require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit' silence_warnings { Customer ="Customer", :name) } module Fun class GamesController < ActionController::Base def hello_world end end end class NewRenderTestController < ActionController::Base layout :determine_layout def self.controller_name; "test"; end def self.controller_path; "test"; end def hello_world end def render_hello_world render :template => "test/hello_world" end def render_hello_world_from_variable @person = "david" render :text => "hello #{@person}" end def render_action_hello_world render :action => "hello_world" end def render_text_hello_world render :text => "hello world" end def render_text_hello_world_with_layout @variable_for_layout = ", I'm here!" render :text => "hello world", :layout => true end def hello_world_with_layout_false render :layout => false end def render_custom_code render :text => "hello world", :status => "404 Moved" end def render_file_with_instance_variables @secret = 'in the sauce' path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../fixtures/test/render_file_with_ivar.rhtml') render :file => path end def render_file_with_locals path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../fixtures/test/render_file_with_locals.rhtml') render :file => path, :locals => {:secret => 'in the sauce'} end def render_file_not_using_full_path @secret = 'in the sauce' render :file => 'test/render_file_with_ivar', :use_full_path => true end def render_xml_hello @name = "David" render :template => "test/hello" end def greeting # let's just rely on the template end def layout_test render :action => "hello_world" end def layout_test_with_different_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => "standard" end def rendering_without_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => false end def layout_overriding_layout render :action => "hello_world", :layout => "standard" end def rendering_nothing_on_layout render :nothing => true end def builder_layout_test render :action => "hello" end def partials_list @test_unchanged = 'hello' @customers = ["david"),"mary") ] render :action => "list" end def partial_only render :partial => true end def partial_only_with_layout render :partial => "partial_only", :layout => true end def partial_with_locals render :partial => "customer", :locals => { :customer =>"david") } end def partial_collection render :partial => "customer", :collection => ["david"),"mary") ] end def partial_collection_with_locals render :partial => "customer_greeting", :collection => ["david"),"mary") ], :locals => { :greeting => "Bonjour" } end def empty_partial_collection render :partial => "customer", :collection => [] end def partial_with_hash_object render :partial => "hash_object", :object => {:first_name => "Sam"} end def partial_with_implicit_local_assignment @customer ="Marcel") render :partial => "customer" end def hello_in_a_string @customers = ["david"),"mary") ] render :text => "How's there? #{render_to_string("test/list")}" end def accessing_params_in_template render :inline => "Hello: <%= params[:name] %>" end def accessing_params_in_template_with_layout render :layout => nil, :inline => "Hello: <%= params[:name] %>" end def render_with_explicit_template render "test/hello_world" end def double_render render :text => "hello" render :text => "world" end def double_redirect redirect_to :action => "double_render" redirect_to :action => "double_render" end def render_and_redirect render :text => "hello" redirect_to :action => "double_render" end def rendering_with_conflicting_local_vars @name = "David" def nil end render :action => "potential_conflicts" end def delete_with_js @project_id = 4 end def render_js_with_explicit_template @project_id = 4 render :template => 'test/delete_with_js' end def render_js_with_explicit_action_template @project_id = 4 render :action => 'delete_with_js' end def update_page render :update do |page| page.replace_html 'balance', '$37,000,000.00' page.visual_effect :highlight, 'balance' end end def action_talk_to_layout # Action template sets variable that's picked up by layout end def render_text_with_assigns @hello = "world" render :text => "foo" end def yield_content_for render :action => "content_for", :layout => "yield" end def rescue_action(e) raise end private def determine_layout case action_name when "hello_world", "layout_test", "rendering_without_layout", "rendering_nothing_on_layout", "render_text_hello_world", "render_text_hello_world_with_layout", "hello_world_with_layout_false", "partial_only", "partial_only_with_layout", "accessing_params_in_template", "accessing_params_in_template_with_layout", "render_with_explicit_template", "render_js_with_explicit_template", "render_js_with_explicit_action_template", "delete_with_js", "update_page" "layouts/standard" when "builder_layout_test" "layouts/builder" when "action_talk_to_layout", "layout_overriding_layout" "layouts/talk_from_action" end end end NewRenderTestController.template_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../fixtures/" Fun::GamesController.template_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../fixtures/" class NewRenderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @controller = # enable a logger so that (e.g.) the benchmarking stuff runs, so we can get # a more accurate simulation of what happens in "real life". @controller.logger = @request = @response = = "" end def test_simple_show get :hello_world assert_response :success assert_template "test/hello_world" assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body end def test_do_with_render get :render_hello_world assert_template "test/hello_world" end def test_do_with_render_from_variable get :render_hello_world_from_variable assert_equal "hello david", @response.body end def test_do_with_render_action get :render_action_hello_world assert_template "test/hello_world" end def test_do_with_render_text get :render_text_hello_world assert_equal "hello world", @response.body end def test_do_with_render_text_and_layout get :render_text_hello_world_with_layout assert_equal "hello world, I'm here!", @response.body end def test_do_with_render_action_and_layout_false get :hello_world_with_layout_false assert_equal 'Hello world!', @response.body end def test_do_with_render_custom_code get :render_custom_code assert_response :missing end def test_render_file_with_instance_variables get :render_file_with_instance_variables assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @response.body end def test_render_file_not_using_full_path get :render_file_not_using_full_path assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @response.body end def test_render_file_with_locals get :render_file_with_locals assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @response.body end def test_attempt_to_access_object_method assert_raises(ActionController::UnknownAction, "No action responded to [clone]") { get :clone } end def test_private_methods assert_raises(ActionController::UnknownAction, "No action responded to [determine_layout]") { get :determine_layout } end def test_access_to_request_in_view view_internals_old_value = ActionController::Base.view_controller_internals ActionController::Base.view_controller_internals = false ActionController::Base.protected_variables_cache = nil get :hello_world assert_nil(assigns["request"]) ActionController::Base.view_controller_internals = true ActionController::Base.protected_variables_cache = nil get :hello_world assert_kind_of ActionController::AbstractRequest, assigns["request"] ActionController::Base.view_controller_internals = view_internals_old_value ActionController::Base.protected_variables_cache = nil end def test_render_xml get :render_xml_hello assert_equal "\n

Hello David


This is grand!

\n\n", @response.body end def test_render_xml_with_default get :greeting assert_equal "

This is grand!

\n", @response.body end def test_render_rjs_with_default get :delete_with_js assert_equal %!["person"].each(Element.remove);\nnew Effect.Highlight('project-4',{});!, @response.body end def test_render_rjs_template_explicitly get :render_js_with_explicit_template assert_equal %!["person"].each(Element.remove);\nnew Effect.Highlight('project-4',{});!, @response.body end def test_rendering_rjs_action_explicitly get :render_js_with_explicit_action_template assert_equal %!["person"].each(Element.remove);\nnew Effect.Highlight('project-4',{});!, @response.body end def test_layout_rendering get :layout_test assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body end def test_layout_test_with_different_layout get :layout_test_with_different_layout assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body end def test_rendering_without_layout get :rendering_without_layout assert_equal "Hello world!", @response.body end def test_layout_overriding_layout get :layout_overriding_layout assert_no_match %r{}, @response.body end def test_rendering_nothing_on_layout get :rendering_nothing_on_layout assert_equal " ", @response.body end def test_render_xml_with_layouts get :builder_layout_test assert_equal "<wrapper>\n<html>\n <p>Hello </p>\n<p>This is grand!</p>\n</html>\n</wrapper>\n", @response.body end def test_partial_only get :partial_only assert_equal "only partial", @response.body end def test_partial_only_with_layout get :partial_only_with_layout assert_equal "<html>only partial</html>", @response.body end def test_render_to_string get :hello_in_a_string assert_equal "How's there? goodbyeHello: davidHello: marygoodbye\n", @response.body end def test_nested_rendering get :hello_world assert_equal "Living in a nested world", Fun::GamesController.process(@request, @response).body end def test_accessing_params_in_template get :accessing_params_in_template, :name => "David" assert_equal "Hello: David", @response.body end def test_accessing_params_in_template_with_layout get :accessing_params_in_template_with_layout, :name => "David" assert_equal "<html>Hello: David</html>", @response.body end def test_render_with_explicit_template get :render_with_explicit_template assert_response :success end def test_double_render assert_raises(ActionController::DoubleRenderError) { get :double_render } end def test_double_redirect assert_raises(ActionController::DoubleRenderError) { get :double_redirect } end def test_render_and_redirect assert_raises(ActionController::DoubleRenderError) { get :render_and_redirect } end def test_rendering_with_conflicting_local_vars get :rendering_with_conflicting_local_vars assert_equal("First: David\nSecond: Stephan\nThird: David\nFourth: David\nFifth: ", @response.body) end def test_action_talk_to_layout get :action_talk_to_layout assert_equal "<title>Talking to the layout\nAction was here!", @response.body end def test_partials_list get :partials_list assert_equal "goodbyeHello: davidHello: marygoodbye\n", @response.body end def test_partial_with_locals get :partial_with_locals assert_equal "Hello: david", @response.body end def test_partial_collection get :partial_collection assert_equal "Hello: davidHello: mary", @response.body end def test_partial_collection_with_locals get :partial_collection_with_locals assert_equal "Bonjour: davidBonjour: mary", @response.body end def test_empty_partial_collection get :empty_partial_collection assert_equal " ", @response.body end def test_partial_with_hash_object get :partial_with_hash_object assert_equal "Sam", @response.body end def test_partial_with_implicit_local_assignment get :partial_with_implicit_local_assignment assert_equal "Hello: Marcel", @response.body end def test_render_text_with_assigns get :render_text_with_assigns assert_equal "world", assigns["hello"] end def test_update_page get :update_page assert_template nil assert_equal 'text/javascript', @response.headers['Content-Type'] assert_equal 2, @response.body.split($/).length end def test_yield_content_for get :yield_content_for assert_equal "Putting stuff in the title!\n\nGreat stuff!\n", @response.body end end