module ActionView # The TemplateError exception is raised when the compilation of the template fails. This exception then gathers a # bunch of intimate details and uses it to report a very precise exception message. class TemplateError < ActionViewError #:nodoc: SOURCE_CODE_RADIUS = 3 attr_reader :original_exception def initialize(base_path, file_name, assigns, source, original_exception) @base_path, @assigns, @source, @original_exception = base_path, assigns, source, original_exception @file_name = file_name end def message original_exception.message end def sub_template_message if @sub_templates "Trace of template inclusion: " + @sub_templates.collect { |template| strip_base_path(template) }.join(", ") else "" end end def source_extract(indention = 0) source_code = IO.readlines(@file_name) start_on_line = [ line_number - SOURCE_CODE_RADIUS - 1, 0 ].max end_on_line = [ line_number + SOURCE_CODE_RADIUS - 1, source_code.length].min line_counter = start_on_line extract = source_code[start_on_line..end_on_line].collect do |line| line_counter += 1 "#{' ' * indention}#{line_counter}: " + line end extract.join end def sub_template_of(file_name) @sub_templates ||= [] @sub_templates << file_name end def line_number if file_name regexp = /#{Regexp.escape File.basename(file_name)}:(\d+)\s*$/ [@original_exception.message, @original_exception.clean_backtrace].flatten.each do |line| return $1.to_i if regexp =~ line end end 0 end def file_name stripped = strip_base_path(@file_name) stripped[0] == ?/ ? stripped[1..-1] : stripped end def to_s "\n\n#{self.class} (#{message}) on line ##{line_number} of #{file_name}:\n" + source_extract + "\n " + original_exception.clean_backtrace.join("\n ") + "\n\n" end def backtrace [ "On line ##{line_number} of #{file_name}\n\n#{source_extract(4)}\n " + original_exception.clean_backtrace.join("\n ") ] end private def strip_base_path(file_name) file_name = File.expand_path(file_name).gsub(/^#{Regexp.escape File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT)}/, '') file_name.gsub(@base_path, "") end end end Exception::TraceSubstitutions << [/:in\s+`_run_(html|xml).*'\s*$/, ''] if defined?(Exception::TraceSubstitutions)