require 'abstract_unit' class FlashTest < ActionController::TestCase class TestController < ActionController::Base def set_flash flash["that"] = "hello" render :inline => "hello" end def set_flash_now["that"] = "hello"["foo"] ||= "bar"["foo"] ||= "err" @flashy =["that"] @flash_copy = {}.update flash render :inline => "hello" end def attempt_to_use_flash_now @flash_copy = {}.update flash @flashy = flash["that"] render :inline => "hello" end def use_flash @flash_copy = {}.update flash @flashy = flash["that"] render :inline => "hello" end def use_flash_and_keep_it @flash_copy = {}.update flash @flashy = flash["that"] flash.keep render :inline => "hello" end def use_flash_and_update_it flash.update("this" => "hello again") @flash_copy = {}.update flash render :inline => "hello" end def use_flash_after_reset_session flash["that"] = "hello" @flashy_that = flash["that"] reset_session @flashy_that_reset = flash["that"] flash["this"] = "good-bye" @flashy_this = flash["this"] render :inline => "hello" end def rescue_action(e) raise unless ActionView::MissingTemplate === e end # methods for test_sweep_after_halted_filter_chain before_filter :halt_and_redir, :only => "filter_halting_action" def std_action @flash_copy = {}.update(flash) render :nothing => true end def filter_halting_action @flash_copy = {}.update(flash) end def halt_and_redir flash["foo"] = "bar" redirect_to :action => "std_action" @flash_copy = {}.update(flash) end def redirect_with_alert redirect_to '/nowhere', :alert => "Beware the nowheres!" end def redirect_with_notice redirect_to '/somewhere', :notice => "Good luck in the somewheres!" end def render_with_flash_now_alert = "Beware the nowheres now!" render :inline => "hello" end def render_with_flash_now_notice = "Good luck in the somewheres now!" render :inline => "hello" end def redirect_with_other_flashes redirect_to '/wonderland', :flash => { :joyride => "Horses!" } end end tests TestController def test_flash get :set_flash get :use_flash assert_equal "hello", assigns["flash_copy"]["that"] assert_equal "hello", assigns["flashy"] get :use_flash assert_nil assigns["flash_copy"]["that"], "On second flash" end def test_keep_flash get :set_flash get :use_flash_and_keep_it assert_equal "hello", assigns["flash_copy"]["that"] assert_equal "hello", assigns["flashy"] get :use_flash assert_equal "hello", assigns["flash_copy"]["that"], "On second flash" get :use_flash assert_nil assigns["flash_copy"]["that"], "On third flash" end def test_flash_now get :set_flash_now assert_equal "hello", assigns["flash_copy"]["that"] assert_equal "bar" , assigns["flash_copy"]["foo"] assert_equal "hello", assigns["flashy"] get :attempt_to_use_flash_now assert_nil assigns["flash_copy"]["that"] assert_nil assigns["flash_copy"]["foo"] assert_nil assigns["flashy"] end def test_update_flash get :set_flash get :use_flash_and_update_it assert_equal "hello", assigns["flash_copy"]["that"] assert_equal "hello again", assigns["flash_copy"]["this"] get :use_flash assert_nil assigns["flash_copy"]["that"], "On second flash" assert_equal "hello again", assigns["flash_copy"]["this"], "On second flash" end def test_flash_after_reset_session get :use_flash_after_reset_session assert_equal "hello", assigns["flashy_that"] assert_equal "good-bye", assigns["flashy_this"] assert_nil assigns["flashy_that_reset"] end def test_does_not_set_the_session_if_the_flash_is_empty get :std_action assert_nil session["flash"] end def test_sweep_after_halted_filter_chain get :std_action assert_nil assigns["flash_copy"]["foo"] get :filter_halting_action assert_equal "bar", assigns["flash_copy"]["foo"] get :std_action # follow redirection assert_equal "bar", assigns["flash_copy"]["foo"] get :std_action assert_nil assigns["flash_copy"]["foo"] end def test_keep_and_discard_return_values flash = flash.update(:foo => :foo_indeed, :bar => :bar_indeed) assert_equal(:foo_indeed, flash.discard(:foo)) # valid key passed assert_nil flash.discard(:unknown) # non existant key passed assert_equal({:foo => :foo_indeed, :bar => :bar_indeed}, flash.discard()) # nothing passed assert_equal({:foo => :foo_indeed, :bar => :bar_indeed}, flash.discard(nil)) # nothing passed assert_equal(:foo_indeed, flash.keep(:foo)) # valid key passed assert_nil flash.keep(:unknown) # non existant key passed assert_equal({:foo => :foo_indeed, :bar => :bar_indeed}, flash.keep()) # nothing passed assert_equal({:foo => :foo_indeed, :bar => :bar_indeed}, flash.keep(nil)) # nothing passed end def test_redirect_to_with_alert get :redirect_with_alert assert_equal "Beware the nowheres!", @controller.send(:flash)[:alert] end def test_redirect_to_with_notice get :redirect_with_notice assert_equal "Good luck in the somewheres!", @controller.send(:flash)[:notice] end def test_render_with_flash_now_alert get :render_with_flash_now_alert assert_equal "Beware the nowheres now!", @controller.send(:flash)[:alert] end def test_render_with_flash_now_notice get :render_with_flash_now_notice assert_equal "Good luck in the somewheres now!", @controller.send(:flash)[:notice] end def test_redirect_to_with_other_flashes get :redirect_with_other_flashes assert_equal "Horses!", @controller.send(:flash)[:joyride] end end class FlashIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest SessionKey = '_myapp_session' SessionSecret = 'b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33' class TestController < ActionController::Base def dont_set_flash head :ok end def set_flash flash["that"] = "hello" head :ok end def set_flash_now["that"] = "hello" head :ok end def use_flash render :inline => "flash: #{flash["that"]}" end end def test_flash with_test_route_set do get '/set_flash' assert_response :success assert_equal "hello", @request.flash["that"] get '/use_flash' assert_response :success assert_equal "flash: hello", @response.body end end def test_just_using_flash_does_not_stream_a_cookie_back with_test_route_set do get '/use_flash' assert_response :success assert_nil @response.headers["Set-Cookie"] assert_equal "flash: ", @response.body end end def test_setting_flash_raises_after_stream_back_to_client with_test_route_set do env = { 'action_dispatch.request.flash_hash' => } get '/set_flash', nil, env assert_raise(ActionDispatch::ClosedError) { @request.flash['alert'] = 'alert' } end end def test_setting_flash_raises_after_stream_back_to_client_even_with_an_empty_flash with_test_route_set do env = { 'action_dispatch.request.flash_hash' => } get '/dont_set_flash', nil, env assert_raise(ActionDispatch::ClosedError) { @request.flash['alert'] = 'alert' } end end def test_setting_flash_now_raises_after_stream_back_to_client with_test_route_set do env = { 'action_dispatch.request.flash_hash' => } get '/set_flash_now', nil, env assert_raise(ActionDispatch::ClosedError) {['alert'] = 'alert' } end end def test_setting_flash_now_raises_after_stream_back_to_client_even_with_an_empty_flash with_test_route_set do env = { 'action_dispatch.request.flash_hash' => } get '/dont_set_flash', nil, env assert_raise(ActionDispatch::ClosedError) {['alert'] = 'alert' } end end private # Overwrite get to send SessionSecret in env hash def get(path, parameters = nil, env = {}) env["action_dispatch.secret_token"] ||= SessionSecret super end def with_test_route_set with_routing do |set| set.draw do match ':action', :to => FlashIntegrationTest::TestController end @app = self.class.build_app(set) do |middleware| middleware.use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore, :key => SessionKey middleware.use ActionDispatch::Flash middleware.delete "ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions" end yield end end end