require "abstract_unit" class HeaderTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do @headers = "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/plain", "HTTP_REFERER" => "/some/page" ) end test "#new does not normalize the data" do headers = "Content-Type" => "application/json", "HTTP_REFERER" => "/some/page", "Host" => "") assert_equal({"Content-Type" => "application/json", "HTTP_REFERER" => "/some/page", "Host" => ""}, headers.env) end test "#env returns the headers as env variables" do assert_equal({"CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/plain", "HTTP_REFERER" => "/some/page"}, @headers.env) end test "#each iterates through the env variables" do headers = [] @headers.each { |pair| headers << pair } assert_equal [["CONTENT_TYPE", "text/plain"], ["HTTP_REFERER", "/some/page"]], headers end test "set new headers" do @headers["Host"] = "" assert_equal "", @headers["Host"] assert_equal "", @headers["HTTP_HOST"] end test "headers can contain numbers" do @headers["Content-MD5"] = "Q2hlY2sgSW50ZWdyaXR5IQ==" assert_equal "Q2hlY2sgSW50ZWdyaXR5IQ==", @headers["Content-MD5"] assert_equal "Q2hlY2sgSW50ZWdyaXR5IQ==", @headers["HTTP_CONTENT_MD5"] end test "set new env variables" do @headers["HTTP_HOST"] = "" assert_equal "", @headers["Host"] assert_equal "", @headers["HTTP_HOST"] end test "key?" do assert @headers.key?("CONTENT_TYPE") assert @headers.include?("CONTENT_TYPE") end test "fetch with block" do assert_equal "omg", @headers.fetch("notthere") { "omg" } end test "accessing http header" do assert_equal "/some/page", @headers["Referer"] assert_equal "/some/page", @headers["referer"] assert_equal "/some/page", @headers["HTTP_REFERER"] end test "accessing special header" do assert_equal "text/plain", @headers["Content-Type"] assert_equal "text/plain", @headers["content-type"] assert_equal "text/plain", @headers["CONTENT_TYPE"] end test "fetch" do assert_equal "text/plain", @headers.fetch("content-type", nil) assert_equal "not found", @headers.fetch("not-found", "not found") end test "#merge! headers with mutation" do @headers.merge!("Host" => "http://example.test", "Content-Type" => "text/html") assert_equal({"HTTP_HOST" => "http://example.test", "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html", "HTTP_REFERER" => "/some/page"}, @headers.env) end test "#merge! env with mutation" do @headers.merge!("HTTP_HOST" => "", "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html") assert_equal({"HTTP_HOST" => "", "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html", "HTTP_REFERER" => "/some/page"}, @headers.env) end test "merge without mutation" do combined = @headers.merge("HTTP_HOST" => "", "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html") assert_equal({"HTTP_HOST" => "", "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/html", "HTTP_REFERER" => "/some/page"}, combined.env) assert_equal({"CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/plain", "HTTP_REFERER" => "/some/page"}, @headers.env) end test "env variables with . are not modified" do headers = headers.merge! "rack.input" => "", "rack.request.cookie_hash" => "", "action_dispatch.logger" => "" assert_equal(["action_dispatch.logger", "rack.input", "rack.request.cookie_hash"], headers.env.keys.sort) end test "symbols are treated as strings" do headers = headers.merge!(:SERVER_NAME => "", "HTTP_REFERER" => "/", :Host => "") assert_equal "", headers["SERVER_NAME"] assert_equal "/", headers[:HTTP_REFERER] assert_equal "", headers["HTTP_HOST"] end test "headers directly modifies the passed environment" do env = {"HTTP_REFERER" => "/"} headers = headers['Referer'] = "" headers.merge! "CONTENT_TYPE" => "text/plain" assert_equal({"HTTP_REFERER"=>"", "CONTENT_TYPE"=>"text/plain"}, env) end end