require 'abstract_unit' unless defined? ApplicationController class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base end end class UploadTestController < ActionController::Base def update SessionUploadTest.last_request_type = ActionController::Base.param_parsers[request.content_type] render :text => "got here" end def read render :text => "File: #{params[:uploaded_data].read}" end end class SessionUploadTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest FILES_DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../fixtures/multipart' class << self attr_accessor :last_request_type end def test_upload_and_read_file with_test_routing do post '/read', :uploaded_data => fixture_file_upload(FILES_DIR + "/hello.txt", "text/plain") assert_equal "File: Hello", response.body end end # The lint wrapper is used in integration tests # instead of a normal StringIO class InputWrapper = Rack::Lint::InputWrapper def test_post_with_upload_with_unrewindable_input InputWrapper.any_instance.expects(:rewind).raises(Errno::ESPIPE) with_test_routing do post '/read', :uploaded_data => fixture_file_upload(FILES_DIR + "/hello.txt", "text/plain") assert_equal "File: Hello", response.body end end def test_post_with_upload_with_params_parsing with_test_routing do params = { :uploaded_data => fixture_file_upload(FILES_DIR + "/mona_lisa.jpg", "image/jpg") } post '/update', params, :location => 'blah' assert_equal(:multipart_form, SessionUploadTest.last_request_type) end end private def with_test_routing with_routing do |set| set.draw do |map| map.update 'update', :controller => "upload_test", :action => "update", :method => :post 'read', :controller => "upload_test", :action => "read", :method => :post end yield end end end