require "action_controller/railtie" module Sprockets autoload :Bootstrap, "sprockets/bootstrap" autoload :Helpers, "sprockets/helpers" autoload :Compressors, "sprockets/compressors" autoload :LazyCompressor, "sprockets/compressors" autoload :NullCompressor, "sprockets/compressors" autoload :StaticCompiler, "sprockets/static_compiler" # TODO: Get rid of config.assets.enabled class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie config.action_controller.default_asset_host_protocol = :relative rake_tasks do load "sprockets/assets.rake" end initializer "sprockets.environment", :group => :all do |app| config = app.config next unless config.assets.enabled require 'sprockets' app.assets = do |env| env.logger = ::Rails.logger env.version = ::Rails.env + "-#{config.assets.version}" if config.assets.cache_store != false env.cache = ActiveSupport::Cache.lookup_store(config.assets.cache_store) || ::Rails.cache end end if config.assets.manifest path = File.join(config.assets.manifest, "manifest.yml") else path = File.join(Rails.public_path, config.assets.prefix, "manifest.yml") end if File.exist?(path) config.assets.digests = YAML.load_file(path) end ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do include ::Sprockets::Helpers::RailsHelper app.assets.context_class.instance_eval do include ::Sprockets::Helpers::RailsHelper end end end # We need to configure this after initialization to ensure we collect # paths from all engines. This hook is invoked exactly before routes # are compiled, and so that other Railties have an opportunity to # register compressors. config.after_initialize do |app| end end end