require 'active_support/core_ext/object/try' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' module ActionView # LookupContext is the object responsible to hold all information required to lookup # templates, i.e. view paths and details. The LookupContext is also responsible to # generate a key, given to view paths, used in the resolver cache lookup. Since # this key is generated just once during the request, it speeds up all cache accesses. class LookupContext #:nodoc: mattr_accessor :fallbacks @@fallbacks = [""),"/")] mattr_accessor :registered_details self.registered_details = {} def self.register_detail(name, options = {}) registered_details[name] = lambda do |value| value = Array(value.presence || yield) value |= [nil] unless options[:allow_nil] == false value end end register_detail(:formats) { Mime::SET.symbols } register_detail(:locale) { [I18n.locale] } class DetailsKey #:nodoc: attr_reader :details alias :eql? :equal? @details_keys = def self.get(details) @details_keys[details] ||= new(details) end def initialize(details) @details, @hash = details, details.hash end end def initialize(view_paths, details = {}) @details_key = nil self.view_paths = view_paths self.details = details end module ViewPaths attr_reader :view_paths # Whenever setting view paths, makes a copy so we can manipulate then in # instance objects as we wish. def view_paths=(paths) @view_paths = ActionView::Base.process_view_paths(paths) end def find(name, prefix = nil, partial = false) @view_paths.find(name, prefix, partial || false, details, details_key) end def find_all(name, prefix = nil, partial = false) @view_paths.find_all(name, prefix, partial || false, details, details_key) end def exists?(name, prefix = nil, partial = false) @view_paths.exists?(name, prefix, partial || false, details, details_key) end # Add fallbacks to the view paths. Useful in cases you are rendering a file. def with_fallbacks added_resolvers = 0 self.class.fallbacks.each do |resolver| next if view_paths.include?(resolver) view_paths.push(resolver) added_resolvers += 1 end yield ensure added_resolvers.times { view_paths.pop } end end module Details attr_reader :details def details=(details) @details = normalize_details(details) @details_key = nil if @details_key && @details_key.details != @details end def details_key @details_key ||= DetailsKey.get(@details) end # Shortcut to read formats from details. def formats @details[:formats].compact end # Shortcut to set formats in details. def formats=(value) self.details = @details.merge(:formats => value) end # Shortcut to read locale. def locale I18n.locale end # Shortcut to set locale in details and I18n. def locale=(value) I18n.locale = value unless I18n.config.respond_to?(:lookup_context) self.details = @details.merge(:locale => value) end end # Update the details keys by merging the given hash into the current # details hash. If a block is given, the details are modified just during # the execution of the block and reverted to the previous value after. def update_details(new_details) old_details = @details self.details = old_details.merge(new_details) if block_given? begin yield ensure self.details = old_details end end end protected def normalize_details(details) details = details.dup # TODO: Refactor this concern out of the resolver details.delete(:formats) if details[:formats] == [:"*/*"] self.class.registered_details.each do |k, v| details[k] =[k]) end details.freeze end end include Details include ViewPaths end end