require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "test_helper") module AbstractController module Testing class SimpleController < AbstractController::Base end class Me < SimpleController def index self.response_body = "Hello world" "Something else" end end class TestBasic < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "dispatching works" do result = Me.process(:index) assert_equal "Hello world", result.response_obj[:body] end end class RenderingController < AbstractController::Base include Renderer append_view_path File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "views")) end class Me2 < RenderingController def index render "index.erb" end def action_with_ivars @my_ivar = "Hello" render "action_with_ivars.erb" end def naked_render render end end class TestRenderer < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "rendering templates works" do result = Me2.process(:index) assert_equal "Hello from index.erb", result.response_obj[:body] end test "rendering passes ivars to the view" do result = Me2.process(:action_with_ivars) assert_equal "Hello from index_with_ivars.erb", result.response_obj[:body] end test "rendering with no template name" do result = Me2.process(:naked_render) assert_equal "Hello from naked_render.erb", result.response_obj[:body] end end class PrefixedViews < RenderingController private def self.prefix name.underscore end def _prefix self.class.prefix end end class Me3 < PrefixedViews def index render end def formatted self.formats = [:html] render end end class TestPrefixedViews < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "templates are located inside their 'prefix' folder" do result = Me3.process(:index) assert_equal "Hello from me3/index.erb", result.response_obj[:body] end test "templates included their format" do result = Me3.process(:formatted) assert_equal "Hello from me3/formatted.html.erb", result.response_obj[:body] end end class WithLayouts < PrefixedViews include Layouts private def self.layout(formats) begin view_paths.find_by_parts(name.underscore, formats, "layouts") rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate begin view_paths.find_by_parts("application", formats, "layouts") rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate end end end def _layout self.class.layout(formats) end end class Me4 < WithLayouts def index render end end class Me5 < WithLayouts def index render end end class TestLayouts < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "layouts are included" do result = Me4.process(:index) assert_equal "Me4 Enter : Hello from me4/index.erb : Exit", result.response_obj[:body] end test "it can fall back to the application layout" do result = Me5.process(:index) assert_equal "Application Enter : Hello from me5/index.erb : Exit", result.response_obj[:body] end end end end