require 'abstract_unit' require 'action_controller/vendor/html-scanner' require 'controller/fake_controllers' # a controller class to facilitate the tests class ActionPackAssertionsController < ActionController::Base # this does absolutely nothing def nothing() head :ok end # a standard template def hello_world() render :template => "test/hello_world"; end # a standard template def hello_xml_world() render :template => "test/hello_xml_world"; end # a standard template rendering PDF def hello_xml_world_pdf self.content_type = "application/pdf" render :template => "test/hello_xml_world" end # a standard template rendering PDF def hello_xml_world_pdf_header response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/pdf; charset=utf-8" render :template => "test/hello_xml_world" end # a standard partial def partial() render :partial => 'test/partial'; end # a redirect to an internal location def redirect_internal() redirect_to "/nothing"; end def redirect_to_action() redirect_to :action => "flash_me", :id => 1, :params => { "panda" => "fun" }; end def redirect_to_controller() redirect_to :controller => "elsewhere", :action => "flash_me"; end def redirect_to_controller_with_symbol() redirect_to :controller => :elsewhere, :action => :flash_me; end def redirect_to_path() redirect_to '/some/path' end def redirect_to_named_route() redirect_to route_one_url end # a redirect to an external location def redirect_external() redirect_to ""; end # a 404 def response404() head '404 AWOL' end # a 500 def response500() head '500 Sorry' end # a fictional 599 def response599() head '599 Whoah!' end # putting stuff in the flash def flash_me flash['hello'] = 'my name is inigo montoya...' render :text => "Inconceivable!" end # we have a flash, but nothing is in it def flash_me_naked flash.clear render :text => "wow!" end # assign some template instance variables def assign_this @howdy = "ho" render :inline => "Mr. Henke" end def render_based_on_parameters render :text => "Mr. #{params[:name]}" end def render_url render :text => "
#{url_for(:action => 'flash_me', :only_path => true)}
" end def render_text_with_custom_content_type render :text => "Hello!", :content_type => Mime::RSS end # puts something in the session def session_stuffing session['xmas'] = 'turkey' render :text => "ho ho ho" end # raises exception on get requests def raise_on_get raise "get" if request.get? render :text => "request method: #{request.env['REQUEST_METHOD']}" end # raises exception on post requests def raise_on_post raise "post" if render :text => "request method: #{request.env['REQUEST_METHOD']}" end def get_valid_record @record = do def valid? true end def errors do def full_messages; []; end end render :nothing => true end def get_invalid_record @record = do def valid? false end def errors do def full_messages; ['...stuff...']; end end render :nothing => true end # 911 def rescue_action(e) raise; end end # Used to test that assert_response includes the exception message # in the failure message when an action raises and assert_response # is expecting something other than an error. class AssertResponseWithUnexpectedErrorController < ActionController::Base def index raise 'FAIL' end def show render :text => "Boom", :status => 500 end end class UserController < ActionController::Base end module Admin class InnerModuleController < ActionController::Base def index render :nothing => true end def redirect_to_index redirect_to admin_inner_module_path end def redirect_to_absolute_controller redirect_to :controller => '/content' end def redirect_to_fellow_controller redirect_to :controller => 'user' end def redirect_to_top_level_named_route redirect_to top_level_url(:id => "foo") end end end # a test case to exercise the new capabilities TestRequest & TestResponse class ActionPackAssertionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase # -- assertion-based testing ------------------------------------------------ def test_assert_tag_and_url_for get :render_url assert_tag :content => "/action_pack_assertions/flash_me" end # test the get method, make sure the request really was a get def test_get assert_raise(RuntimeError) { get :raise_on_get } get :raise_on_post assert_equal @response.body, 'request method: GET' end # test the get method, make sure the request really was a get def test_post assert_raise(RuntimeError) { post :raise_on_post } post :raise_on_get assert_equal @response.body, 'request method: POST' end # the following test fails because the request_method is now cached on the request instance # test the get/post switch within one test action # def test_get_post_switch # post :raise_on_get # assert_equal @response.body, 'request method: POST' # get :raise_on_post # assert_equal @response.body, 'request method: GET' # post :raise_on_get # assert_equal @response.body, 'request method: POST' # get :raise_on_post # assert_equal @response.body, 'request method: GET' # end # test the redirection to a named route def test_assert_redirect_to_named_route with_routing do |set| set.draw do |map| match 'route_one', :to => 'action_pack_assertions#nothing', :as => :route_one match ':controller/:action' end set.install_helpers process :redirect_to_named_route assert_redirected_to '' assert_redirected_to route_one_url end end def test_assert_redirect_to_named_route_failure with_routing do |set| set.draw do |map| match 'route_one', :to => 'action_pack_assertions#nothing', :as => :route_one match 'route_two', :to => 'action_pack_assertions#nothing', :id => 'two', :as => :route_two match ':controller/:action' end process :redirect_to_named_route assert_raise(ActiveSupport::TestCase::Assertion) do assert_redirected_to '' end assert_raise(ActiveSupport::TestCase::Assertion) do assert_redirected_to :controller => 'action_pack_assertions', :action => 'nothing', :id => 'two' end assert_raise(ActiveSupport::TestCase::Assertion) do assert_redirected_to route_two_url end end end def test_assert_redirect_to_nested_named_route @controller = with_routing do |set| set.draw do |map| match 'admin/inner_module', :to => 'admin/inner_module#index', :as => :admin_inner_module # match ':controller/:action' map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' end process :redirect_to_index # redirection is <{"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"admin/admin/inner_module"}> assert_redirected_to admin_inner_module_path end end def test_assert_redirected_to_top_level_named_route_from_nested_controller @controller = with_routing do |set| set.draw do |map| match '/action_pack_assertions/:id', :to => 'action_pack_assertions#index', :as => :top_level # match ':controller/:action' map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' end process :redirect_to_top_level_named_route # assert_redirected_to "" would pass because of exact match early return assert_redirected_to "/action_pack_assertions/foo" end end def test_assert_redirected_to_top_level_named_route_with_same_controller_name_in_both_namespaces @controller = with_routing do |set| set.draw do |map| # this controller exists in the admin namespace as well which is the only difference from previous test match '/user/:id', :to => 'user#index', :as => :top_level # match ':controller/:action' map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' end process :redirect_to_top_level_named_route # assert_redirected_to top_level_url('foo') would pass because of exact match early return assert_redirected_to top_level_path('foo') end end # -- standard request/response object testing -------------------------------- # make sure that the template objects exist def test_template_objects_alive process :assign_this assert !@controller.template.instance_variable_get(:"@hi") assert @controller.template.instance_variable_get(:"@howdy") end # make sure we don't have template objects when we shouldn't def test_template_object_missing process :nothing assert_nil @controller.template.assigns['howdy'] end # check the empty flashing def test_flash_me_naked process :flash_me_naked assert_deprecated do assert !@response.has_flash? assert !@response.has_flash_with_contents? end end # check if we have flash objects def test_flash_haves process :flash_me assert_deprecated do assert @response.has_flash? assert @response.has_flash_with_contents? assert @response.has_flash_object?('hello') end end # ensure we don't have flash objects def test_flash_have_nots process :nothing assert_deprecated do assert !@response.has_flash? assert !@response.has_flash_with_contents? assert_nil @response.flash['hello'] end end def test_assert_template_with_partial get :partial assert_template :partial => '_partial' end def test_assert_template_with_nil get :nothing assert_template nil end def test_assert_template_with_string get :hello_world assert_template 'hello_world' end def test_assert_template_with_symbol get :hello_world assert_template :hello_world end # check if we were rendered by a file-based template? def test_rendered_action process :nothing assert_template nil process :hello_world assert_template 'hello_world' end # check the redirection location def test_redirection_location process :redirect_internal assert_equal '', @response.redirect_url process :redirect_external assert_equal '', @response.redirect_url end def test_no_redirect_url process :nothing assert_nil @response.redirect_url end # check server errors def test_server_error_response_code process :response500 assert @response.server_error? process :response599 assert @response.server_error? process :response404 assert !@response.server_error? end # check a 404 response code def test_missing_response_code process :response404 assert @response.missing? end # check client errors def test_client_error_response_code process :response404 assert @response.client_error? end # check to see if our redirection matches a pattern def test_redirect_url_match process :redirect_external assert @response.redirect? assert_deprecated do assert @response.redirect_url_match?("rubyonrails") assert @response.redirect_url_match?(/rubyonrails/) assert !@response.redirect_url_match?("phpoffrails") assert !@response.redirect_url_match?(/perloffrails/) end end # check for a redirection def test_redirection process :redirect_internal assert @response.redirect? process :redirect_external assert @response.redirect? process :nothing assert !@response.redirect? end # check a successful response code def test_successful_response_code process :nothing assert @response.success? end # a basic check to make sure we have a TestResponse object def test_has_response process :nothing assert_kind_of ActionController::TestResponse, @response end def test_render_based_on_parameters process :render_based_on_parameters, "name" => "David" assert_equal "Mr. David", @response.body end def test_assert_redirection_fails_with_incorrect_controller process :redirect_to_controller assert_raise(ActiveSupport::TestCase::Assertion) do assert_redirected_to :controller => "action_pack_assertions", :action => "flash_me" end end def test_assert_redirection_with_extra_controller_option get :redirect_to_action assert_redirected_to :controller => 'action_pack_assertions', :action => "flash_me", :id => 1, :params => { :panda => 'fun' } end def test_redirected_to_url_leading_slash process :redirect_to_path assert_redirected_to '/some/path' end def test_redirected_to_url_no_leading_slash_fails process :redirect_to_path assert_raise ActiveSupport::TestCase::Assertion do assert_redirected_to 'some/path' end end def test_redirected_to_url_full_url process :redirect_to_path assert_redirected_to '' end def test_assert_redirection_with_symbol process :redirect_to_controller_with_symbol assert_nothing_raised { assert_redirected_to :controller => "elsewhere", :action => "flash_me" } process :redirect_to_controller_with_symbol assert_nothing_raised { assert_redirected_to :controller => :elsewhere, :action => :flash_me } end def test_redirected_to_with_nested_controller @controller = get :redirect_to_absolute_controller assert_redirected_to :controller => '/content' get :redirect_to_fellow_controller assert_redirected_to :controller => 'admin/user' end def test_assert_valid get :get_valid_record assert_deprecated { assert_valid assigns('record') } end def test_assert_valid_failing get :get_invalid_record begin assert_deprecated { assert_valid assigns('record') } assert false rescue ActiveSupport::TestCase::Assertion => e end end def test_assert_response_uses_exception_message @controller = get :index assert_response :success flunk 'Expected non-success response' rescue RuntimeError => e assert e.message.include?('FAIL') end def test_assert_response_failure_response_with_no_exception @controller = get :show assert_response :success flunk 'Expected non-success response' rescue ActiveSupport::TestCase::Assertion # success rescue flunk "assert_response failed to handle failure response with missing, but optional, exception." end end class ActionPackHeaderTest < ActionController::TestCase tests ActionPackAssertionsController def test_rendering_xml_sets_content_type process :hello_xml_world assert_equal('application/xml; charset=utf-8', @response.headers['Content-Type']) end def test_rendering_xml_respects_content_type process :hello_xml_world_pdf assert_equal('application/pdf; charset=utf-8', @response.headers['Content-Type']) end def test_rendering_xml_respects_content_type_when_set_in_the_header process :hello_xml_world_pdf_header assert_equal('application/pdf; charset=utf-8', @response.headers['Content-Type']) end def test_render_text_with_custom_content_type get :render_text_with_custom_content_type assert_equal 'application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8', @response.headers['Content-Type'] end end