require "abstract_unit" require "rails/subscriber/test_helper" require "action_controller/railties/subscriber" module Another class SubscribersController < ActionController::Base def show render :nothing => true end def redirector redirect_to "" end def data_sender send_data "cool data", :filename => "omg.txt" end def xfile_sender send_file File.expand_path("company.rb", FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH), :x_sendfile => true end def file_sender send_file File.expand_path("company.rb", FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH) end def with_fragment_cache render :inline => "<%= cache('foo'){ 'bar' } %>" end def with_page_cache cache_page("Super soaker", "/index.html") render :nothing => true end end end module ActionControllerSubscriberTest def self.included(base) base.tests Another::SubscribersController end def wait sleep(0.01) super end def setup @old_logger = ActionController::Base.logger @cache_path = File.expand_path('../temp/test_cache', File.dirname(__FILE__)) ActionController::Base.page_cache_directory = @cache_path ActionController::Base.cache_store = :file_store, @cache_path Rails::Subscriber.add(:action_controller, super end def teardown super Rails::Subscriber.subscribers.clear FileUtils.rm_rf(@cache_path) ActionController::Base.logger = @old_logger end def set_logger(logger) ActionController::Base.logger = logger end def test_process_action get :show wait assert_equal 3, logs.size assert_match /Processed\sAnother::SubscribersController#show/, logs[0] end def test_process_action_without_parameters get :show wait assert_nil logs.detect {|l| l =~ /Parameters/ } end def test_process_action_with_parameters get :show, :id => '10' wait assert_equal 4, logs.size assert_equal 'Parameters: {"id"=>"10"}', logs[1] end def test_process_action_with_view_runtime get :show wait assert_match /View runtime/, logs[1] end def test_process_action_with_status_and_request_uri get :show wait last = logs.last assert_match /Completed/, last assert_match /200/, last assert_match /another\/subscribers\/show/, last end def test_process_action_with_filter_parameters Another::SubscribersController.filter_parameter_logging(:lifo, :amount) get :show, :lifo => 'Pratik', :amount => '420', :step => '1' wait params = logs[1] assert_match /"amount"=>"\[FILTERED\]"/, params assert_match /"lifo"=>"\[FILTERED\]"/, params assert_match /"step"=>"1"/, params end def test_redirect_to get :redirector wait assert_equal 3, logs.size assert_equal "Redirected to with status 302", logs[0] end def test_send_data get :data_sender wait assert_equal 4, logs.size assert_match /Sent data omg\.txt/, logs[0] end def test_send_file get :file_sender wait assert_equal 4, logs.size assert_match /Sent file/, logs[0] assert_match /test\/fixtures\/company\.rb/, logs[0] end def test_send_xfile get :xfile_sender wait assert_equal 3, logs.size assert_match /Sent X\-Sendfile header/, logs[0] assert_match /test\/fixtures\/company\.rb/, logs[0] end def test_with_fragment_cache ActionController::Base.perform_caching = true get :with_fragment_cache wait assert_equal 5, logs.size assert_match /Exist fragment\? views\/foo/, logs[0] assert_match /Write fragment views\/foo/, logs[1] ensure ActionController::Base.perform_caching = true end def test_with_page_cache ActionController::Base.perform_caching = true get :with_page_cache wait assert_equal 4, logs.size assert_match /Write page/, logs[0] assert_match /\/index\.html/, logs[0] ensure ActionController::Base.perform_caching = true end def logs @logs ||= @logger.logged(:info) end class SyncSubscriberTest < ActionController::TestCase include Rails::Subscriber::SyncTestHelper include ActionControllerSubscriberTest end class AsyncSubscriberTest < ActionController::TestCase include Rails::Subscriber::AsyncTestHelper include ActionControllerSubscriberTest end end