require "abstract_unit" class DebugExceptionsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest class Boomer attr_accessor :closed def initialize(detailed = false) @detailed = detailed @closed = false end # We're obliged to implement this (even though it doesn't actually # get called here) to properly comply with the Rack SPEC def each end def close @closed = true end def method_that_raises raise "error in framework" end def call(env) env["action_dispatch.show_detailed_exceptions"] = @detailed req = case req.path when %r{/pass} [404, { "X-Cascade" => "pass" }, self] when %r{/not_found} raise AbstractController::ActionNotFound when %r{/runtime_error} raise RuntimeError when %r{/method_not_allowed} raise ActionController::MethodNotAllowed when %r{/unknown_http_method} raise ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod when %r{/not_implemented} raise ActionController::NotImplemented when %r{/unprocessable_entity} raise ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken when %r{/not_found_original_exception} begin raise rescue raise"template") end when %r{/missing_template} raise, "foo/index", %w(foo), false, "mailer") when %r{/bad_request} raise ActionController::BadRequest when %r{/missing_keys} raise ActionController::UrlGenerationError, "No route matches" when %r{/parameter_missing} raise ActionController::ParameterMissing, :missing_param_key when %r{/original_syntax_error} eval "broke_syntax =" # `eval` need for raise native SyntaxError at runtime when %r{/syntax_error_into_view} begin eval "broke_syntax =" rescue Exception template =, __FILE__,, {}) raise end when %r{/framework_raises} method_that_raises else raise "puke!" end end end RoutesApp = ProductionApp =, RoutesApp) DevelopmentApp =, RoutesApp) test "skip diagnosis if not showing detailed exceptions" do @app = ProductionApp assert_raise RuntimeError do get "/", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } end end test "skip diagnosis if not showing exceptions" do @app = DevelopmentApp assert_raise RuntimeError do get "/", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => false } end end test "raise an exception on cascade pass" do @app = ProductionApp assert_raise ActionController::RoutingError do get "/pass", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } end end test "closes the response body on cascade pass" do boomer = @app = assert_raise ActionController::RoutingError do get "/pass", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } end assert boomer.closed, "Expected to close the response body" end test "displays routes in a table when a RoutingError occurs" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/pass", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } routing_table = body[/route_table.*<.table>/m] assert_match "/:controller(/:action)(.:format)", routing_table assert_match ":controller#:action", routing_table assert_no_match "<|>", routing_table, "there should not be escaped html in the output" end test "displays request and response info when a RoutingError occurs" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/pass", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } assert_select "h2", /Request/ assert_select "h2", /Response/ end test "rescue with diagnostics message" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } assert_response 500 assert_match(/puke/, body) get "/not_found", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } assert_response 404 assert_match(/#{}/, body) get "/method_not_allowed", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } assert_response 405 assert_match(/ActionController::MethodNotAllowed/, body) get "/unknown_http_method", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } assert_response 405 assert_match(/ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod/, body) get "/bad_request", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } assert_response 400 assert_match(/ActionController::BadRequest/, body) get "/parameter_missing", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } assert_response 400 assert_match(/ActionController::ParameterMissing/, body) end test "rescue with text error for xhr request" do @app = DevelopmentApp xhr_request_env = { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true, "HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH" => "XMLHttpRequest" } get "/", headers: xhr_request_env assert_response 500 assert_no_match(/
/, body) assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal "text/plain", response.content_type assert_match(/RuntimeError\npuke/, body) Rails.stub :root,".") do get "/", headers: xhr_request_env assert_response 500 assert_match "Extracted source (around line #", body assert_select "pre", { count: 0 }, body end get "/not_found", headers: xhr_request_env assert_response 404 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal "text/plain", response.content_type assert_match(/#{}/, body) get "/method_not_allowed", headers: xhr_request_env assert_response 405 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal "text/plain", response.content_type assert_match(/ActionController::MethodNotAllowed/, body) get "/unknown_http_method", headers: xhr_request_env assert_response 405 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal "text/plain", response.content_type assert_match(/ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod/, body) get "/bad_request", headers: xhr_request_env assert_response 400 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal "text/plain", response.content_type assert_match(/ActionController::BadRequest/, body) get "/parameter_missing", headers: xhr_request_env assert_response 400 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal "text/plain", response.content_type assert_match(/ActionController::ParameterMissing/, body) end test "rescue with JSON error for JSON API request" do @app =, RoutesApp, :api) get "/", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true }, as: :json assert_response 500 assert_no_match(/
/, body) assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal "application/json", response.content_type assert_match(/RuntimeError: puke/, body) get "/not_found", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true }, as: :json assert_response 404 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal "application/json", response.content_type assert_match(/#{}/, body) get "/method_not_allowed", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true }, as: :json assert_response 405 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal "application/json", response.content_type assert_match(/ActionController::MethodNotAllowed/, body) get "/unknown_http_method", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true }, as: :json assert_response 405 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal "application/json", response.content_type assert_match(/ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod/, body) get "/bad_request", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true }, as: :json assert_response 400 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal "application/json", response.content_type assert_match(/ActionController::BadRequest/, body) get "/parameter_missing", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true }, as: :json assert_response 400 assert_no_match(//, body) assert_equal "application/json", response.content_type assert_match(/ActionController::ParameterMissing/, body) end test "rescue with HTML format for HTML API request" do @app =, RoutesApp, :api) get "/index.html", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } assert_response 500 assert_match(/
/, body) assert_match(//, body) assert_equal "text/html", response.content_type assert_match(/puke/, body) end test "rescue with XML format for XML API requests" do @app =, RoutesApp, :api) get "/index.xml", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } assert_response 500 assert_equal "application/xml", response.content_type assert_match(/RuntimeError: puke/, body) end test "rescue with JSON format as fallback if API request format is not supported" do begin Mime::Type.register "text/wibble", :wibble ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest.register_encoder(:wibble, param_encoder: -> params { params }) @app =, RoutesApp, :api) get "/index", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true }, as: :wibble assert_response 500 assert_equal "application/json", response.content_type assert_match(/RuntimeError: puke/, body) ensure Mime::Type.unregister :wibble end end test "does not show filtered parameters" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/", params: { "foo"=>"bar" }, headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true, "action_dispatch.parameter_filter" => [:foo] } assert_response 500 assert_match(""foo"=>"[FILTERED]"", body) end test "show registered original exception for wrapped exceptions" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/not_found_original_exception", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } assert_response 404 assert_match(/AbstractController::ActionNotFound/, body) end test "named urls missing keys raise 500 level error" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/missing_keys", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } assert_response 500 assert_match(/ActionController::UrlGenerationError/, body) end test "show the controller name in the diagnostics template when controller name is present" do @app = DevelopmentApp get("/runtime_error", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true, "action_dispatch.request.parameters" => { "action" => "show", "id" => "unknown", "controller" => "featured_tile" } }) assert_response 500 assert_match(/RuntimeError\n\s+in FeaturedTileController/, body) end test "show formatted params" do @app = DevelopmentApp params = { "id" => "unknown", "someparam" => { "foo" => "bar", "abc" => "goo" } } get("/runtime_error", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true, "action_dispatch.request.parameters" => { "action" => "show", "controller" => "featured_tile" }.merge(params) }) assert_response 500 assert_includes(body, CGI.escapeHTML(PP.pp(params, "", 200))) end test "sets the HTTP charset parameter" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true } assert_equal "text/html; charset=utf-8", response.headers["Content-Type"] end test "uses logger from env" do @app = DevelopmentApp output = get "/", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true, "action_dispatch.logger" => } assert_match(/puke/, output.rewind && end test "logs only what is necessary" do @app = DevelopmentApp io = logger = _old, ActionView::Base.logger = ActionView::Base.logger, logger begin get "/", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true, "action_dispatch.logger" => logger } ensure ActionView::Base.logger = _old end output = io.rewind && lines = output.lines # Other than the first three... assert_equal([" \n", "RuntimeError (puke!):\n", " \n"], lines.slice!(0, 3)) lines.each do |line| # .. all the remaining lines should be from the backtrace assert_match(/:\d+:in /, line) end end test "uses backtrace cleaner from env" do @app = DevelopmentApp backtrace_cleaner = backtrace_cleaner.stub :clean, ["passed backtrace cleaner"] do get "/", headers: { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true, "action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner" => backtrace_cleaner } assert_match(/passed backtrace cleaner/, body) end end test "logs exception backtrace when all lines silenced" do output = backtrace_cleaner = backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { true } env = { "action_dispatch.show_exceptions" => true, "action_dispatch.logger" =>, "action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner" => backtrace_cleaner } get "/", headers: env assert_operator((output.rewind &&, :>, 10) end test "display backtrace when error type is SyntaxError" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/original_syntax_error", headers: { "action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner" => } assert_response 500 assert_select "#Application-Trace" do assert_select "pre code", /syntax error, unexpected/ end end test "display backtrace on template missing errors" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/missing_template" assert_select "header h1", /Template is missing/ assert_select "#container h2", /^Missing template/ assert_select "#Application-Trace" assert_select "#Framework-Trace" assert_select "#Full-Trace" assert_select "h2", /Request/ end test "display backtrace when error type is SyntaxError wrapped by ActionView::Template::Error" do @app = DevelopmentApp get "/syntax_error_into_view", headers: { "action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner" => } assert_response 500 assert_select "#Application-Trace" do assert_select "pre code", /syntax error, unexpected/ end end test "debug exceptions app shows user code that caused the error in source view" do @app = DevelopmentApp Rails.stub :root,".") do cleaner = do |bc| bc.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /method_that_raises/ } bc.add_silencer { |line| line !~ %r{test/dispatch/debug_exceptions_test.rb} } end get "/framework_raises", headers: { "action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner" => cleaner } # Assert correct error assert_response 500 assert_select "h2", /error in framework/ # assert source view line is the call to method_that_raises assert_select "div.source:not(.hidden)" do assert_select "pre", /method_that_raises/ end # assert first source view (hidden) that throws the error assert_select "div.source:first" do assert_select "pre", /raise StandardError\.new/ end # assert application trace refers to line that calls method_that_raises is first assert_select "#Application-Trace" do assert_select "pre code a:first", %r{test/dispatch/debug_exceptions_test\.rb:\d+:in `call} end # assert framework trace that threw the error is first assert_select "#Framework-Trace" do assert_select "pre code a:first", /method_that_raises/ end end end end