# frozen_string_literal: true require "abstract_unit" module ActionDispatch class UploadedFileTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_constructor_with_argument_error assert_raises(ArgumentError) do Http::UploadedFile.new({}) end end def test_original_filename uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(filename: "foo", tempfile: Object.new) assert_equal "foo", uf.original_filename end def test_filename_is_different_object file_str = "foo" uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(filename: file_str, tempfile: Object.new) assert_not_equal file_str.object_id, uf.original_filename.object_id end def test_filename_should_be_in_utf_8 uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(filename: "foo", tempfile: Object.new) assert_equal "UTF-8", uf.original_filename.encoding.to_s end def test_filename_should_always_be_in_utf_8 uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(filename: "foo".encode(Encoding::SHIFT_JIS), tempfile: Object.new) assert_equal "UTF-8", uf.original_filename.encoding.to_s end def test_content_type uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(type: "foo", tempfile: Object.new) assert_equal "foo", uf.content_type end def test_headers uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(head: "foo", tempfile: Object.new) assert_equal "foo", uf.headers end def test_tempfile uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(tempfile: "foo") assert_equal "foo", uf.tempfile end def test_to_io_returns_the_tempfile tf = Object.new uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(tempfile: tf) assert_equal tf, uf.to_io end def test_delegates_path_to_tempfile tf = Class.new { def path; "thunderhorse" end } uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(tempfile: tf.new) assert_equal "thunderhorse", uf.path end def test_delegates_open_to_tempfile tf = Class.new { def open; "thunderhorse" end } uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(tempfile: tf.new) assert_equal "thunderhorse", uf.open end def test_delegates_close_to_tempfile tf = Class.new { def close(unlink_now = false); "thunderhorse" end } uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(tempfile: tf.new) assert_equal "thunderhorse", uf.close end def test_close_accepts_parameter tf = Class.new { def close(unlink_now = false); "thunderhorse: #{unlink_now}" end } uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(tempfile: tf.new) assert_equal "thunderhorse: true", uf.close(true) end def test_delegates_read_to_tempfile tf = Class.new { def read(length = nil, buffer = nil); "thunderhorse" end } uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(tempfile: tf.new) assert_equal "thunderhorse", uf.read end def test_delegates_read_to_tempfile_with_params tf = Class.new { def read(length = nil, buffer = nil); [length, buffer] end } uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(tempfile: tf.new) assert_equal %w{ thunder horse }, uf.read(*%w{ thunder horse }) end def test_delegate_respects_respond_to? tf = Class.new { def read; yield end; private :read } uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(tempfile: tf.new) assert_raises(NoMethodError) do uf.read end end def test_delegate_eof_to_tempfile tf = Class.new { def eof?; true end; } uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(tempfile: tf.new) assert uf.eof? end def test_respond_to? tf = Class.new { def read; yield end } uf = Http::UploadedFile.new(tempfile: tf.new) assert uf.respond_to?(:headers), "responds to headers" assert uf.respond_to?(:read), "responds to read" end end end