require 'abstract_unit' class MimeTypeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase Mime::Type.register "image/png", :png unless defined? Mime::PNG Mime::Type.register "application/pdf", :pdf unless defined? Mime::PDF test "parse single" do Mime::LOOKUP.keys.each do |mime_type| unless mime_type == 'image/*' assert_equal [Mime::Type.lookup(mime_type)], Mime::Type.parse(mime_type) end end end test "unregister" do begin Mime::Type.register("text/x-mobile", :mobile) assert defined?(Mime::MOBILE) assert_equal Mime::MOBILE, Mime::LOOKUP['text/x-mobile'] assert_equal Mime::MOBILE, Mime::EXTENSION_LOOKUP['mobile'] Mime::Type.unregister("text/x-mobile", :mobile) assert !defined?(Mime::MOBILE), "Mime::MOBILE should not be defined" assert !Mime::LOOKUP.has_key?('text/x-mobile'), "Mime::LOOKUP should not have key ['text/x-mobile]" assert !Mime::EXTENSION_LOOKUP.has_key?('mobile'), "Mime::EXTENSION_LOOKUP should not have key ['mobile]" ensure Mime.module_eval { remove_const :MOBILE if const_defined?(:MOBILE) } Mime::LOOKUP.reject!{|key,_| key == 'text/x-mobile'} end end test "parse text with trailing star at the beginning" do accept = "text/*, text/html, application/json, multipart/form-data" expect = [Mime::JSON, Mime::XML, Mime::ICS, Mime::HTML, Mime::CSS, Mime::CSV, Mime::TEXT, Mime::YAML, Mime::JS, Mime::MULTIPART_FORM] parsed = Mime::Type.parse(accept) assert_equal expect.size, parsed.size,expect.size-1).to_a.each do |index| assert_equal expect[index], parsed[index], "Failed for index number #{index}" end end test "parse text with trailing star in the end" do accept = "text/html, application/json, multipart/form-data, text/*" expect = [Mime::HTML, Mime::JSON, Mime::MULTIPART_FORM, Mime::XML, Mime::ICS, Mime::CSS, Mime::CSV, Mime::JS, Mime::YAML, Mime::TEXT] parsed = Mime::Type.parse(accept) assert_equal 10, parsed.size,expect.size-1).to_a.each do |index| assert_equal expect[index], parsed[index], "Failed for index number #{index}" end end test "parse text with trailing star" do accept = "text/*" expect = [Mime::JSON, Mime::XML, Mime::ICS, Mime::HTML, Mime::CSS, Mime::CSV, Mime::JS, Mime::YAML, Mime::TEXT].sort_by(&:to_s) parsed = Mime::Type.parse(accept) assert_equal 9, parsed.size assert_equal expect, parsed.sort_by(&:to_s) end test "parse application with trailing star" do accept = "application/*" expect = [Mime::HTML, Mime::JS, Mime::XML, Mime::YAML, Mime::ATOM, Mime::JSON, Mime::RSS, Mime::PDF, Mime::URL_ENCODED_FORM].sort_by(&:to_s) parsed = Mime::Type.parse(accept) assert_equal 9, parsed.size assert_equal expect, parsed.sort_by(&:to_s) end test "parse without q" do accept = "text/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/yaml,application/xml,text/html,image/png,text/plain,application/pdf,*/*" expect = [Mime::HTML, Mime::XML, Mime::YAML, Mime::PNG, Mime::TEXT, Mime::PDF, Mime::ALL] assert_equal expect, Mime::Type.parse(accept) end test "parse with q" do accept = "text/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/yaml; q=0.3,application/xml,text/html; q=0.8,image/png,text/plain; q=0.5,application/pdf,*/*; q=0.2" expect = [Mime::HTML, Mime::XML, Mime::PNG, Mime::PDF, Mime::TEXT, Mime::YAML, Mime::ALL] assert_equal expect, Mime::Type.parse(accept) end # Accept header send with user HTTP_USER_AGENT: Sunrise/0.42j (Windows XP) test "parse broken acceptlines" do accept = "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/*,,*/*;q=0.5" expect = [Mime::HTML, Mime::XML, "image/*", Mime::TEXT, Mime::ALL] assert_equal expect, Mime::Type.parse(accept).collect { |c| c.to_s } end # Accept header send with user HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 # (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1) test "parse other broken acceptlines" do accept = "image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, , pronto/1.00.00, sslvpn/, */*" expect = ['image/gif', 'image/x-xbitmap', 'image/jpeg','image/pjpeg', 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'application/', 'application/', 'application/msword', 'pronto/1.00.00', 'sslvpn/', Mime::ALL ] assert_equal expect, Mime::Type.parse(accept).collect { |c| c.to_s } end test "custom type" do begin Mime::Type.register("image/gif", :gif) assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal Mime::GIF, Mime::SET.last end ensure Mime::Type.unregister('image/gif', :gif) end end test "type should be equal to symbol" do assert_equal Mime::HTML, 'application/xhtml+xml' assert_equal Mime::HTML, :html end test "type convenience methods" do # Don't test Mime::ALL, since it Mime::ALL#html? == true types = Mime::SET.symbols.uniq - [:all, :iphone] # Remove custom Mime::Type instances set in other tests, like Mime::GIF and Mime::IPHONE types.delete_if { |type| !Mime.const_defined?(type.to_s.upcase) } types.each do |type| mime = Mime.const_get(type.to_s.upcase) assert mime.send("#{type}?"), "#{mime.inspect} is not #{type}?" invalid_types = types - [type] invalid_types.delete(:html) if Mime::Type.html_types.include?(type) invalid_types.each { |other_type| assert !mime.send("#{other_type}?"), "#{mime.inspect} is #{other_type}?" } end end test "mime all is html" do assert Mime::ALL.all?, "Mime::ALL is not all?" assert Mime::ALL.html?, "Mime::ALL is not html?" end test "verifiable mime types" do all_types = Mime::SET.symbols all_types.uniq! # Remove custom Mime::Type instances set in other tests, like Mime::GIF and Mime::IPHONE all_types.delete_if { |type| !Mime.const_defined?(type.to_s.upcase) } verified, unverified = all_types.partition { |type| Mime::Type.browser_generated_types.include? type } assert verified.each { |type| assert Mime.const_get(type.to_s.upcase).verify_request?, "Verifiable Mime Type is not verified: #{type.inspect}" } assert unverified.each { |type| assert !Mime.const_get(type.to_s.upcase).verify_request?, "Nonverifiable Mime Type is verified: #{type.inspect}" } end test "regexp matcher" do assert Mime::JS =~ "text/javascript" assert Mime::JS =~ "application/javascript" assert Mime::JS !~ "text/html" assert !(Mime::JS !~ "text/javascript") assert !(Mime::JS !~ "application/javascript") assert Mime::HTML =~ 'application/xhtml+xml' end end