require 'abstract_unit' module ActionDispatch module Routing class RouteSetTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase class SimpleApp def initialize(response) @response = response end def call(env) [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' }, [response] ] end end setup do @set = end test "url helpers are added when route is added" do draw do get 'foo', to:'foo#index') end assert_equal '/foo', url_helpers.foo_path assert_raises NoMethodError do assert_equal '/bar', url_helpers.bar_path end draw do get 'foo', to:'foo#index') get 'bar', to:'bar#index') end assert_equal '/foo', url_helpers.foo_path assert_equal '/bar', url_helpers.bar_path end test "url helpers are updated when route is updated" do draw do get 'bar', to:'bar#index'), as: :bar end assert_equal '/bar', url_helpers.bar_path draw do get 'baz', to:'baz#index'), as: :bar end assert_equal '/baz', url_helpers.bar_path end test "url helpers are removed when route is removed" do draw do get 'foo', to:'foo#index') get 'bar', to:'bar#index') end assert_equal '/foo', url_helpers.foo_path assert_equal '/bar', url_helpers.bar_path draw do get 'foo', to:'foo#index') end assert_equal '/foo', url_helpers.foo_path assert_raises NoMethodError do assert_equal '/bar', url_helpers.bar_path end end test "only_path: true with *_url and no :host option" do draw do get 'foo', to:'foo#index') end assert_equal '/foo', url_helpers.foo_url(only_path: true) end test "only_path: false with *_url and no :host option" do draw do get 'foo', to:'foo#index') end assert_raises ArgumentError do assert_equal '', url_helpers.foo_url(only_path: false) end end test "only_path: false with *_url and local :host option" do draw do get 'foo', to:'foo#index') end assert_equal '', url_helpers.foo_url(only_path: false, host: '') end test "only_path: false with *_url and global :host option" do @set.default_url_options = { host: '' } draw do get 'foo', to:'foo#index') end assert_equal '', url_helpers.foo_url(only_path: false) end test "only_path: true with *_path" do draw do get 'foo', to:'foo#index') end assert_deprecated do assert_equal '/foo', url_helpers.foo_path(only_path: true) end end test "only_path: false with *_path with global :host option" do @set.default_url_options = { host: '' } draw do get 'foo', to:'foo#index') end assert_deprecated do assert_equal '', url_helpers.foo_path(only_path: false) end end test "only_path: false with *_path with local :host option" do draw do get 'foo', to:'foo#index') end assert_deprecated do assert_equal '', url_helpers.foo_path(only_path: false, host: '') end end test "only_path: false with *_path with no :host option" do draw do get 'foo', to:'foo#index') end assert_deprecated do assert_raises ArgumentError do assert_equal '', url_helpers.foo_path(only_path: false) end end end test "explicit keys win over implicit keys" do draw do resources :foo do resources :bar, to:'foo#show') end end assert_equal '/foo/1/bar/2', url_helpers.foo_bar_path(1, 2) assert_equal '/foo/1/bar/2', url_helpers.foo_bar_path(2, foo_id: 1) end test "having an optional scope with resources" do draw do scope "(/:foo)" do resources :users end end assert_equal '/users/1', url_helpers.user_path(1) assert_equal '/users/1', url_helpers.user_path(1, foo: nil) assert_equal '/a/users/1', url_helpers.user_path(1, foo: 'a') end test "stringified controller and action keys are properly symbolized" do draw do root 'foo#bar' end assert_deprecated do assert_equal '/', url_helpers.root_path('controller' => 'foo', 'action' => 'bar') end end test "mix of string and symbol keys are properly symbolized" do draw do root 'foo#bar' end assert_deprecated do assert_equal '/', url_helpers.root_path('controller' => 'foo', :action => 'bar') end end private def draw(&block) @set.draw(&block) end def url_helpers @set.url_helpers end end end end