require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit' class TestTest < Test::Unit::TestCase class TestController < ActionController::Base def set_flash flash["test"] = ">#{flash["test"]}<" end def test_uri render_text @request.request_uri end def test_html_output render_text <
HTML end end def setup @controller = @request = @response = ActionController::Routing::Routes.reload end def teardown ActionController::Routing::Routes.reload end def test_process_without_flash process :set_flash assert_flash_equal "><", "test" end def test_process_with_flash process :set_flash, nil, nil, { "test" => "value" } assert_flash_equal ">value<", "test" end def test_process_with_request_uri_with_no_params process :test_uri assert_equal @response.body, "/test_test/test/test_uri" end def test_process_with_request_uri_with_params process :test_uri, :id => 7 assert_equal @response.body, "/test_test/test/test_uri/7" end def test_process_with_request_uri_with_params_with_explicit_uri @request.set_REQUEST_URI "/explicit/uri" process :test_uri, :id => 7 assert_equal @response.body, "/explicit/uri" end def test_assert_tag process :test_html_output # there is a 'div', id='bar', with an immediate child whose 'action' # attribute matches the regexp /somewhere/. assert_tag :tag => "div", :attributes => { :id => "bar" }, :child => { :attributes => { :action => /somewhere/ } } # there is no 'div', id='foo', with a 'ul' child with more than # 2 "li" children. assert_no_tag :tag => "div", :attributes => { :id => "foo" }, :child => { :tag => "ul", :children => { :greater_than => 2, :only => { :tag => "li" } } } end end