require 'abstract_unit' # You need to start a memcached server inorder to run these tests class MemCacheStoreTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest class TestController < ActionController::Base def no_session_access head :ok end def set_session_value session[:foo] = "bar" head :ok end def get_session_value render :text => "foo: #{session[:foo].inspect}" end def get_session_id session[:foo] render :text => "#{request.session_options[:id]}" end def call_reset_session session[:bar] reset_session session[:bar] = "baz" head :ok end def rescue_action(e) raise end end begin DispatcherApp = MemCacheStoreApp = DispatcherApp, :key => '_session_id') def setup @integration_session = open_session(MemCacheStoreApp) end def test_setting_and_getting_session_value with_test_route_set do get '/set_session_value' assert_response :success assert cookies['_session_id'] get '/get_session_value' assert_response :success assert_equal 'foo: "bar"', response.body end end def test_getting_nil_session_value with_test_route_set do get '/get_session_value' assert_response :success assert_equal 'foo: nil', response.body end end def test_getting_session_value_does_not_set_cookie with_test_route_set do get '/get_session_value' assert_response :success assert_equal "", headers["Set-Cookie"] end end def test_setting_session_value_after_session_reset with_test_route_set do get '/set_session_value' assert_response :success assert cookies['_session_id'] session_id = cookies['_session_id'] get '/call_reset_session' assert_response :success assert_not_equal [], headers['Set-Cookie'] get '/get_session_value' assert_response :success assert_equal 'foo: nil', response.body get '/get_session_id' assert_response :success assert_not_equal session_id, response.body end end def test_getting_session_id with_test_route_set do get '/set_session_value' assert_response :success assert cookies['_session_id'] session_id = cookies['_session_id'] get '/get_session_id' assert_response :success assert_equal session_id, response.body end end def test_prevents_session_fixation with_test_route_set do get '/get_session_value' assert_response :success assert_equal 'foo: nil', response.body session_id = cookies['_session_id'] reset! get '/set_session_value', :_session_id => session_id assert_response :success assert_equal nil, cookies['_session_id'] end end rescue LoadError, RuntimeError $stderr.puts "Skipping MemCacheStoreTest tests. Start memcached and try again." end private def with_test_route_set with_routing do |set| set.draw do |map| map.with_options :controller => "mem_cache_store_test/test" do |c| c.connect "/:action" end end yield end end end