require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit' class HelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase HELPER_PATHS = %w(/../fixtures/helpers) class TestController < ActionController::Base attr_accessor :delegate_attr def delegate_method() end def rescue_action(e) raise end end module LocalAbcHelper def a() end def b() end def c() end end def setup # Increment symbol counter. @symbol = (@@counter ||= 'A0').succ!.dup # Generate new controller class. controller_class_name = "Helper#{@symbol}Controller" eval("class #{controller_class_name} < TestController; end") @controller_class = self.class.const_get(controller_class_name) # Generate new template class and assign to controller. template_class_name = "Test#{@symbol}View" eval("class #{template_class_name} < ActionView::Base; end") @template_class = self.class.const_get(template_class_name) @controller_class.template_class = @template_class # Add helper paths to LOAD_PATH. HELPER_PATHS.each { |path| $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + path) } # Set default test helper. self.test_helper = LocalAbcHelper end def teardown # Reset template class. #ActionController::Base.template_class = ActionView::Base # Remove helper paths from LOAD_PATH. HELPER_PATHS.each { |path| $LOAD_PATH.delete(File.dirname(__FILE__) + path) } end def test_deprecated_helper assert_equal helper_methods, missing_methods assert_nothing_raised { @controller_class.helper TestHelper } assert_equal [], missing_methods end def test_declare_helper require 'abc_helper' self.test_helper = AbcHelper assert_equal helper_methods, missing_methods assert_nothing_raised { @controller_class.helper :abc } assert_equal [], missing_methods end def test_declare_missing_helper assert_equal helper_methods, missing_methods assert_raise(LoadError) { @controller_class.helper :missing } end def test_helper_block assert_nothing_raised { @controller_class.helper { def block_helper_method; end } } assert template_methods.include?('block_helper_method') end def test_helper_block_include assert_equal helper_methods, missing_methods assert_nothing_raised { @controller_class.helper { include TestHelper } } assert [], missing_methods end def test_helper_method assert_nothing_raised { @controller_class.helper_method :delegate_method } assert template_methods.include?('delegate_method') end def test_helper_attr assert_nothing_raised { @controller_class.helper_attr :delegate_attr } assert template_methods.include?('delegate_attr') assert template_methods.include?('delegate_attr=') end private def helper_methods; TestHelper.instance_methods end def template_methods; @template_class.instance_methods end def missing_methods; helper_methods - template_methods end def test_helper=(helper_module) old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil self.class.const_set('TestHelper', helper_module) $VERBOSE = old_verbose end end