module Rack # The Rack::Static middleware intercepts requests for static files # (javascript files, images, stylesheets, etc) based on the url prefixes # passed in the options, and serves them using a Rack::File object. This # allows a Rack stack to serve both static and dynamic content. # # Examples: # use Rack::Static, :urls => ["/media"] # will serve all requests beginning with /media from the "media" folder # located in the current directory (ie media/*). # # use Rack::Static, :urls => ["/css", "/images"], :root => "public" # will serve all requests beginning with /css or /images from the folder # "public" in the current directory (ie public/css/* and public/images/*) class Static def initialize(app, options={}) @app = app @urls = options[:urls] || ["/favicon.ico"] root = options[:root] || Dir.pwd @file_server = end def call(env) path = env["PATH_INFO"] can_serve = @urls.any? { |url| path.index(url) == 0 } if can_serve else end end end end