# frozen_string_literal: true require "abstract_unit" require "action_dispatch/system_testing/test_helpers/screenshot_helper" require "capybara/dsl" class ScreenshotHelperTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "image path is saved in tmp directory" do new_test = DrivenBySeleniumWithChrome.new("x") Rails.stub :root, Pathname.getwd do assert_equal "tmp/screenshots/x.png", new_test.send(:image_path) end end test "image path includes failures text if test did not pass" do new_test = DrivenBySeleniumWithChrome.new("x") Rails.stub :root, Pathname.getwd do new_test.stub :passed?, false do assert_equal "tmp/screenshots/failures_x.png", new_test.send(:image_path) end end end test "image path does not include failures text if test skipped" do new_test = DrivenBySeleniumWithChrome.new("x") Rails.stub :root, Pathname.getwd do new_test.stub :passed?, false do new_test.stub :skipped?, true do assert_equal "tmp/screenshots/x.png", new_test.send(:image_path) end end end end test "defaults to simple output for the screenshot" do new_test = DrivenBySeleniumWithChrome.new("x") assert_equal "simple", new_test.send(:output_type) end test "display_image return artifact format when specify RAILS_SYSTEM_TESTING_SCREENSHOT environment" do begin original_output_type = ENV["RAILS_SYSTEM_TESTING_SCREENSHOT"] ENV["RAILS_SYSTEM_TESTING_SCREENSHOT"] = "artifact" new_test = DrivenBySeleniumWithChrome.new("x") assert_equal "artifact", new_test.send(:output_type) Rails.stub :root, Pathname.getwd do new_test.stub :passed?, false do assert_match %r|url=artifact://.+?tmp/screenshots/failures_x\.png|, new_test.send(:display_image) end end ensure ENV["RAILS_SYSTEM_TESTING_SCREENSHOT"] = original_output_type end end test "image path returns the relative path from current directory" do new_test = DrivenBySeleniumWithChrome.new("x") Rails.stub :root, Pathname.getwd.join("..") do assert_equal "../tmp/screenshots/x.png", new_test.send(:image_path) end end end class RackTestScreenshotsTest < DrivenByRackTest test "rack_test driver does not support screenshot" do assert_not self.send(:supports_screenshot?) end end class SeleniumScreenshotsTest < DrivenBySeleniumWithChrome test "selenium driver supports screenshot" do assert self.send(:supports_screenshot?) end end