoRequestCompleted(request)") end end end class FormRemoteTagTest < AjaxTestCase def protect_against_forgery? false end def request_forgery_protection_token "token_name" end def form_authenticity_token "t0k3n" end def authenticity_input_attributes %w(input type="hidden" name="token_name" value="t0k3n") end # TODO: Play with using assert_dom_equal test "basic" do assert_dom_equal %(
), form_remote_tag(:update => "#glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }) end test "when protect_against_forgery? is true" do def protect_against_forgery? true end expected_form_attributes = %w(form action="/url/hash" method="post" data-js-type="remote" data-update-success="#glass_of_beer") expected_patterns = expected_form_attributes + authenticity_input_attributes assert_equal true, protect_against_forgery? assert_html form_remote_tag(:update => "#glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }), expected_patterns end test ":action is used when it is present" do html = form_remote_tag(:update => "#glass_of_beer", :action => "foo") assert_html html, %w(form action="foo" method="post" data-js-type="remote" data-update-success="#glass_of_beer") assert_no_match /url="foo"/, html end test ":url is used when :action is not present" do html = form_remote_tag(:update => "#glass_of_beer", :url => "bar") assert_html html, %w(form action="bar" method="post" data-js-type="remote" data-update-success="#glass_of_beer") assert_no_match /url="bar"/, html end test "when protect_against_forgery? is false" do assert_equal false, protect_against_forgery? assert_html_not_present form_remote_tag(:update => "#glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }), authenticity_input_attributes end test "update callbacks" do assert_html form_remote_tag(:update => { :success => "#glass_of_beer" }, :url => { :action => :fast }), %w(form action="/url/hash" method="post" data-js-type="remote" data-update-success="#glass_of_beer") assert_html form_remote_tag(:update => { :failure => "#glass_of_water" }, :url => { :action => :fast }), %w(form action="/url/hash" method="post" data-js-type="remote" data-update-failure="#glass_of_water") assert_html form_remote_tag(:update => { :success => "#glass_of_beer", :failure => "#glass_of_water" }, :url => { :action => :fast }), %w(form action="/url/hash" method="post" data-js-type="remote" data-update-success="#glass_of_beer" data-update-failure="#glass_of_water") end test "using a :method option" do expected_form_attributes = %w(form action="/url/hash" method="post" data-js-type="remote" data-update-success="#glass_of_beer") # TODO: Experiment with not using this _method param. Apparently this is done to address browser incompatibilities, but since # we have a layer between the HTML and the JS libs now, we can probably get away with letting JS the JS libs handle the requirement # for an extra field if needed. expected_input_attributes = %w(input name="_method" type="hidden" value="put") assert_html form_remote_tag(:update => "#glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }, :html => { :method => :put }), expected_form_attributes + expected_input_attributes end # FIXME: This test is janky as hell. We are essentially rewriting capture and concat and they don't really work right # because output is out of order. This test passes because it's only doing a regex match on the buffer, but this really # needs to be fixed by using the real helper methods that rails provides. capture, concat, url_for etc. should be # implemented by their *real* methods or we need to find a better workaround so that our tests aren't written so # poorly. - BR test "form_remote_tag with block in erb" do def capture(*args, &block) @buffer = []*args) if block_given? end def concat(str) @buffer << str end expected_form_attributes = %w(form action="/url/hash" method="post" data-js-type="remote" data-update-success="#glass_of_beer" /form) expected_inner_html = %w(w00t!) form_remote_tag(:update => "#glass_of_beer", :url => { :action => :fast }) { concat expected_inner_html } assert_html @buffer.to_s, expected_form_attributes + expected_inner_html end class Author extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion attr_reader :id def save; @id = 1 end def new_record?; @id.nil? end def name @id.nil? ? 'new author' : "author ##{@id}" end end class Article extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion attr_reader :id attr_reader :author_id def save; @id = 1; @author_id = 1 end def new_record?; @id.nil? end def name @id.nil? ? 'new article' : "article ##{@id}" end end class ExtractRemoteAttributesTest < AjaxTestCase attr_reader :attributes test "extract_remote_attributes! html" do attributes = extract_remote_attributes!(:html => { :class => "css_klass", :style => "border:1px solid"}) assert_equal "css_klass", attributes[:class] assert_equal "border:1px solid", attributes[:style] end test "extract_remote_attributes! update options when :update is a hash" do attributes = extract_remote_attributes!(:update => { :success => "foo", :failure => "bar" }) assert_equal "foo", attributes["data-update-success"] assert_equal "bar", attributes["data-update-failure"] end test "extract_remote_attributes! update options when :update is string" do attributes = extract_remote_attributes!(:update => "baz") assert_equal "baz", attributes["data-update-success"] end test "extract_remote_attributes! position" do attributes = extract_remote_attributes!(:position => "before") assert_equal "before", attributes["data-update-position"] end test "extract_remote_attributes! data-js-type when it is NOT passed" do attributes = extract_remote_attributes!({}) assert_equal "remote", attributes["data-js-type"] end test "extract_remote_attributes! data-js-type when it passed" do attributes = extract_remote_attributes!(:js_type => "some_type") assert_equal "some_type", attributes["data-js-type"] end end class RemoteFormForTest < AjaxTestCase def setup super @record = @author = @article = end test "remote_form_for with record identification with new record" do remote_form_for(@record, {:html => { :id => 'create-author' }}) {} expected = %(
) assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end test "remote_form_for with record identification without html options" do remote_form_for(@record) {} expected = %(
) assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end test "remote_form_for with record identification with existing record" do remote_form_for(@record) {} expected = %(
) assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end test "remote_form_for with new object in list" do remote_form_for([@author, @article]) {} expected = %(
) assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end test "remote_form_for with existing object in list" do remote_form_for([@author, @article]) {} expected = %(
) assert_dom_equal expected, output_buffer end protected def author_path(record) "/authors/#{}" end def authors_path "/authors" end def author_articles_path(author) "/authors/#{}/articles" end def author_article_path(author, article) "/authors/#{}/articles/#{}" end end class ButtonToRemoteTest < AjaxTestCase def button(options, html = {}) button_to_remote("RemoteOutpost", options, html) end def url_for(*) "/whatnot" end class StandardTest < ButtonToRemoteTest test "basic" do assert_html button({:url => {:action => "whatnot"}}, {:class => "fine", :value => "RemoteOutpost"}), %w(input class="fine" type="button" value="RemoteOutpost" data-url="/url/hash") end end class LegacyButtonToRemoteTest < ButtonToRemoteTest include ActionView::Helpers::AjaxHelper::Rails2Compatibility assert_callbacks_work do |callback| button(callback => "undoRequestCompleted(request)") end end end class SubmitToRemoteTest < AjaxTestCase test "basic" do expected = %() options = { :url => {:action => "whatnot"}, :update => ".klass", :html => { :class => "fine" } } assert_dom_equal expected, submit_to_remote("foo", "bar", options) end end class ScriptDecoratorTest < AjaxTestCase def decorator() script_decorator("data-js-type" => "foo_type", "data-foo" => "bar", "data-baz" => "bang") end test "basic" do expected = %() assert_dom_equal expected, decorator end end class ObserveFieldTest < AjaxTestCase def protect_against_forgery? false end def field(options = {}) observe_field("title", options) end test "basic" do assert_html field, %w(script type="application/json" data-js-type="field_observer") end test "using a url string" do assert_html field(:url => "/some/other/url"), %w(script data-url="/some/other/url" data-observed="title") end test "using a url hash" do assert_html field(:url => {:controller => :blog, :action => :update}), %w(script data-url="/url/hash" data-observed="title") end test "using a :frequency option" do assert_html field(:url => { :controller => :blog }, :frequency => 5.minutes), %w(script data-url="/url/hash" data-observed="title" data-frequency="300") end test "using a :frequency option of 0" do assert_no_match /frequency/, field(:frequency => 0) end test "observe field with common options" do assert_html observe_field("glass", :frequency => 5.minutes, :url => { :action => "reorder_if_empty" }), %w(script data-observed="glass" data-frequency="300" data-url="/url/hash") end # TODO: Consider using JSON instead of strings. Is using 'value' as a magical reference to the value of the observed field weird? (Rails2 does this) - BR test "using a :with option" do assert_html field(:with => "foo"), %w(script data-observed="title" data-with="'foo=' + encodeURIComponent(value)") assert_html field(:with => "'foo=' + encodeURIComponent(value)"), %w(script data-observed="title" data-with="'foo=' + encodeURIComponent(value)") end test "using json in a :with option" do assert_html field(:with => "{'id':value}"), %w(script data-observed="title" data-with="{'id':value}") end test "using :function for callback" do assert_html field(:function => "alert('Element changed')"), %w(script data-observer-code="function(element, value) {alert('Element changed')}") end end class PeriodicallyCallRemoteTest < AjaxTestCase test "basic" do assert_html periodically_call_remote(:update => "#schremser_bier", :url => { :action => "mehr_bier" }), %w(script data-url="/url/hash" data-update-success="#schremser_bier") end test "periodically call remote with :frequency" do assert_html periodically_call_remote(:frequency => 2, :url => "/url/string"), %w(script data-url="/url/string" data-frequency="2") end end