module ActionView class Template # Abstract super class class Path def initialize(options) @cache = options[:cache] @cached = {} end # Normalizes the arguments and passes it on to find_template def find_by_parts(*args) find_all_by_parts(*args).first end def find_all_by_parts(name, details = {}, prefix = nil, partial = nil) details[:locales] = [I18n.locale] name = name.to_s.gsub(handler_matcher, '').split("/") find_templates(name.pop, details, [prefix, *name].compact.join("/"), partial) end private # This is what child classes implement. No defaults are needed # because Path guarentees that the arguments are present and # normalized. def find_templates(name, details, prefix, partial) raise NotImplementedError end # TODO: Refactor this to abstract out the file system def initialize_template(file) t ="#{self}/").last, self) t.load! t end def valid_handlers @valid_handlers ||= TemplateHandlers.extensions end def handler_matcher @handler_matcher ||= begin e = valid_handlers.join('|') /\.(?:#{e})$/ end end def handler_glob e = TemplateHandlers.extensions.join(',') ".{#{e}}" end def formats_glob @formats_glob ||= begin formats = { |m| m.symbol } '{' + { |l| ".#{l}," }.join + '}' end end def cached(key) return yield unless @cache return @cached[key] if @cached.key?(key) @cached[key] = yield end end class FileSystemPath < Path def initialize(path, options = {}) raise ArgumentError, "path already is a Path class" if path.is_a?(Path) super(options) @path = path end # TODO: This is the currently needed API. Make this suck less # ==== attr_reader :path def to_s if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) path.to_s.sub(/^#{Regexp.escape(File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT))}\//, '') else path.to_s end end def to_str path.to_str end def ==(path) to_str == path.to_str end def eql?(path) to_str == path.to_str end # ==== def find_templates(name, details, prefix, partial) if glob = parts_to_glob(name, details, prefix, partial) cached(glob) do Dir[glob].map do |path| initialize_template(path) unless end.compact end end end private def parts_to_glob(name, details, prefix, partial) path = "" path << "#{prefix}/" unless prefix.empty? path << (partial ? "_#{name}" : name) extensions = "" [:locales, :formats].each do |k| extensions << if exts = details[k] '{' + {|e| ".#{e},"}.join + '}' else k == :formats ? formats_glob : '' end end "#{@path}/#{path}#{extensions}#{handler_glob}" end end end end