require 'abstract_unit' class DebugExceptionsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest class Boomer attr_accessor :closed def initialize(detailed = false) @detailed = detailed @closed = false end def each end def close @closed = true end def call(env) env['action_dispatch.show_detailed_exceptions'] = @detailed req = case req.path when "/pass" [404, { "X-Cascade" => "pass" }, self] when "/not_found" raise AbstractController::ActionNotFound when "/runtime_error" raise RuntimeError when "/method_not_allowed" raise ActionController::MethodNotAllowed when "/unknown_http_method" raise ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod when "/not_implemented" raise ActionController::NotImplemented when "/unprocessable_entity" raise ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken when "/not_found_original_exception" raise'template', when "/bad_request" raise ActionController::BadRequest when "/missing_keys" raise ActionController::UrlGenerationError, "No route matches" when "/parameter_missing" raise ActionController::ParameterMissing, :missing_param_key when "/required_key_empty_value" raise ActionController::EmptyParameter, :empty_param_key else raise "puke!" end end end def setup app = app.config = app.config.assets = app.config.assets.prefix = '/sprockets' Rails.stubs(:application).returns(app) end RoutesApp = ProductionApp =, RoutesApp) DevelopmentApp =, RoutesApp) test 'skip diagnosis if not showing detailed exceptions' do @app = ProductionApp assert_raise RuntimeError do get "/", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} end end test 'skip diagnosis if not showing exceptions' do @app = DevelopmentApp assert_raise RuntimeError do get "/", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => false} end end test 'raise an exception on cascade pass' do @app = ProductionApp assert_raise ActionController::RoutingError do get "/pass", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} end end test 'closes the response body on cascade pass' do boomer = @app = assert_raise ActionController::RoutingError do get "/pass", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} end assert boomer.closed, "Expected to close the response body" end test 'displays routes in a table when a RoutingError occurs' do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/pass", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} routing_table = body[/route_table.*<.table>/m] assert_match '/:controller(/:action)(.:format)', routing_table assert_match ':controller#:action', routing_table assert_no_match '<|>', routing_table, "there should not be escaped html in the output" end test "rescue with diagnostics message" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} assert_response 500 assert_match(/puke/, body) get "/not_found", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} assert_response 404 assert_match(/#{}/, body) get "/method_not_allowed", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} assert_response 405 assert_match(/ActionController::MethodNotAllowed/, body) get "/unknown_http_method", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} assert_response 405 assert_match(/ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod/, body) get "/bad_request", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} assert_response 400 assert_match(/ActionController::BadRequest/, body) get "/parameter_missing", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} assert_response 400 assert_match(/ActionController::ParameterMissing/, body) get "/required_key_empty_value", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} assert_response 400 assert_match(/ActionController::EmptyParameter/, body) end test "rescue with text error for xhr request" do @app = DevelopmentApp xhr_request_env = {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true, 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' => 'XMLHttpRequest'} get "/", {}, xhr_request_env assert_response 500 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal response.content_type, "text/plain" assert_match(/puke/, body) get "/not_found", {}, xhr_request_env assert_response 404 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal response.content_type, "text/plain" assert_match(/#{}/, body) get "/method_not_allowed", {}, xhr_request_env assert_response 405 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal response.content_type, "text/plain" assert_match(/ActionController::MethodNotAllowed/, body) get "/unknown_http_method", {}, xhr_request_env assert_response 405 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal response.content_type, "text/plain" assert_match(/ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod/, body) get "/bad_request", {}, xhr_request_env assert_response 400 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal response.content_type, "text/plain" assert_match(/ActionController::BadRequest/, body) get "/parameter_missing", {}, xhr_request_env assert_response 400 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal response.content_type, "text/plain" assert_match(/ActionController::ParameterMissing/, body) end test "does not show filtered parameters" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/", {"foo"=>"bar"}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true, 'action_dispatch.parameter_filter' => [:foo]} assert_response 500 assert_match(""foo"=>"[FILTERED]"", body) end test "show registered original exception for wrapped exceptions" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/not_found_original_exception", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} assert_response 404 assert_match(/AbstractController::ActionNotFound/, body) end test "named urls missing keys raise 500 level error" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/missing_keys", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} assert_response 500 assert_match(/ActionController::UrlGenerationError/, body) end test "show the controller name in the diagnostics template when controller name is present" do @app = DevelopmentApp get("/runtime_error", {}, { 'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true, 'action_dispatch.request.parameters' => { 'action' => 'show', 'id' => 'unknown', 'controller' => 'featured_tile' } }) assert_response 500 assert_match(/RuntimeError\n\s+in FeaturedTileController/, body) end test "sets the HTTP charset parameter" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true} assert_equal "text/html; charset=utf-8", response.headers["Content-Type"] end test 'uses logger from env' do @app = DevelopmentApp output = get "/", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true, 'action_dispatch.logger' =>} assert_match(/puke/, output.rewind && end test 'uses backtrace cleaner from env' do @app = DevelopmentApp cleaner = stub(:clean => ['passed backtrace cleaner']) get "/", {}, {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true, 'action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner' => cleaner} assert_match(/passed backtrace cleaner/, body) end test 'logs exception backtrace when all lines silenced' do output = backtrace_cleaner = backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { true } env = {'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => true, 'action_dispatch.logger' =>, 'action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner' => backtrace_cleaner} get "/", {}, env assert_operator((output.rewind &&, :>, 10) end end