require 'rack/mount' require 'forwardable' require 'action_dispatch/routing/deprecated_mapper' module ActionDispatch module Routing class RouteSet #:nodoc: NotFound = lambda { |env| raise ActionController::RoutingError, "No route matches #{env['PATH_INFO'].inspect}" } PARAMETERS_KEY = 'action_dispatch.request.path_parameters' class Dispatcher def initialize(options={}) @defaults = options[:defaults] @glob_param = options.delete(:glob) end def call(env) params = env[PARAMETERS_KEY] prepare_params!(params) # Just raise undefined constant errors if a controller was specified as default. unless controller = controller(params, @defaults.key?(:controller)) return [404, {'X-Cascade' => 'pass'}, []] end controller.action(params[:action]).call(env) end def prepare_params!(params) merge_default_action!(params) split_glob_param!(params) if @glob_param params.each do |key, value| if value.is_a?(String) value = value.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if value.respond_to?(:force_encoding) params[key] = URI.unescape(value) end end end def controller(params, raise_error=true) if params && params.has_key?(:controller) controller = "#{params[:controller].camelize}Controller" ActiveSupport::Inflector.constantize(controller) end rescue NameError => e raise ActionController::RoutingError, e.message, e.backtrace if raise_error end private def merge_default_action!(params) params[:action] ||= 'index' end def split_glob_param!(params) params[@glob_param] = params[@glob_param].split('/').map { |v| URI.unescape(v) } end end # A NamedRouteCollection instance is a collection of named routes, and also # maintains an anonymous module that can be used to install helpers for the # named routes. class NamedRouteCollection #:nodoc: include Enumerable attr_reader :routes, :helpers def initialize clear! end def clear! @routes = {} @helpers = [] @module ||= do instance_methods.each { |selector| remove_method(selector) } end end def add(name, route) routes[name.to_sym] = route define_named_route_methods(name, route) end def get(name) routes[name.to_sym] end alias []= add alias [] get alias clear clear! def each routes.each { |name, route| yield name, route } self end def names routes.keys end def length routes.length end def reset! old_routes = routes.dup clear! old_routes.each do |name, route| add(name, route) end end def install(destinations = [ActionController::Base, ActionView::Base], regenerate = false) reset! if regenerate Array(destinations).each do |dest| dest.__send__(:include, @module) end end private def url_helper_name(name, kind = :url) :"#{name}_#{kind}" end def hash_access_name(name, kind = :url) :"hash_for_#{name}_#{kind}" end def define_named_route_methods(name, route) {:url => {:only_path => false}, :path => {:only_path => true}}.each do |kind, opts| hash = route.defaults.merge(:use_route => name).merge(opts) define_hash_access route, name, kind, hash define_url_helper route, name, kind, hash end end def define_hash_access(route, name, kind, options) selector = hash_access_name(name, kind) # We use module_eval to avoid leaks @module.module_eval <<-END_EVAL, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{selector}(options = nil) # def hash_for_users_url(options = nil) options ? #{options.inspect}.merge(options) : #{options.inspect} # options ? {:only_path=>false}.merge(options) : {:only_path=>false} end # end protected :#{selector} # protected :hash_for_users_url END_EVAL helpers << selector end # Create a url helper allowing ordered parameters to be associated # with corresponding dynamic segments, so you can do: # # foo_url(bar, baz, bang) # # Instead of: # # foo_url(:bar => bar, :baz => baz, :bang => bang) # # Also allow options hash, so you can do: # # foo_url(bar, baz, bang, :sort_by => 'baz') # def define_url_helper(route, name, kind, options) selector = url_helper_name(name, kind) hash_access_method = hash_access_name(name, kind) @module.module_eval <<-END_EVAL, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{selector}(*args) options = #{hash_access_method}(args.extract_options!) if args.any? options[:_positional_args] = args options[:_positional_keys] = #{route.segment_keys.inspect} end url_for(options) end END_EVAL helpers << selector end end attr_accessor :routes, :named_routes attr_accessor :disable_clear_and_finalize, :resources_path_names def self.default_resources_path_names { :new => 'new', :edit => 'edit' } end def initialize self.routes = [] self.named_routes = self.resources_path_names = self.class.default_resources_path_names.dup self.controller_namespaces = @disable_clear_and_finalize = false clear! end def draw(&block) clear! unless @disable_clear_and_finalize mapper = if block.arity == 1 mapper.instance_exec(, &block) else mapper.instance_exec(&block) end finalize! unless @disable_clear_and_finalize nil end def finalize! @set.add_route(NotFound) install_helpers @set.freeze end def clear! # Clear the controller cache so we may discover new ones @controller_constraints = nil routes.clear named_routes.clear @set = => PARAMETERS_KEY) end def install_helpers(destinations = [ActionController::Base, ActionView::Base], regenerate_code = false) Array(destinations).each { |d| d.module_eval { include Helpers } } named_routes.install(destinations, regenerate_code) end def url_helpers @url_helpers ||= begin router = self do extend ActiveSupport::Concern include UrlFor # ROUTES TODO: install_helpers isn't great... can we make a module with the stuff that # we can include? # Yes plz - JP included do router.install_helpers(self) end define_method(:_router) { router } end end end def empty? routes.empty? end def add_route(app, conditions = {}, requirements = {}, defaults = {}, name = nil, anchor = true) route =, conditions, requirements, defaults, name, anchor) @set.add_route(*route) named_routes[name] = route if name routes << route route end class Generator attr_reader :options, :recall, :set, :script_name, :named_route def initialize(options, recall, set, extras = false) @script_name = options.delete(:script_name) @named_route = options.delete(:use_route) @options = options.dup @recall = recall.dup @set = set @extras = extras normalize_options! normalize_controller_action_id! use_relative_controller! controller.sub!(%r{^/}, '') if controller handle_nil_action! end def controller @controller ||= @options[:controller] end def current_controller @recall[:controller] end def use_recall_for(key) if @recall[key] && (!@options.key?(key) || @options[key] == @recall[key]) @options[key] = @recall.delete(key) end end def normalize_options! # If an explicit :controller was given, always make :action explicit # too, so that action expiry works as expected for things like # # generate({:controller => 'content'}, {:controller => 'content', :action => 'show'}) # # (the above is from the unit tests). In the above case, because the # controller was explicitly given, but no action, the action is implied to # be "index", not the recalled action of "show". if options[:controller] options[:action] ||= 'index' options[:controller] = options[:controller].to_s end if options[:action] options[:action] = options[:action].to_s end end # This pulls :controller, :action, and :id out of the recall. # The recall key is only used if there is no key in the options # or if the key in the options is identical. If any of # :controller, :action or :id is not found, don't pull any # more keys from the recall. def normalize_controller_action_id! @recall[:action] ||= 'index' if current_controller use_recall_for(:controller) or return use_recall_for(:action) or return use_recall_for(:id) end # if the current controller is "foo/bar/baz" and :controller => "baz/bat" # is specified, the controller becomes "foo/baz/bat" def use_relative_controller! if !named_route && different_controller? old_parts = current_controller.split('/') size = controller.count("/") + 1 parts = old_parts[0...-size] << controller @controller = @options[:controller] = parts.join("/") end end # This handles the case of :action => nil being explicitly passed. # It is identical to :action => "index" def handle_nil_action! if options.has_key?(:action) && options[:action].nil? options[:action] = 'index' end recall[:action] = options.delete(:action) if options[:action] == 'index' end def generate error ="No route matches #{options.inspect}") path, params = @set.generate(:path_info, named_route, options, recall, opts) raise error unless path params.reject! {|k,v| !v } return [path, params.keys] if @extras path << "?#{params.to_query}" if params.any? "#{script_name}#{path}" rescue Rack::Mount::RoutingError raise error end def opts parameterize = lambda do |name, value| if name == :controller value elsif value.is_a?(Array) { |v| Rack::Mount::Utils.escape_uri(v.to_param) }.join('/') else Rack::Mount::Utils.escape_uri(value.to_param) end end {:parameterize => parameterize} end def different_controller? return false unless current_controller controller.to_param != current_controller.to_param end end # Generate the path indicated by the arguments, and return an array of # the keys that were not used to generate it. def extra_keys(options, recall={}) generate_extras(options, recall).last end def generate_extras(options, recall={}) generate(options, recall, true) end def generate(options, recall = {}, extras = false), recall, @set, extras).generate end RESERVED_OPTIONS = [:anchor, :params, :only_path, :host, :protocol, :port, :trailing_slash, :skip_relative_url_root] # TODO: Terrible method name def rewrite(options) handle_positional_args(options) rewritten_url = "" path_segments = options.delete(:_path_segments) unless options[:only_path] rewritten_url << (options[:protocol] || "http") rewritten_url << "://" unless rewritten_url.match("://") rewritten_url << rewrite_authentication(options) raise "Missing host to link to! Please provide :host parameter or set default_url_options[:host]" unless options[:host] rewritten_url << options[:host] rewritten_url << ":#{options.delete(:port)}" if options.key?(:port) end path_options = options.except(*RESERVED_OPTIONS) path_options = yield(path_options) if block_given? path = generate(path_options, path_segments || {}) # ROUTES TODO: This can be called directly, so script_name should probably be set in the router rewritten_url << (options[:trailing_slash] ? path.sub(/\?|\z/) { "/" + $& } : path) rewritten_url << "##{Rack::Utils.escape(options[:anchor].to_param.to_s)}" if options[:anchor] rewritten_url end def call(env) end def recognize_path(path, environment = {}) method = (environment[:method] || "GET").to_s.upcase path = Rack::Mount::Utils.normalize_path(path) begin env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for(path, {:method => method}) rescue URI::InvalidURIError => e raise ActionController::RoutingError, e.message end req = @set.recognize(req) do |route, matches, params| dispatcher = if dispatcher.is_a?(Dispatcher) && dispatcher.controller(params, false) dispatcher.prepare_params!(params) return params end end raise ActionController::RoutingError, "No route matches #{path.inspect}" end private def handle_positional_args(options) return unless args = options.delete(:_positional_args) keys = options.delete(:_positional_keys) keys -= options.keys if args.size < keys.size - 1 # take format into account args ={}) do |h, (v, k)| h[k] = v h end # Tell url_for to skip default_url_options options.merge!(args) end def rewrite_authentication(options) if options[:user] && options[:password] "#{Rack::Utils.escape(options.delete(:user))}:#{Rack::Utils.escape(options.delete(:password))}@" else "" end end end end end