require 'abstract_unit' class MultipartParamsParsingTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest class TestController < ActionController::Base class << self attr_accessor :last_request_parameters end def parse self.class.last_request_parameters = request.request_parameters head :ok end def read render :text => "File: #{params[:uploaded_data].read}" end end FIXTURE_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../fixtures/multipart' def teardown TestController.last_request_parameters = nil end test "parses single parameter" do assert_equal({ 'foo' => 'bar' }, parse_multipart('single_parameter')) end test "parses bracketed parameters" do assert_equal({ 'foo' => { 'baz' => 'bar'}}, parse_multipart('bracketed_param')) end test "parses text file" do params = parse_multipart('text_file') assert_equal %w(file foo), params.keys.sort assert_equal 'bar', params['foo'] file = params['file'] assert_kind_of Tempfile, file assert_equal 'file.txt', file.original_filename assert_equal "text/plain", file.content_type assert_equal 'contents', end test "parses boundary problem file" do params = parse_multipart('boundary_problem_file') assert_equal %w(file foo), params.keys.sort file = params['file'] foo = params['foo'] assert_kind_of Tempfile, file assert_equal 'file.txt', file.original_filename assert_equal "text/plain", file.content_type assert_equal 'bar', foo end test "parses large text file" do params = parse_multipart('large_text_file') assert_equal %w(file foo), params.keys.sort assert_equal 'bar', params['foo'] file = params['file'] assert_kind_of Tempfile, file assert_equal 'file.txt', file.original_filename assert_equal "text/plain", file.content_type assert_equal(('a' * 20480), end test "parses binary file" do params = parse_multipart('binary_file') assert_equal %w(file flowers foo), params.keys.sort assert_equal 'bar', params['foo'] file = params['file'] assert_kind_of Tempfile, file assert_equal 'file.csv', file.original_filename assert_nil file.content_type assert_equal 'contents', file = params['flowers'] assert_kind_of Tempfile, file assert_equal 'flowers.jpg', file.original_filename assert_equal "image/jpeg", file.content_type assert_equal 19512, file.size end # Pending fix in Rack 1.2.2 # test "parses mixed files" do if Rack.release <= '1.2.1' $stderr.puts 'multipart/mixed parsing pending fix in Rack 1.2.2' else params = parse_multipart('mixed_files') assert_equal %w(files foo), params.keys.sort assert_equal 'bar', params['foo'] # Rack doesn't handle multipart/mixed for us. files = params['files'] files.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') if files.respond_to?(:force_encoding) assert_equal 19756, files.size end end test "does not create tempfile if no file has been selected" do params = parse_multipart('none') assert_equal %w(submit-name), params.keys.sort assert_equal 'Larry', params['submit-name'] assert_equal nil, params['files'] end test "parses empty upload file" do params = parse_multipart('empty') assert_equal %w(files submit-name), params.keys.sort assert_equal 'Larry', params['submit-name'] assert params['files'] assert_equal "", params['files'].read end test "uploads and reads binary file" do with_test_routing do fixture = FIXTURE_PATH + "/mona_lisa.jpg" params = { :uploaded_data => fixture_file_upload(fixture, "image/jpg") } post '/read', params end end test "uploads and reads file" do with_test_routing do post '/read', :uploaded_data => fixture_file_upload(FIXTURE_PATH + "/hello.txt", "text/plain") assert_equal "File: Hello", response.body end end private def fixture(name), name), 'rb') do |file| { "rack.input" =>, "CONTENT_TYPE" => "multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x", "CONTENT_LENGTH" => file.stat.size.to_s } end end def parse_multipart(name) with_test_routing do headers = fixture(name) post "/parse", headers.delete("rack.input"), headers assert_response :ok TestController.last_request_parameters end end def with_test_routing with_routing do |set| set.draw do match ':action', :to => 'multipart_params_parsing_test/test' end yield end end end