module ActionView #:nodoc: class ReloadableTemplate < Template class TemplateDeleted < ActionView::ActionViewError end class ReloadablePath < Template::Path def initialize(path) super @paths = {} new_request! end def new_request! @disk_cache = {} end alias_method :load!, :new_request! def [](path) if found_template = @paths[path] begin found_template.reset_cache_if_stale! rescue TemplateDeleted unregister_template(found_template) self[path] end else load_all_templates_from_dir(templates_dir_from_path(path)) @paths[path] end end def register_template_from_file(template_file_path) if !@paths[template_relative_path = template_file_path.split("#{@path}/").last] && File.file?(template_file_path) register_template(, self)) end end def register_template(template) template.accessible_paths.each do |path| @paths[path] = template end end # remove (probably deleted) template from cache def unregister_template(template) template.accessible_paths.each do |template_path| @paths.delete(template_path) if @paths[template_path] == template end # fill in any newly created gaps @paths.values.uniq.each do |template| template.accessible_paths.each {|path| @paths[path] ||= template} end end # load all templates from the directory of the requested template def load_all_templates_from_dir(dir) # hit disk only once per template-dir/request @disk_cache[dir] ||= template_files_from_dir(dir).each {|template_file| register_template_from_file(template_file)} end def templates_dir_from_path(path) dirname = File.dirname(path) File.join(@path, dirname == '.' ? '' : dirname) end # get all the template filenames from the dir def template_files_from_dir(dir) Dir.glob(File.join(dir, '*')) end end module Unfreezable def freeze; self; end end def initialize(*args) super @compiled_methods = [] # we don't ever want to get frozen extend Unfreezable end def mtime File.mtime(filename) end attr_accessor :previously_last_modified def stale? previously_last_modified.nil? || previously_last_modified < mtime rescue Errno::ENOENT => e undef_my_compiled_methods! raise TemplateDeleted end def reset_cache_if_stale! if stale? flush_cache 'source', 'compiled_source' undef_my_compiled_methods! @previously_last_modified = mtime end self end def undef_my_compiled_methods! @compiled_methods.each {|comp_method| ActionView::Base::CompiledTemplates.send(:remove_method, comp_method)} @compiled_methods.clear end def compile!(render_symbol, local_assigns) super @compiled_methods << render_symbol end end end